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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. I won't complain about my Wife's collection of handbags (about 20 or so).. I support it in fact - If handbags make her happy then thats good, I have something to get her for her Birthday.

    My Wife doesn't complain about my watches which amounts to a significantly greater sum than her 'plethora' of handbags (I can't think of a better collective noun other than 'herd' (as in leather - cow tenuous link)).

    And lets not talk about tastes in Whisky or the latest automative purchase - No, I have no right to complain.

    We both have plenty of shoes which we leave to fight their own battle for territorial supremacy.

    But the fact is my Wife only chooses what she really likes - Lately she has seen a Prada bag she likes, but she won't let me get it her as she's not 100% sure she likes it - I'm now stuck for her Birthday present.

    Is it a female thing? of course it is, but its useful - Guess where my phone and wallet go when were out together, straight into her handbag, extremely convenient !...

    Now, another female thing... Why is it the back of a ladies car is like a shoe shop ?... I'm talking at least 6 or 7 pairs of shoes in the back...

    Funny my wife keeps shoes in the back of the car as well ,whats that about?

  2. My wife is for ever cleaning and doing the garden ,so does my friends wife in the next street ,our neighbours who i would class as quite wealthy are uncaring as is another neighbour ,perhaps its because they have young kids ,who can tell ,but it does amaze me how scruffy some quite expensive houses get

  3. What gets me is that whenever I bring a girl back to my place, the handbag always gets a better seat than me on the couch/sofa - I am always having to move them onto the table - they care a lot for these bags.

    My wife keeps hers in another fabric bag , so that they keep clean and she even has a small torch that she puts in the larger bags , i just cant understand why she has to carry so much stuff around in them

  4. Clothes,who needs clothes in Siam,A sarong in the garden or dshorts bythe pool.If I slummed into the aircon offices of Skumvit I guess I can find anIndian Tailor to sell me a fake Hugo Boss,the real ones clothed the SSwho were always very well turned out.I am usually more impressed with a persons character and only don smart attire for Pittis Immi and Funerals

    Eh, sad.png

    I assume "pittis Immi" is Immigration Office?

    If so, he has a point... I always make sure I am looking v respectable before going to the Immigration office for the 90 day report!

    Me too ,the lycra cycling shorts are almost never worntongue.png

  5. the majority are chang drinkers, sexual perversion inflictors, scumbag situation and rip off focusers, dragging around cans of lard sweaters...

    And the rest are a thoroughly bad lotcheesy.gif

    fantastic line! best TV post i have seen in a long time

    I thank you.pity the mods dont like some of my funny posts ,but we aim to pleasebiggrin.png

  6. She must be terrified ,,we had a break in when the guy ran away when confronted by my son and two mates ,but my wife was so frightened for weeks afterwards ,we had to fit more locks ,motion sensor lights all around and now she makes sure the alarms are set even if we are upstairs on the computers ,goodness knows what it would have been like if this had happened to her.

  7. Except some rare nutter, i didn't see many who fit in the description..Where are you living OP ?

    Wow just came back and saw all the replies ,must have hit the right note ,actually i live just outside Pattaya and must admit around the house tend to just wear shorts ,but when we go out always try to dress nicely ,not flash as i have got to the age where i no longer feel the need to wear the latest fashions ,but as i have stated on other threads her indoors is 23 years younger than me slim quit attractive and dresses nicely so i feel it would be a bit strange if i was out in my singlet long shorts with black socks and sandals,

    I can never get a good jacket to fit me........straight jacket excepted

    I liked the picture of quasimodo ,do you know its a fact that even his ugly brother is able to get a date in Pattaya

  8. Except some rare nutter, i didn't see many who fit in the description..Where are you living OP ?

    Wow just came back and saw all the replies ,must have hit the right note ,actually i live just outside Pattaya and must admit around the house tend to just wear shorts ,but when we go out always try to dress nicely ,not flash as i have got to the age where i no longer feel the need to wear the latest fashions ,but as i have stated on other threads her indoors is 23 years younger than me slim quit attractive and dresses nicely so i feel it would be a bit strange if i was out in my singlet long shorts with black socks and sandals,

  9. I was just thinking about going out tomorrow and i decided that i would wear my new trousers ,when the thought struck me that so many guys over here just seem to let themselves go and slop around in scruffy shorts and singlets sometimes with shoes and black socks and just seem to have given up looking neat ,even when out with their wives, i wonder why have they just given up.?

    • Like 1
  10. We dont ,its very hard to earn a living here for a Falang ,most of us have investments and pensions,thats why so many of us are older.

    Thailand is a big drain for all our money, you just don't know it till is too late

    You are dead right there, I am bankrupt, well nearly.

    Not true. I came here 2.5 years ago and have more money now than when I first arrived. My money grows most months. It's difficult to overspend here, as most things are pretty cheap compared to back home.

    Good for you ,if its true ,but for the average man ,what i said still goes,and if you want a good lifestyle here with a son in university ,a car and a nice home plus paying for health care when its needed ,it still doesnt come cheap.

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