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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. English Premier League,is that where grown men kick a ball around a field? never actually watched it seems pointless ,whish you could get the channels without all that rubbish at a reduced rate.whistling.gif

    Such a disdain for English Premier League football yet you feel you need to make a comment about it,how queer

    I"me as straight as a die son ,nothing queer about me (sorry for not being pc)smile.png

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  2. Why do people open threads on the foibles of others?

    Let's face it, only a fool looks for logic in the hearts of men.

    It's just something that we have to learn to live with, and if it distresses us, we should ignore them and let them lead their lives in peace without our judgement.

    However, some of us always believe that we can make a difference. We try to point out thier foolishness, but just like King Canute, we can no mre turn back the tide than we can stop threads about 'farang'.


    Some people only wish they had the <deleted> to live a more risqué lifestyle,as opposed to the stagnated boring and monotonous daily happenings that they have to endure whilst living in Pattaya,it must be difficult living there when the highlight of your day is starting threads on TV about bar girls,obviously the OP is in need of a good bonking with a 21 year old nympho.

    Been there done thatcheesy.gif

    But if you read my post its not about having sex with hookers ,nothing wrong with that if that is what you want ,but "Why do men expect bar girls to love them" so keep up and read the post properly before posting 3/10 for trying though.

  3. Why do men expect Thai girls (much younger than them) to love them?

    Is a much more interesting question.


    Why do foreigners expect Thais to love them?

    I'm sure bar girls are as capable of love as any other girls.

    I am sure they are ,in fact i know a not very well off guy who has been married about 25 years to an ex bar girl ,when i first came here i was lucky an old hand told me ,"believe nothing the girls tell you ,they only want your money ,its just a job to them and no your not a sexy man" (actually i thought i wassmile.png ) but especially as many off you know when you have lived here a long time you see the same girls over and over with a different guy in tow and he has his arm around her ,looking about proudly as if to say "look at my girlfriend " as she chatters away on the phone in Thai to her Thai boyfriend . i sometimes feel sorry for the guys especially if he has fallen for her .

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  4. First off,this is not having a go at bar girls or the few men who have found true love in the bar, although i always found that having lots of money makes you far more interesting and handsome(just look at Bernie Ecclestone,where would he have found a 6 ft model at his age if he was a roadsweeper)

    Anyway i constantly read about guys who kill themselves because some bar girl or as they are called in other countrys ,hookers kill themselves when she desertes them .What did they expect ,its their job ,they are wrking ,and nobody works for free ,so when he cannot afford to pay her any longer ,she is off ,just like the gardener or the plumber if you couldnt pay for their services .

    To anyone who has found true love in the bar ,this is not aimed at you ,best of luck .

    do you lot agree?

  5. lol at all the old depressing losers in this thread.

    take a seat grandpa before your heart gives out.

    Well i am 67 and a grandpa ,i think they are great ,almost as good as snow patrol,i have loved pop music from when i first saw Del Shannon ,backed by a band called the silver beatles ,guess what they turned into ,i've seen the Stones had Bowie at a few of our parties back in the day ,knew Rod Argent well after the Zombies split and they became Argent ,and seen most of the major groups ,like the who ,animals ,ect when they were just starting ,i still love that music and all of it up to now . and when they are burning me or shoveling into the dirt i want the wife to play Breath me by Sia over the loudspeakers ,or Gods away on buisness by Tom Wait ,just to piss the old sod off, God that is.biggrin.png

  6. never really had a problem with my wife but i had a Thai girlfriend for a couple of years a long time ago and she went after me with a knife ,had to lock myself away untill she cooled down , i really believe she would have stabbed me in the heat of the moment.

  7. In the US as it is. Taxes must be raised and spending must be cut.

    A major tax cut, 2 unfunded wars and a wall street bailout.

    The republicans were quick to try to say it wasn't thier fault. (Hey! I robbed the bank and I'll get away with it.)

    Greece had a poor system of collecting revenue and had broad social programs.

    The business sector and general populace cheated on paying taxes and now are crying because of austerity measures that

    needed to be put in place.

    The US as given more financial aid than any other country in the world. Yes, it should be curtailed and much more discretion used.

    I don't wave the flag often for my homeland often . but if not for them the Aussies would be speaking Japanese

    and the Brits would be speaking German. All the modern world economies have the prosperity they do because of the US.

    That includes China and Russia.

    Yes they definately won the battle of Britain ,cracked the enigma code as well . just like those joke American movies tell you so .

    The Americans were very brave in the war ,but only came in because the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour ,dont believe all Hollywood tells you .

  8. I find the walk along beach road ,quite exilarating ,there is an abundance of wild life ,in my time i have seen the tatood foreigner ,the short skirted lesser tatood lady of pleasure ,also a large selection of the larger adams appled ladys be carefull these can have a habit of putting their hands into your pockets,you have been warned,, then of course you just have to stop when accosted by the grinning Indian suit seller,these are quite common but only on the other side of the trail.

    do beware the lesser spotted boat trip barker though ,they can be a bit annoying .lastly a bit of advice do not give money to the begging cambodian females with babies ,as they are rarely their own ,but just passed around one to the other.

    anyway have a good hike and remember all is not what it seems in Pattayaland.tongue.png

  9. Yes i trust my wife ,i trust that as soon as a new handbag is out she will be first in the bloody shop to buy it ,biggrin.png apart from that yes i trust her ,its been 20 years and she has never given me any reason not to.

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  10. Have you got real love? is the question ,well my first two marriages the answer was yes ,untill we divorced ,now i have been married for 20 years and have a son in uni, we have lived in Thailand and the UK , she still takes care of me when i am sick and gives me a kiss in the morning when we wake up so i reckon the answer is yes ,now if only i can wean her off the handbags and shoes.

    Handbags and shoes. No matter the nationality, age, or socioeconomic background it's virtually universal to the female species: you can never have enough of them (even if your budget only allows cheap ones - the more the better).

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

    oh God i should be so lucky she liked cheap ones,even the fakes cost near 5000 baht ,but then they are perfect copies of mullberry (her most treasuredones at the moment)smile.png

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  11. Have you got real love? is the question ,well my first two marriages the answer was yes ,untill we divorced ,now i have been married for 20 years and have a son in uni, we have lived in Thailand and the UK , she still takes care of me when i am sick and gives me a kiss in the morning when we wake up so i reckon the answer is yes ,now if only i can wean her off the handbags and shoes.

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  12. People, when they first see me, think that I just came of the Plane, but when I tell them that I lived her now for well over 6 years, they don't believe me.

    After 6 years you must be Black in colour (no racism intended)

    The only time I went before for 12 days and I came home Blacker than the Ace Of Spades. After 6 years you must be awesome !!

    I have lived here for the last 7 years and i am as white as a sheet, I dont know why but when my wife and i are out we are always taken for residents even when we go for a walk down beach road ,its very rare a tout approaches us .

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