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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. Sorry to say but it sounds like a pretty normal disfunctional Thai family to me.

    I think in 15 years here i have met 2 normal thai familes, where both parents hold down a normal job and take care of the kids, the rest have many many skeletons in their cupboards.

    Maybe this sounds a bit sinister but hey - ho, TIT!

    Sorry to say but it sounds like a pretty normal disfunctional Thai family to me.

    I think in 15 years here i have met 2 normal thai familes, where both parents hold down a normal job and take care of the kids, the rest have many many skeletons in their cupboards.

    Maybe this sounds a bit sinister but hey - ho, TIT!

    You must mix with some very funny people ,my wife and i know a dozen or so normal Thai familes with normal jobs and take care of their kids ,and thats without my wifes familly where her three sisters have normal everyday loving housholds.

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  2. There is no reason for thai logic ,a house on my sister in laws estate had been bought and never lived in and became a real mess ,after about 12 years my sister in law was asked if she knew the owners and would they sell ,she spoke to them and a price of 3 mill was mentioned (they are worth about 12 mill in good condition this one nearly deralict) anyway the couple agreed on 3 mill ,when my sister in law spoke to the owner ,he put the price up to 6 mill ,they walked away ,go figure its still there still deralict

    • Like 1
  3. At one time i used to use Biman all the time as i had to come over 4/5 times a year at least ,always remember at Dhaka airport the first class "lounge" was an area with screens around and i once asked why there were always so many people watching the planes land and was told that it was all they had to do all day and in 4 years the toilet was overflowing and nothing was ever repaired

  4. The is what happens when extreme paranoia gets out of hand and some groups become dehumanised and only seen as the enemy.

    Over the last few years the perceptive of Muslims is that they are demons that are going to take over the world and Western values will be wiped out.

    Historically, the last time paranoia of these sorts happened, it resulted in the Holocaust.

    The problem is, there seems to be some confusion as to what is defined as free speech and opinion and what is taking the piss, offensive and just down right abusive.

    The Americans have brought this problem onto themselves because of they’re righteous and arrogant attitudes. The rights and wrongs don`t fall into this, it`s diplomacy what matters and this is something that sadly the Americans are lacking.

    This began in America and now it should be their problem and be prepared to lose face and delete the video, it`s that simple.

    oh goody, a holocaust parallel, amusing on so many levels and so much to work with.

    I am truly astounded i hadn't seen the similarity before now.

    I am glad you are impressed.

    My point is that if people are brainwashed enough and taught to believe that those of any certain group or groups are anti establishment, inferior, backward and problematic, than this can lead to the perception of hatred, the dehumanising and apathy against these people, as what happened in the case of selective ethnic peoples during Word War Two.

    This is a dangerous situation when those of a particular kind become only seen as the enemy and what leads to wars.

    Sometimes we have to use diplomacy and compromise with those whom we don`t like or not get on with, in order to keep peace in this world.

    Perhaps the reason that people think muslims are evil is that it is usually them doing the terrorist acts and unfortunatly its never, to my knowledge ,led to mass demonstrations by good muslims against them hence the fact that we start to dislike them all as we dont know which ones to trust ,personally as i said in an earlier post i never had a problem with them 20 years ago in my old home town where ,although they lived maily in their own part we all got along ,those days have long gone ,now that part of town is like another world where non muslims keep away from ,i now feel differently about them ,a shame but they caused the problems ,and please dont give me the old chesnut about we invade their lands ,they are all cheers for 5 minutes and then they start shooting us.

  5. Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

    You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began? Duh!

    I know which world I'd prefer. The one with freedom, music, art, literature, movies, etc, etc. Oh, and the one that has religious tolerance.

    Well that leaves the muslim world out.They long ago stopped giving anything to the arts,music and litrature ,such a shame .

  6. I read the world news all the time (not from here).

    I can tell you that the whole world seems to be going mad the last 5 years, the things people do makes me lol.

    The end is near tongue.png

    no ,just the muslim world has gone mad.

    • Like 2
  7. Great heading ,it reads like the police were arrested in a millionbaht fraud casewhistling.gif on a different note the E.U want to sign Turkey to join ,theives and robbers the lot of them.

    all 74 milion Turks? coffee1.gif

    Dont be silly ,only 73 million of them

    there are 4 million Turks living in Germany and another 5.4 million living in the EU besides those in Germany. Turkey's population in 2011 was 73.6 million, add 9.4 and you land up with 83 million.

    that does of course not change the fact that your comment "theives [sic!] and robbers the lot of them" is nothing but rubbish² dry.png

    Naam old chap

    have you had a sense of humour bypass? i was only joking ,

    its no more than half the TURKS THAT ARE THEIVES AND ROBBERS.w00t.gif

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