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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. Good for you ! But you have'nt told us what the "Sweet Lady in Pattaya " did to cure you .

    I'm waiting to hear as well, I suffer from enlarged prostate aas well.

    try saw palmeto ,the only place i know where to get it in Thailand is bangkok ,unfortunatly its about 1000 baht for 250 tabs ,3 a day helps a lot., if you want the website e mail me

    Could someone please let me know, where in Bangkok you can find this saw palmeto?

    www.nananaka.com or 0865701073

  2. No. Exchanging money for sex with an 18 year old is legal.


    And as Trembly says, stating that 15-17 is "perfectly legal" is very misleading.

    The document you link to is dated 1999, the laws were changed. The age of consent has been 15 for a long time, in the last ten years they raised the age of consent for prostitution from 18 to 20.

    Parental consent should also be sought for girls aged 15-20, as Thai law considers a girl to be property of her parents until age 20 in many situations. (I would suggest written consent of the parents to be entirely sure).

    If you want to dispute this, link to a recent law document in Thai script. Thais don't write their laws in English, web translations are often suspect.

    As for being seen out and about with a 13-15 year old girl, perfectly legal if you first marry her (Amphur office) first with a Thai judges written permission. (although some may consider it distasteful and morally wrong, still legal under Thai law)

    I would be interested to know where you're getting your information from regarding the age of consent for prostitution. I understood that Thailand was a signatory to the United Nations conventions on these matters which has a clear age of 18 and I can find nothing that refers to new legislation increasing the age to 20. This is probably not the place to discuss such matters, but I would be most interested to see the Thai link to which you refer. Perhaps you could PM it to me?

    This link is interesting, although from 2009.


    its 18

    • Like 1
  3. I know of many farang living in 2k/month rooms here. That should give you an idea of how some farang live in Pattaya. Life is grand here is you are broke/down&out. Nothing to be worried about. I'm sure they're still happy and have plenty of (cheap)fun.

    i cant even and dont want to imagine living in a 2k a month room,it doesnt sound much like fun to me ,and we are not rich.

    • Like 1
  4. Because i do know ,any bar that does not have girls that bother you for drinks ,thats it end off ,finish ,capish?rolleyes.gif

    See here is the point. You are making another moral statement about people. It has nothing to do with bars. The guy asked what is your favorite bar. So guys who like bars are here, ears all perked up waiting for your answer. And you come off with some anti sex statement about girls that bother you. How about boys that bother you? Would that be OK? See what I am saying. I am so dead tired of quacks who come to Thailand, the Sex hub of the world and say stuff like one would get at Sunday school. Why do you do it? The Russians go to seven eleven and everyone else in Pattaya goes to bars with girls. They don't bother you if you ask them not to bother you. You don't know that? When was the last time you were at a bar in Pattaya?

    Right the last time i was in a bar was this afternoon , it was on the darkside ,its not my favourite bar ,i dont have one ,once upon a time i used to go to bars to roger girls ,now i have been married a long time and i dont ,so i just go to bars that dont have girls who bother you for drinks ect ,i am not a prude ,far from it and i like women ,but now i just want to drink with friends without being bothered ,whats wrong with that? i dont have a favourite bar i like lots of them ,just i particularaly like the ones THAT DONT HAVE GIRLS THAT BOTHER ME FOR DRINKS .

    • Like 1
  5. RGP - Royal Garden Plaza is a known gay hangout, especially on the upper floors where the food court is.

    I made the same mistake with a friend once, but he forgave me.

    He brought his daughter with him for brunch & I presumed she was his barfined from the night before, DOH !

    Is it ? i must lead a sheltered life as i have never noticed, my wife and i eat there now and again ,and as i said i have been there with my son as well.

  6. Excellent TNS, would love to have been there to see that.

    About 16-17 years ago in Pattaya, I suppose I could have been classed as one with their attitude. I will never forget walking down Beach Road in Pattaya quite early in the morning and seeing a white male walking hand in hand with a young Thai kid, maybe 12-13 years old.

    If I had done what I was thinking at the time, I would likely still be in prison and him still in hospital. I felt so strongly about what I saw at the time.

    Later that day, I called into my (at the time) 'local' for a cup of coffee. And there is the guy sitting there. With his Thai wife and 12-13 year old son that he had been out with earlier for a walk along Beach Road! I honestly felt so ashamed at what I had been thinking of him earlier; that was the last time I have judged the proverbial book by its cover, a real lesson learnt.

    Years later, when my son (Thai) and I would walk down to the shops, as was his want, I often thought what the locals who didn't know me thought seeing the white guy and the young Thai kid.

    To be honest i think the locals realize that you are with your son or daughter as it is so common these days (unlike 20 odd years ago when i was first here) its just the tourists who read all about Thailand in the press and assume that its common for a westerner to be with youngsters.

  7. A couple of times in the past we have had looks from i assume them to be tourists ,especially now that he is as tall as me ,but no one has ever said anything out loud,

    still why should i care ,they are the ones here for two weeks holiday , we get to stay here.smile.png

    funnily enough although when my wife was a lot younger and we lived in England ,no one said a thing.

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  8. When i first came to Pattaya it was fantastic ,later i had a buisness in Bangkok and again life was a blast ,bars,lots of different women , then it wasnt as much fun anymore and when i was over with clients they were out on the town and i stayed home watching tv . or talking to friends ,i later got married ,we lived in the UK and came back 7 years ago ,life is once again fantastic here in Pattaya ,but if anything happened to the wife and i was left here alone (my son is away in uni) i cant imagine living my old original life here.

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