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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. It was not a sneaky referance to homosexuality and pedophelia ,you brought up the fact that old chesnut that animals of the same sex roger each other and i pointed out that they also roger junior animals ,that does not make it right and also i hope that most of us have risen above the level of animals.

    as for Kinsey and his theory that we are all a bit bisexual ,he can speak for himself not me as i can assure you i have no interest in other men whatsoever (dont you just love these experts)

  2. if you took the dress off the ladyboy,cut the hair, and he just ran around acting all (god how can i put this without getting shot down) femme ill use your word, would he be then gay???

    and im asking, i dont know

    In general no because the core of this is reflected in the internal psychology of the person with the gender identity issue. Gay people do NOT have gender identity issues!

    Both have what some would describe as some kind of mental disorder. Because gays made such a fuss about this classification - many psychiatrists changed their view( because of politics) but many still view gays as psychologically imbalanced.

    Please don't go there. Gay is OK. Gay is normal. Gay is natural. Gay occurs in many animal species naturally. Gay is not a psychological disease. There are modern times. Please don't drag us back to ignorant times. The greatest cause of mental stress for gay people internationally is homophobia, in other words, external hatred and disapproval translating into low self esteem. That isn't caused by being gay. It's caused by intolerance in societies.

    Please do not take this the wrong way as i have always said ,i dont care about anyones sexuality ,up to them i couldnt care as long as i dont have to watch or join in ,but you will never convince me or many others that being gay and having sex with partners of the same sex is natural and to equate it with the fact that some animals indulge in it ,well they also have sex with junior animals of their species ,monkeys ect ,is that normal ?

    once again i am not a homophobe and neither are millions of others who while not caring what two men or women do to each other do not find it natural , and by the way this thread is not about that anyway.

  3. When I lived in Issan I would pick the ex girlfriends kid up from school. It was a fee paying school so they were quite relaxed with the dress code.

    There were ladyboys starting out at around the age of 13 at approximately 1 in every 100 students. This is obviously a very rough guesstimate but I am just trying to paint the picture. These katoeys always stayed in groups of girls and I am sure this is something they are born into and certainly not a phase.

    Mind you ,in schools you usually find that the boys who are gay always mix with the girls ,rather than with ,say ,the rugby crowdsmile.png

    Yeah, I'll let the gay quarterback of my high school football team in on that gem. coffee1.gif

    mind you, you usually find the boys who are gay mix with the girls ,rather than the boxing crowd

    any gay boxing friends?coffee1.gif

  4. When I lived in Issan I would pick the ex girlfriends kid up from school. It was a fee paying school so they were quite relaxed with the dress code.

    There were ladyboys starting out at around the age of 13 at approximately 1 in every 100 students. This is obviously a very rough guesstimate but I am just trying to paint the picture. These katoeys always stayed in groups of girls and I am sure this is something they are born into and certainly not a phase.

    Mind you ,in schools you usually find that the boys who are gay always mix with the girls ,rather than with ,say ,the rugby crowdsmile.png

  5. No problem,when i was your age i travelled all over Europe on far less(by todays standards) stay away from the bar girls, thats where the money goes.

    At his age, he may be able to shack up with a sponsored bar girl that will pay for everything.

    ... or just make friends with (and stay with) normal (non-sex-worker) people.

    Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

    Believe it or not thats why i fist came for a holiday here,my daughters boyfriend had been here backpacking and said what a great place it was ,no mention of bargirls or anything like that ,he said how good the beaches were and how cheap everything was.

  6. No problem,when i was your age i travelled all over Europe on far less(by todays standards) stay away from the bar girls, thats where the money goes.

    At his age, he may be able to shack up with a sponsored bar girl that will pay for everything.

    ... or just make friends with (and stay with) normal (non-sex-worker) people.

    Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

    Believe it or not thats why i fist came for a holiday here,my daughters boyfriend had been here backpacking and said what a great place it was ,no mention of bargirls or anything like that ,he said how good the beaches were and how cheap everything was.

  7. What a great world we live in, where a man can have sex with a (lady) BOY and still be str8 ...... by the way this whole thread is GAY... I don't mean in the old slang, meaning homosexual but in the modern usage, gay as in boring, tired , dull ...not cool.

    Boring,tired ,dull and not cool,so why are you reading it? .whistling.gif

  8. When I moved here 20 years ago I knew a straight guy, who had been here 10 years, who when drunk would get a BJ from the local ladyboy prossie and say he thought nothing of it - I was shocked. All these years on, I'm not shocked and the idea doesn't seem so outrageous, although I've never done it( well knowingly - possibly when very drunk). So to answer the OP - yes, living in Thailnd for a long time can change your views on bisexuality. I think every man is bisexual to a certain , if only miniscule degree - so being here could sway one to try something new.

    that my friend is the first answer to the question that i have hadclap2.gif

  9. ...and all he seems interested in is Ladyboys...

    thenervoussurgeon, please define "Ladyboy" as used in the context of the starting topic of this thread. I understand a lot of different people use this word to mean a lot of different things.

    All i can tell you is that they were men in dresses who acted like women ie ladyboys as i see them ,this again i reiterate is not a problem for me ,each to his own ,as long as i dont have to join in .

    where i can see that many ladyboys are very attractive "as women" but the fact that they are men would put me off ,sorry if anyone finds this offensive.

    What if the ladyboy has had sexual reassignment surgery,.....Is she still a man ? ,......Do they ever stand a chance of being women, or are they eternally damned to just be gits with tits ?

    To be honest when i started all this it was never my intention to offend anyone or make judgements ,but no matter what answer i give someone will think its the wrong one ,but here goes ,no he is still a man ,just one who has had breast implants and his penis removed and taken hormone tablets , i once saw a programe about some chap who thought he was a tiger or some such and had had his body completely covered in tattos to make him look like one and had his teeth filed down ,but at the end of the day he was still a guy although he didnt seem to think so.

    • Like 1
  10. ...and all he seems interested in is Ladyboys...

    thenervoussurgeon, please define "Ladyboy" as used in the context of the starting topic of this thread. I understand a lot of different people use this word to mean a lot of different things.

    All i can tell you is that they were men in dresses who acted like women ie ladyboys as i see them ,this again i reiterate is not a problem for me ,each to his own ,as long as i dont have to join in .

    where i can see that many ladyboys are very attractive "as women" but the fact that they are men would put me off ,sorry if anyone finds this offensive.

  11. Your friend definately was curious beforehand. 100% curious.

    Maybe it wasn't 'his friend' after all and it had actually happened to himself instead?

    Sorry to dissapoint ,but it wasnt me ,as i have said before anyone who has a dick does not interest me,i have one of my own i can play with ,its what ladies have down there that has always facinated mebiggrin.png

    well if its always facinated you why dont you try it then.


    "its what ladies have down there that has always facinated me" not ladyboys

    and i have tried ladies ,hundreds of times ,but not any more i just stick to one ,the wife.

    • Like 1
  12. Your friend definately was curious beforehand. 100% curious.

    Maybe it wasn't 'his friend' after all and it had actually happened to himself instead?

    Sorry to dissapoint ,but it wasnt me ,as i have said before anyone who has a dick does not interest me,i have one of my own i can play with ,its what ladies have down there that has always facinated mebiggrin.png

  13. I'm pretty sure that many men are being attracted to them. Last time I've been in Pattya, I saw a Kathoey bar full with foreign customers.

    The World Wide Web is full with dating websites. The porno industry seems to make good money too.

    Guess not just Thailand has a lot of them. People shouldn't make jokes about those who like them, because they are so straight.

    Coming to Thailand could help many guys to live their sexuality as they want to.

    My cat likes to eat mice, I don't. But I like my cat.......

    Good analogy lostinissan....

    I still like my mate ,not my problem who he wants to shag , as for gay men again nothing against someones sexuall preferences as long as they dont want to get married in church or adopt children ,that i am against

    • Like 1
  14. So many men here trying to justify their sexual orientation. Too funny.

    Coming to Thailand may not make you a bisexual, but as evidenced by this thread, it confuses you as to just what your sexual orientation is.

    Getting back to basics, if a "person" has a Y chromosome, it's a male human. Doesn't matter if it's wearing a frock, has fake tits and has had it's junk removed, it's still a bloke.

    So, if a male dresses up and acts like a female and so completely fools another "straight" guy that he gets the hots for the former, would you define the fooled guy as a homosexual just because he got attracted to a person with a Y chromosome ??

    All this analysis misses the basic point that sexual orientation is all in the mind and the psyche. If a person is getting attracted by the feminine characteristics of the LB it is not a homosexual thing at all (not that being homosexual is a thing to be abhorred or be frightened of).

    I will not pretend to understand different people's sexual proclivity or what games they play in their little heads to justify their behavior. All I am pointing out is that a man is a man is a man. No more, no less. If someone is attracted to a pipe fitter that has a 5 o'clock shadow, but is wearing a frock and tucks his junk away, then more power to them.

    In your example, the "straight" guy was under the impression that he was indeed interested in a female based on the outward appearance. At the time he finds out that the she is actually a he, then that's where he has to do some soul searching to either move forward with a liaison or go to the bog and throw up...

    I have noticed that an overwhelming number of LB patrons do tend to be the muscled-up farang with chips on their shoulders, which has always made me curious.

    "Muscled up Falangs with chips on their shoulders"?

    Where are you making you canny observations from? Walking Street? Bangla Road? Soi Nana? Manchester?

    You are so far from having even the vaguest clue of what you are talking about.

    I am not one to do the sex tourist thing, as stated in previous posts, I live in TH am in an LTR with a Ladyboy and have been for a long time.

    However perhaps if you were to go to any of the 5 big ladyboy bars around Soi Nana on any night, you would find that ladyboy lovers tend to be in the middle aged and older bracket, a large smattering of Japanese and Koreans, and really the most average Joe Punters from around the world you ever expect to meet. I think you are thinking of gay culture, where there is for sure a "beautiful body" cachet.

    As for your comment about "Someone being attracted to a Pipe-fitter with a 5 O'clock shadow"... again... you either have no concept of how truly beautiful some ladyboys are, or you are being extreme to try to make a point which is not particularly worth making.

    If you can download stuff ,i just downloaded "accused" from tv nova ,its a bbc series ,and its got Shaun Bean as a tranny ,and another hard man actor (forget his name) who falls in love with him ,now Sean Bean ,is a pipe fitter with five o clock shadow in a dresssmile.png annd if you wanted to roger him ,you would definatly be gay.

  15. Amazed at the number of responses in such a short period of time..It has been perhaps the most responses I have seen reading this forum more then 5 years....

    Shows me it is a super Topic with many interested in this subject...

    Your surprised!! count me in ,i dont post threads often ,although the ones i do seem to get quite a few responses,but this ,it was just a straight(excuse the pun) question and i thought a few would answer and then it would die.

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