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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Can't wait to see what this vile religion does when they are in control of a city and a Christian council of the UK appears
  2. No, just the same as the states, left wing cities, led by left wingers soft on crime
  3. Oh well, there goes his licence for life if he is playing that card, which may not be a bad thing
  4. Some Thais are just complete, gullible idiots - sorry but its true. That's like a 15,000 baht per month wage for the year ! It's basically the equivalent of someone in my UK paying say £28,000 to work abroad ! Fools
  5. OK, if I created a right wing organisation, and we banned our members from marrying those outside our organisation, allowed some of our members to kill non-members en-masse, rape children and create havoc throughout the world, it would rightfully be banned. This sick religion needs a total ban in the west. it is not a religion it is a cult. I have no problems if you want to move to an Islamic country - just go and leave us in peace - we'll even pay for your ticket
  6. Hmm, socialism at its best - cannot have socialism and capitalism in the same country, they are not compatible
  7. Two things. 1. If you are daft enough to buy alcohol at an airport when you can get it free on the plane , you are a bit of a fool. 2. If you are daft enough to buy alcohol at an airport on arrival rather than a 7/11 on the way to your location you are a fool
  8. Not if they then commit another murder - when do you decide enough is enough and kill him/her ? Or under some lefty lunacy do you just let someone kill and kill and kill ....................... And as for the Christian thing, pretty sure God wiped out most of humanity in a flood if you believe in that kind of thing
  9. Most Thai woman that are 6-7's are dating men that are 1-5 men !, Those thais that are 8 or 9 will be dating men 6-8, I would say only men that are 9-10 would be dating a Thai woman rated a 10 ! Know your bracket, stay in your bracket, no heartaches !! I'd say I was a 6-7 for my age compared to most of you out here, but my wife is only a 5 to most of you - but that said my wife is a 10/10 with her heart, so I dropped my standards a little for her LOL
  10. Sort of thing that we in the outside world should have the death penalty for
  11. You just know that the family of the dead person would be after us for all we had if we hit someone that fell or jumped from the back of a pick-up !
  12. Any Thai boxing event will give a good evening of 'alternative' music.
  13. Ah, gotta love the fake health issues when being found to be a criminal. Give in a year in prison, should be enough for him never to return
  14. Can someone please explain why Biden commuted all the death row sentences from execution, that now means that these people are free to kill prison guards potentially and have no fear of death themselves ? I so hope Trump decides to reverse ALL of Biden's decisions in the last 2 months of his presidency, based on his cognitive ability being in question.
  15. Leave ECHR NOW !! Other day some criminal got given right to stay by ACHR as his wife could not access fertility treatment in Africa ! On bright side, as mentioned before, I will take my wife to the uk and have her claim leaving me in uk would be harmful to me. What will they do ? I'll get 10 years or so on content appeals
  16. Jeez , you really think that someone critical of Islam decided to kill people t a christian market ? This is how these people work and infiltrate, you really think that all these people claiming asylum for being a christian from muslim countries really are christian ? Still at least you still believe in Santa and the Easter bunny
  17. Public answered : Surveys !
  18. Bang up the whole family. Labour should stand up and apologise for employing all these criminals
  19. Maybe he can start with that nutcase muslim murdering people in germany
  20. This guy entered the USA twice illegally and got arrested and released in the past. My opinion, if you get deported - for anything - you get an automatic 5 year prison sentence and automatic deportation on end of sentence. Again 10 years, 20 ,30 etc. You need to set examples with all these deported people coming back illegally
  21. As a UK person I think we should leave the corrupt WHO, the ECHR and all the rest of those left wing agenda nutcase organisations
  22. Looks like the Iranian Angelina Jolie to me
  23. I'd deport him purely for showing disrespect
  24. It truly is about time the justice system became liable for acts committed by these people - if they knew they themselves would be financially punished, they may well treat them differently
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