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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. No problem , just give then 3 years each per protest arrest
  2. I'm all for dual pricing on occasions, makes a kind of sense that locals should get it cheaper. But where does it stop, should BA make thais pay double for using a non-thai airline ? One thing for sure , if thais were forced to do similar abroad, then they owuld be crying racism
  3. Makes us europeans look very honest as the arrests are 99.5% asian !
  4. Meh, visit an agent, get a years visa with them and build up your account and do it yourself the following year
  5. LOL, probably just bought a house with his Mrs/new boo and she dobbed him in
  6. Seriously, they have invited the Chinese, Russians and Indians here in mass , what do they expect. Only seem to be missing Nigerians in the grand scheme of call centre gangs
  7. Looking at his tattoos, for a moment I thought he had been driving nude
  8. I do not know about winning the game of life, but I think I certainly won the wife stakes - in my opinion. I left school at 16, wife stayed till 25 and worked as a teacher. I own one small house in the UK - she owns a mountain and 3 rubber farms In the paste I probably got hot headed - she is a calming influence. She cuts my nails, says when its haircut time, cleans the house 3 times a day, cooks for me, lays out my clothes, tells me when I'm eating too much - hard for her to say drinking too much as after 2 large MY beers I want to go to sleep ! She's a great mother, I am 60 , and hope to move us all to the UK in about 7 years and come here only for holidays - then I would say I have won the game of life. Friend of ours across the road is dying from cancer, he is OK for now, but it is a slow one. The pain is now starting. Winning the game of life is not ending up here with no funds dying of cancer and no money for pain medication.
  9. Not a fan of big boobs, Every time I see big boobs I keep think how they will be tucked into her elasticated waist ban in her 60's. Gravity is the killer of boobs My wife has enough for me, more than a mouthful is a waste in my opinion.
  10. They are getting a monthly wage from men abroad - many men sending to one lady in many cases. I know married Thai women that still go to the bar scene and still have the odd client. They just seem to have farang husbands that are either too old or do not care anymore
  11. These days, mate, that applies to not being alone with men also !
  12. Pretty sure Islam has been causing instability in the region - and every other one - for like 700 years up. Unless you ban Islam from the area, there will always be islamic nutters causing more problems. It will not end no matter who is president.
  13. I would say that since Biden was found basically to be mentally unfit for any prosecution in the 'classified papers' case, where he allowed a prosecution of Trump for the same thing he was found to have done, then I think ANY president - Biden or Trump or whoever, should have to take a cognitive test prior to pardoning anyone. If I was Trump I would re-open every case he pardons on the ground Biden is/was not cognitively fit to pardon anyone.
  14. You must be a severe left wing nutter to spout a lie. Trump has never been convicted of rape. I hope he sues you. I suggest you amend or remove your post
  15. Maybe Thailand should be banned from accepting 10,000,000 more tourists a year and more air pollution until it cleans up its air quality. Nah, didn't think so, the politicians would rather people choked to death if they can get more money
  16. Something I do not understand. I am a bit of a toy collector and regularly buy stuff off shoppee that comes direct from china, all stuff arrived and 99% was real (1 i bought I knew was fake so on my own head). Now I can get free shipping from China with shoppee. I buy something 400 baht, it travels all the way from china, through immigration, and arrives at my door for free in 5-10 days (had it in 3 on occasions). If I buy something on FB or from a shop here in Thailand, its more expensive and shipping is usually 40-100 baht. I'd have to say shipping is killing Thai goods more than cheaper costing goods !
  17. OK, compare yourself to him. Are you a billionaire and successful business person ? TV celebrity ? Ex-president that ran a country ? Got elected as president by a popular vote ? I doubt it , you are probably like me someone with an uneventful life that is just sitting here relaxing in Thailand now. Not a loser, but you - and me - are not in his league in intelligence, wealth or achievements
  18. Problem in this is it is a democrat hell hole, a trial brought by a democrat DA, and a jury probably of democrats. I would not find the guy guilty. The fact there was no security on a train that they know has criminal activity , deaths and stabbings means everyone fears for their lives. All I see on the net are blacks saying he should have sat and talked to him, yeah right, guy saying he wants to kill people and you expect a conversation ? Like trying to sit down for a chat with a jihadi !
  19. Trump is not stupid, he knows Starmer is a snake
  20. The reason their education is bad is because woke has infiltrated the schools and they are learning nothing. 95% of teachers are democrat I would guess - that has to tell you something of the reason for children's lack of intelligence.
  21. Another sore loser. Lets put what the democrats have done into perspective. I think it was somewhere like Denver recently published annual budget figures. 8% of their budget went on migrants - it totally about $7900 odd per migrant, call it 8000, Dementia Joe let on something like 20,000,000 illegals - you times that by 8,000 dollars and you get what 160,000,000,000 dollars wasted on illegal migrants. Imagine what 160 billion dollars could do for social security ? Typical democrat perspective , we made a mess, but let's forget that. You want better social security, fine deport 20 million illegals !
  22. Worldwide there should be a total ban on anyone being in politics for 2 terms (8-10 years), after that if you are caught meddling its 5 years in prison for interference
  23. I think wearing military style uniforms might be a downer
  24. So expect lots of drunk thai 60 plus relatives calling you up in their new phones
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