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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. What's Russian for go-fund-me to pay hospital bill
  2. Trump needs to build 2nd wall up north
  3. The reason he has not been seen is that he is busy signing 20,000 pardons for the democrat operative that tried to hound Trump, inflate the US population and destroy the US economy
  4. Used to really have no time for this guy, but I think he is beginning to see the light and showing the democrats up for what they really are
  5. Misleading = LYING. About time the public could sue for misleading voters in an election mandate
  6. I imagine the hit to a thai man's ego finding out your wife is having an affair with a man is severe, but finding out your wife is now having it away with someone without a penis would be worse !
  7. Another left wing nutcase about to get evicted by the people. Leftism does not work, this guy destroyed Canada. Biden destroyed amercia - got evicted, Starmer is now delaying elections in the UK due to his liebour party getting hammered in the polls after destroying the UK in 3 months. Hopefully the centre/centre right can take control and evict leftism
  8. CNN became a left wing democrat streaming platform - not a news one. News needs to be unbiased and not a left wing rant ! Overall, we rate CNN moderately left-center biased based on editorial positions by TV hosts that consistently favor the left,
  9. Another U turn to get elected. He and his Liebour cabinet were all saying they would make sure all the women were compensated prior to the election. It's about time ALL parties were liable for keeping their promises to the electorate or at least suable for breach of trust and bribery for not keeping their promise
  10. Seems harsh to me calling him abusive after him getting angry for her shagging the local drug dealers.
  11. No, it should be up to the victims family - not many would choose the death penalty anyway over the guarantee that someone would have to spend their 60 years until their death in a prison, which here would be worse than death
  12. Up to them I suppose, but exports are dying and people losing their jobs. Thailand is on the road to manufacturing and export disaster. High baht may well be good for xmas tourist rip off, but factories are not tourists !
  13. I agree with your sentiment, but do you really think HE is doing it ? It's the people in his office doing it. His brain has fully gone and he has no understanding of anything outside of eating an icecream. Within a week of leaving office he will be diagnosed with dementia to prevent any prosecutions of himself OR will have pardoned himself in advance for anything bad he did in office.
  14. Never be peace as long as their is a demand Russia pays reparations. Putin might want to end the war but the cost of payback may cripple russia
  15. Happens to me all the next, next day etc, not a big deal. Sometimes 24 hours , sometimes hours. Not being able to manage your payments and send in advance of needing it is more of a personal issue than a wise one.
  16. I'm all for live beheading on tv for this person
  17. I cannot see Biden pardoning many people, you would have to be charged with a crime first, you cannot pardon someone ahead of a charge. It would also mean that a pardon means that person acted wrong. And if he pardoned all the people that went after Trump prior to any charge it would mean that they were guilty of it. I would also say that any pardon could be challenged in the future, on the fact Biden is currently not of sound mind
  18. Never happen, it would be financially unviable
  19. The fact that he is still alive and not dead in his camera malfunction cell probably means there was never anybody of political clout in his parties
  20. My pound is doomed with these idiot clowns in charge. I pity the uk pensioners here on fixed uk pension
  21. Best way to learn quick maths is Darts ! They should play more darts at school. My wife is an ex teacher but her level of maths in her head is next to kindergarten levels
  22. Only one thing good ever came out of canada , the musical genius Nash The Slash,
  23. Whilst I can agree partially with your argument, I would imagine that any alien civilization that has gained the capacity of space travel to other galaxies etc, would also have gained the ability and knowledge of hybernation for the same travel. So really time and distance would mean little. It would be easier also as I would argue other life forms out there would be coldblooded due to the nature of evolution, we only run this planet as the cold blooded beasts got extinct ! The argument really then would be , why would thy come here and travel so far if they did not know we were here ?
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