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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Up to a certain age, and then they need deporting for space on the beach
  2. Thais will probably be more upset he has no pockets to hold money to buy anything
  3. As a side issue, I'd like to know what happens if you die in thailand and have no relatives. Friend (75) across the road has thyroid cancer I guess, pretty bad, obviously it will kill him at some point. He has 2 months rent deposit and is up to date. Who takes responsibility if he pops his clogs ? The owner ? Does she use her 2 months deposit to cremate him ? Who claims his body ? She is not a relative obviously.
  4. 30% plus of this site seems to be road related incidents.
  5. Anyone care to explain the difference between that and thias going fruit picking abroad ?
  6. Be honest , its a classic example of not building an infrastructure prior to rolling out a product. EV's may be a great product (in the future) but its being rolled out 20 years too early
  7. 54 year old Russian woman ? If she is anything like the size of the Russian whales on the beach it will likely be a heart attack from obesity. Which is sad really as russian women look stunning from 18-28, prior to exploding
  8. certainly if he moves to a republican colour, which looks likely if the idiot party goes even more far left
  9. Yes but the next lot in are not democrat stooges and hopefully will reverse his decisions !
  10. Economic challenges ? Happens when you pay off your backers and pay for hotels for foreigners !
  11. You just knew liebour was as bad and dishonest as you thought they were. First thing they did raid the winter fuel payments pot for their union backers. Then raise taxes and continue to lie. Funny that every 15 years or so the public forgets how rotten this party truly is
  12. Please can someone advise me how a mentally deficient person that cannot be prosecuted can pardon anyone ? Day one Trump should reverse ALL Biden's pardons until he passed a cognitive test
  13. Some horny villager been having sex with a primate again ?
  14. Very much doubt anybody would be deported back to Thailand if there is possible death penalty on him, even if they can find him, probably has another name already
  15. Just point our that an agent would be about 22,000 for the first year and then about 14,000 per year after - assuming the poster is using the 1 million as money for food/rent for 14 years. That's 204,000 for 14 years and is 20% of his budget basically for nothing other than right to stay.
  16. I do not have that much in savings - I have maybe 500k in uk bank and 160k here in Thailand, I do not get my UK pension for another 6.5 years. However I have enough money coming in due to early 55 year pension and renting out my UK home fir a daft amount (70k sh). I planned to have money in older age and finish work early - I have my 35 years national insurance paid for my full uk pension. 1 million baht with no other income is near impossible to retire here - but it would be more than enough if you had - like me - other income. Rent of reasonable house would be 10k a months , 120k a year and that's a;; your money gone in rent alone. I would suggest it would be possible on 5 million with no income for 14 years , but less and you are in the crapper very quickly.
  17. I would imagine if it is being publicised , this warning would be part of a early release agreement
  18. Lefties, Muslims or ethnic imports, Take your pick or combination.
  19. Yeah , great, stop online extremism and then let them go pray to a book saying kill and enslave the infidel
  20. Country is ridiculous bent police, bent monks, bent politicians . Only people more bent are the people in the road safety department collecting a wage
  21. Since people in NY want NY to join Canada , I vote we let all the democrat liberal cities join Canada. Lefties are too short minded to see what is / will happen in their leftie utopia. Let them rot
  22. £10,000 per event appearance ? Sorry but he is not worth that, stinks of bribery to me
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