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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Should be banned from the UK completely - unless they enforce the real muslim punishment for theft and rape
  2. Translation of this story is that the UK embassy want even less work dealing with complaints (and other matters) about the detention of UK people.
  3. Be interesting to know what the amount of thieves per 1,000,000 tourists from visiting countries is as opposed to the general public not visiting thailand ! Thailand may well be fairing much better from tourists than home countries !
  4. I'm 60 now the wife is 46, we have been married for 10 years. I cannot tell you the amount of times I have passed by a bar and thought about it. But even though she is a few more KG heavier, a bit saggy here and there and getting a few wrinkles, I think she's a keeper with a good heart and I don't wander. I've told her I'm keeping her to clean my bum when I am too old or infirm to do it myself. She also owns a gun and I'm a bit afraid !
  5. Clearly overlooked rule 1 in the book. 1. Tourists must not make complete dicks of themselves.
  6. Easy to fix if the car had cctv in it. If not - and there is no other cctv in the area - it is only his word and he should be punished accordingly
  7. Much hope of getting details out of Adams as a truth out of Starmer
  8. in all fairness most blacks have guns and she should have claimed self defence based on media publicity !
  9. No, but you can expect some serious rioting in democrat states when it happens - the old sneakers and tvs have already worn out and need replacing. Hopefully trump will round up every democrat that supported the riots and lock up those that did nothing about the blm riots
  10. This is exactly why I am going to play the system and take my thai wife to the UK and apply for her not to be deported and completely ignore the monetary income or savings required for a settlement visa. Going to claim I am getting forgetful and she is my wife and carer and it would be inhumane to me for her to be deported !
  11. Deportation is best in this case, walking around with a knife, half naked and without a doubt completely wasted. No time for people like this being here.
  12. To me riding without a valid driving licence should mean immediate deportation, you have come to Thailand and decided to commit a serious crime.
  13. Sorry, no sympathy for anyone indulging in hard drugs. Stupid is as stupid does
  14. Think there is several issued need addressing here. 1. 20k would not meet visa requirements, so unless you have 800k in the bank - which seems unlikely if you are claiming poverty - then you would need to allow say 1200 baht a month for yearly agent visa. 2, Housing - whilst the house may be free water, electric, gas, housing tax and internet isn't. You use a fan an not air con then I dare say you could live on 2000 baht housing expenses. Utilities can be kept low, but you would need to put at least 500 baht away a month for repairs to the house, 3. Health expenses - that's a hard one, as any health insurance would blow your budget. I have a friend across the road dying of cancer, but its slow, maybe has a year. His money if he had 20,000 may go on pain killers and not food at the end ! You fall off a bike or get sick then you are going to be laughed at on here for raising a go fund me page ! 4. Inflation - that 20K will be worth 19,700 next year and 19,300 the year after. in 3 years the 20k is less than 19k. This is why old UK pensioners from the UK living here on the fixed pension are getting worse off each year. This is the reason that atleast 2000 a month of that income should be left as savings 5. Food & travel - Allowing for the house expenses and visa, you'd have over 15,000 - or 500 baht a day to live on. Personally I think that is quite doable. easy for 350 baht on food and 150 on 3 beers a day. 6. You may well lose some money if the thieving government if they implement income from abroad. Is it doable yes, certainly, would i recommend it - Hell no.
  15. Just one left wing socialist loony ranting at another left with socialist loony
  16. Hopefully this will put an end to any of biden's pardons or planned pardons. They will all be overturned by Trump until it can be proved he was mentally capable to have done so
  17. Yeah, yeah, we know, just another muslim with mental health issues
  18. But, but, you tube will play on the Yahoo video search without going to youtube
  19. Is that sarcasm or heavy drugs talking ?
  20. Maybe he thinks they can reconcile !
  21. Course not, your a woman and a 2nd class citizen in India
  22. I'll stick with MY beer, anything over that level of beer tastes like tar to me
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