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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Be nothing to the amount that Letictia James will have to pay out when Trump gets her for election interference
  2. Exactly why a muslim pedo go away with abusing an under age girl in the UK - said his religion taught him it was OK !! Ban this sick religion and we would have less abuse, terrorism and wars in the world
  3. Well done the Thai plod, now for them to start bargaining for the officers retirement fund and still put them away for 10 years each
  4. If I was Biden , I would really rub it in and make Harris president now, just so she has to hand over power to Trump
  5. She needs to go to prison. Anyone that ran on a 'get Trump' platform and then prosecuted him on a silly charge, needs to go to prison for election interference as in her own words she said she would get him for political gain !
  6. Have to admit I am watching closely all the celebrities that said they would move abroad and waiting for the excuses why they didn't
  7. What a load of old tosh. 1. The infrastructure bill also known as the inflation reduction act made inflation BOOM ! 2. The only reason there was no recession was due to Biden and his cronies changing the definition of recession !! Hell always be remembered as a puppet president due to his health cover-up and as the first person that used lawfare to try and stop his opponents
  8. The democrats have seen that a far left agenda wins them nothing but the worst defeats in decades. They have two choices, expel the far woke left and run on a more moderate line, or try to please moderates and far liberal lefties at the same time and end up in the same chaos in 4 years time. Personally I think Trump might be the person that rebuilds the democrats into a more reasonable party.
  9. Joke sentence, going armed should be min 5-10
  10. Yes, it is sad, but our youth these days seem extremely fragile
  11. Labour seems to be constantly filling in one financial hole by digging another financial hole. Tories are like Trump I guess, you may not like them, but they are always the less of the two evils .
  12. Probably just converted to christianity
  13. Yes, only took pc plod 5 months to get their man
  14. I certainly wish our UK had elon and what he will build in america
  15. Hopefully Trump will put a higher tariffs on any of Thailand's exported goods containing majority Chinese parts , forcing Thailand to start manufacturing their own goods and building their own economy
  16. Must be my brain, but I thought he had a hell of a quiff for a minute
  17. Unlike last time where the democrats gained 13 million voters, that they lost this time (81 million Biden, 68 million Harris). Since Trump vote share basically stayed the same where did 13 MILLION voters go ? Simple, they never existed in the first place. Total democrat scam - I truly hope that the election in 2020 is looked into finally and it determined where 13,000,000 people came form and went to ! If it can be determined they existed and just did not vote , I'd happily concede on this issue
  18. Should read ' unfairly dismissed due to her gender reality views'
  19. Nothing more dangerous that a man with one of his high heels in his hand
  20. Never met anyone that chose a Thailand holiday for choice of water. Bunch of idiots being led by a conning marketing man I think
  21. Can't we just nuke this religious nut case country back into the stoneage to match their religion ?
  22. They lost simply as she was an idiot, nobody knew her policies and the public had had enough of the left wing lunacy. With Trump they had some hope of change, the idiot they only had more of the same lunacy
  23. I imagine that the competition tipped them off first
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