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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Must have been like playing conkers !
  2. Yes, that's true, Trump puts America first whilst Starmer puts everybody else first. Quids out pensioners, quids in immigrants
  3. I consider myself right wing - even far right on occasions - but these people are just off the scale as to make them less far far right and more sort of mental illness
  4. If this guy was a muslim in my uk, his political stance would not be mentioned.....only mental illness, which going by his masks he seems to be suffering from
  5. Think you will find that people doing this smuggling for something for free would move to more harder and more illegal drugs. They are not interested in what type of drugs they are, but freebies !
  6. but, but, cannabis does not lead to harder drugs...............
  7. Should have just claimed he did it to avoid confrontation with a muslim
  8. So looking forwards to the tv coverage of the riots tomorrow, all those sneakers must have been worn out by now. Hope the police go in guns blazing and batons swinging. That said, the liberal left only ransack their own cities mostly
  9. I would imagine - as in 90% of these cases - he fell asleep and peddle hit the metal
  10. If I was one of the WOEN beaten by this person, I would sue the Olympic community for assault by a male
  11. Looking at the woman in the black it must have been some kind of Wrestlrmania type contest
  12. Can but hope the sentences for all of the charges above run consecutively
  13. Rather than having inflation target at 1.2 and growth at 3, I'd rather have the growth at 1.7, Too much growth will lead to too much inflation
  14. Well, well, well, who wold have thought a rising baht would tank exports further
  15. I'd rather hire a businessman than a lifetime politician
  16. Only uneducated idiots voted for labour, those with intelligence knew exactly who they were, their experience and what would happen. Same happened in the US with the idiots Biden and Harris. The left cannot run a country. Can but hope the right gets itself kicked out and liebour are a one term disaster
  17. 1-0 to those saying cannabis can lead to harder drugs
  18. crime for the pd is not the violence, but the effect on tourism
  19. hmm, could he not have just ridden a log down the river ?
  20. if only we could ship the just stop oil protestors to china and india
  21. I suggest Harris and her idiot followers watch this
  22. One can only assume that you either missed it or are deliberately choosing to ignore the fact that a Democrat joke recently called ALL Mexicans thieves, but as usual the left wing media chose not to accuse the idiot Harris of anything. I think you should change your news media Only link i can find.
  23. Going to have to assume the aircon was on for that 5 days or the small would have had him found far quicker
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