If that is true then they are going to have to address this new 180 day tax issue, as the chinese wont want to agree to pay that tax.
I rent myself, I seriously would not buy any property in a country I cannot legally always stay and are at the mercy of immigration and Thai tax officials. Sometimes my UK home on the river thames seems very much the better option
I do not think he will do it, BUT, I also do not think he will agree to any peace that means Russia having to pay trillions in reparations to the Ukraine for the damage they have done by starting the war. He is egotistical and would rather continue a war than lose face and money
I sincerely hope that Trump introduces a new 'tax' on sanctuary states/cities that means any crime committed by an illegal immigrant that was let back into society after committing a first crime has ALL compensation paid out of federal money given to that state/city from the government. You have to financially kill off these political people in order to regain sanity.
Since they raised 11k on fund raising , the family need only about 19k. I find it very hard to believe that a family could not find that. I mean I personally have credit cards that I could put on about 16k in emergencies, I think its more likely the family do not want to go into debt for him
More Lefty shoe repairers from democrat leaning sites that hate they lost !
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What else do you expect with liebour ? Pay the unions off for support then tax business, the farmers and the rich - you get what you vote for - not what they promise
Sorry, but in my opinion, rightly or wrongly , if the man was injured they had a obligation to report it , call the police and ensure the man did not need hospital care. If he had died it could have been far worse.