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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Might sound racist, but I would love to go back to the days of my youth where there were no mass muslims and other ethnics causing chaos in our towns, no asian pedos and black gangs no albanian drug gangs , no honour killings, where it was 99.95% white and christian and no stopping of christian xmas markets due to terrorism. Immigration has downgraded nearly every western country, there is no benefit to western countries that I can see today from immigration of these people. Sad , but true. Worse part ? All this mass illegal immigration and I have to pay to take my peaceful wife back the UK
  2. I mean seriously , who cares what an airport looks like ? You are only there for maybe 3 hours going out and an hour coming in (on a good day). If it does the job , I'd rather have it just a concrete block and reduce all the costs in the shops by 50% and more staff clearing you through
  3. I was in Pattaya the other week by the market near Central, two thai men (i presume) were repairing the path, small blocks and all that. Their entire repair kit consisted of a half dozen blocks and a bag of sand. One can only assume that either they do this as they can come and repair it again next week after another rain storm, their boss is onto a great scam or they are totally braindead !
  4. Sorry but for me allegations 35 years ago should be taken with a pinch of salt. Unless crimes were done against you as a child then there should be a limit on the years you can bring a claim against someone - and never when they are dead and cannot contradict or defend themselves. Did it happen ? Maybe, power corrupts and all that. But three and a half decades is ridiculous
  5. Give them 3 years each for public vandalism of a public historic monument - only way to stop nutcases like this = and to think people like this destroy their own employment hopes
  6. Nobody in any country should be excluded from state welfare pension schemes - unless they are illegal workers, migrants or people living illegally in a country. Thailand has too much money as it refuses to take care of its old people and would rather they all die off than pay thema livable amount
  7. My tenant voted Liebour. I have always kept his rent below market value (some £500 a month actually), he is going to be shocked by a 25% rise next year due to Labour. Still you voted for your own demiseand rent increases
  8. You can feel all the ethnics and rat bags in Kahns caliphate rubbing their hands with glee
  9. Not sure this will effect me too much. I am 60 now, and my plan is to be living in the UK again by 67 and come here for maybe 4-5 months a year after. The government should actually leave it alone and just increase the weekly amount for pensioners anyway - the pot of people they are looking for here is just not worth the effort and on top of that if they make it too hard to stay in Thailand by going after pensioners, then the amount of money the returning pensioners will be asking for rental help from the DWP will far exceed what they will get back in revenue collected in stopping increases ! Funny thing is though, that the UK government should do a deal with thailand to start retirement pensioner villages, as taking care of them here is probably far cheaper than in the uk.
  10. Better to run the country with successful business men than lifetime politicians that have never achieved anything
  11. If I was Trump I'd ignore any contact with this piece of liberal (word deleted)
  12. As airports go, it's ok. Just a shame I cannot afford to buy anything in it !
  13. ........always looking for that discount
  14. Gonna be hard eating my breakfast with what I am thinking
  15. Hard to comment negatively on this when the wife was up at 5am today looking for lottery numbers in fresh fruit pictures
  16. Good for Trump ! If this means this foolish government will lift tariffs on western foods being imported I am all for it. Thailand all take take and not give . tax tax tax. Hopefully a boot up the proverbial will do them good
  17. This is the same scene I get walking past as Indian tailor in Pattaya, suddenly 20 Indians jump out to flog you something you do not need
  18. I really do not think any poster on here would touch a freezer buried on a thai farm !
  19. I'm more interested in why that happen, was that a financial issue or were they blocked by some Thailand red tape from doing so ?
  20. Problem is that these station would rather sack the little guys to save money than the left wing spouting nutter over-paid 'stars' that is making the stations unwatchable
  21. OK, I like to consider myself very right wing, but these people are just idiots - which both the left and right have
  22. Father just as guilty as the son - lock the rat bags both up for life and start to ban worldwide this vile and hateful religion.
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