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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. That's rubbish. What an indictment if an election program only focuses on a single topic. Thailand has so many other unsolved problems that are by far more important socio-politically.
  2. .... after members of the public alerted them to the robbery in progress. There were probably witnesses who saw the armed robbery and then called the police. Gang Robbery (Sections 340-340/3) Thai criminal code. Whoever with three persons upwards participate in committing robbery, such persons are said to commit gang-robbery, and shall be punished with imprisonment of ten to fifteen years and fined of twenty thousand to thirty thousand Baht. If in the commission of the gang-robbery, even one of the offenders carries arms, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of twelve to twenty years and fined of twenty thousand to forty thousand Baht. No wonder with such a possible sentence that the robbergang lie as much as they could.
  3. 8,5 Kilos H = With confession life long thai prison or death penalty without confession. Probably the last important decision they have to make in their life.
  4. How can there be neutrality at all, when the unelected senators are simply installed as senators by Prayut and friends. Ridiculous.
  5. His excuses in his wristwatch affair are unforgettable. If the intellectual level wasn't so real, it would be Comedy Gold.
  6. State tenders, proof of the use of money and budget control should actually be public. Thailand lacks independent control institutions. That 30 billion baht can be sucked off so easily, actually unimaginable but TiT.
  7. .....some 30 billion baht had allegedly been taken from the project. 30 Billion!!! Unbelievable what sums inexplicably disappear without anyone asking. Corrupt officials, abuse and embezzlement of taxpayers' money everywhere you look. The people of Thailand are being taken as fools.
  8. Prayut has been in power since 2014 and has been the first man in the state ever since. The constitutional court has granted him a grace period until 2025. In fact, and constitutionally, Prayut cannot govern at all for the full four years as PM. Since the election of a PM makes no sense at all, if he cannot exercise the office for the full legislative period. After two - hopefully not - more years in office, who is going to be PM? The voters will probably be left in the dark. Certainly not good for the stability of the country.
  9. Winning a court case and then actually getting your money back after, are two different things.
  10. Amazing how many super rich officials there are in Thailand. I wonder why they work as civil servants at all, given the low official salary. Apparently many civil servants have much more lucrative sources of income than their official salary. It's a pity that there is no institution in Thailand that checks this properly.
  11. All supermarkets and 7-11 shops should be required to set up plastic take-back containers where customers can return all their plastic waste.
  12. Thai opposition politicians see the danger of abuse, possible nepotism and the non-transparent use of this new arrival tax very well. Even Phiphat admits that there is a lack at all ends. It is not unreasonable that a privileged elite will enrich themselves privately. https://aseannow.com/topic/1286877-critics-of-new-arrival-tax-call-for-greater-oversight-on-the-thailand-tourism-fund/
  13. If the advertising covers the reading content (text) that you are currently reading and you cannot push away these small advertising films, it is so annoying that I leave the page and also get a negative-aggressive attitude towards the advertised product (brand). An advertisement becomes counterproductive and completely misses its advertising goal. On the contrary, it creates a negative brand attitude.
  14. Agree. Problem is also, if you press the cross, it pops up again and again.
  15. The new Arrival Tax 3 (2023) - 10 (2024) billion baht will be paid by the tourists and should benefit them. LoL I estimate 10% will go to Alibi PR projects. The rest 90% is shared for administration, VIP dinners and among friends, families and party members. Transparency, budget control and accountability for state budgets? As likely as Thailand will be the world's new ski resort.
  16. What a shame, it's legal in Thailand. Different prices for one and the same, identical medical service, depending on the visa status. A Thai court ruled in 2021 that this is not discriminatory. 555 The state hospitals have at least one official price list (with 4 different prices for identical services). The private hospitals, on the other hand, charge what they want. If you are not lying half dead on the street, you should definitely compare prices and insist on a written treatment plan with exact prices. https://m.thaiwebsites.com/hospital-dual-pricing.asp https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/thai-public-hospitals-ordered-to-implement-dual-pricing-for-foreigners/
  17. It is known that Thai hospitals have extra price lists for foreigners, which are many times higher than for Thais. And if travel insurance is available, hospitals are happy to push it to the max. The Hippocratic Oath is then gladly replaced by pure greed.
  18. I'm not bothered by the 300 baht that will be collected in the future, but by this flimsy, blurry reasoning as it will beused. That there is some additional benefit for the tourists, insurance coverage, regional development, blah blah. Anyone who believes that doesn't know Thailand. I suspect that the money will seep away into dark channels, as it so often happens, and end up in the private pockets of corrupt officials.
  19. Perhaps he should say in his defense that he only borrowed the plane tickets from a friend who had passed away.
  20. I suspect it's not a question of whether it's legal or not, but rather the idiotic level of possible penalties. Possessing an ecigar, smoking an ecigar or importing an ecigar is criminally almost equivalent to intentional manslaughter. This is the brain crack.
  21. I think it's definitely not just the current information about the corruption structures that Chuwit has and is brought to him from various sources. Just think of the many high-ranking politicians, civil servants, generals, police officers, judges and arch-conservative moral apostles who visited his massage parlors in the past, in the dark of the night and shook his hand as VIPs. And since Chuwit also mentioned the fat corruption sums of money, some will go and see who got the annual jackpot with the 3888 million baht.
  22. Of course, foreigners often get better service. They often must pay 50% - 500% more than the Thais for the same Service. For National Parks, Museums, Amusement Parks, Tourist Attractions, Boxing Stadiums, Transportation, Tempels, Seafood Restaurants, Hospitals, just to name a few.
  23. So when a tourist bring (import) his ecig to Thailand, without knowing the law, then he can face a jail term of up to 10 years. It is clear that such laws with completely absurd penalties open the door to corruption. According to the motto: "You now have a big problem, but I can help you. For xxxxx Baht I let you go."
  24. And to protect the tobacco monopoly. Insanely high penalties are possible for caught vaping (or even just with an e-cigarette device in their possession). This could (potentially) result in a fine of up to 30,000 Baht (close to $1,000) and /or a maximum jail sentence of 10 years. That has nothing to do with fair laws for the people. This vaping law is beyond all reason.
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