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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. 3 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

    It seems like you do not understand it though.


    It is the maximum. That does not mean it will actually happen the way you describe.


    Other options are:

    - no increase till 2035 and then a sudden increase in price from 45 baht to 3,000 baht overnight (unlikely)

    - no increase at all. So even in 2036 the price will still be 45 baht (unlikely)

    - the price will go from 45 baht to 3,000 tomorrow and then 20 years long no further increases (unlikely)

    - the price will increase the coming 20 years but in no way as much as the maximum (most likely). For example 1-3% per year.


    Ok Sherlock,
    then please explain to us, what this tax increase law, then has for a meaning?
    Here the formal juridical framework for flat-rate future tax increases is laid.
    The maximum values are clear.

    But this shows nevertheless in which tax raising categories here is thought.

  2. 24 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

    read the whole thing. this is max over 20years


    I understand this.
    Outgoing of a beer liter price of 45 baht, that corresponds to an annual increase of 24.81% or
    based on the initial price in 20 years an increase of 666666%.
    And this in the case with average income and pension increases of 1.5% - 4% per year.
    Here the linear beer prices for the next 20 years (here only the tax-induced increase).


    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Kasset Tak said:

    Thank god that I don't smoke, drink moderately and haven't been to any of those "soapy" places in years. Next will be diet to cut the down on the sugar tax and use my bicycle more... I have gained a lot over the last couple of years so I need both the exercise and the diet anyway. :)

    Anyway, I know of 3 of these soapy massage places (up country) that has already closed down after the coupe, it's not by going there myself I know about is, it's because my Thai friends are complaining about it as there has been maybe 1 or 2 places like that in the entire province. Now my friends goes on to the "resorts" instead... cheaper and parking just outside the door.

    Every man for himself.
    Cycling is too dangerous for me here, as a sport to reduce weight.
    I prefer the
    soapy massages as places for exercise than.
    Is certainly more expensive in the long run, but is also healthy.

  4. 6 hours ago, Sphere said:




    NSB deputy commissioner Pol Maj-Gen Chatree Phaisarlsilp said Monday that transactions of cash worth two million baht as clarified by Pat remains suspicious although the actress would confirm it came from her entertainment business.

    In this small bag never fits 2 million Baht  in cash.
    I wonder that the Thai entertainment business paid its artists in cash, and then still so high sums.
    There must certainly exist a receipt for it.
    Which entertainment organizer pays such high sums in cash?


  5. 19 minutes ago, 7by7 said:




    But why are you bothered by seeing a stranger in the street wearing a hijab, a burka, a yarmulke, a kippa a turban, a cross or anything else which is a sign of their faith?


    How bothered are you when you see monks wearing their robes in the street in Thailand; something which must surely happen every day?


    Most countries have laws forbidding the display of genitalia in public; but if you want to campaign against those laws; go ahead.


    Of course, phallic symbols are widely available, and worn, in many countries.

    If you quote, please do not just quote single sentences.
    The answers to your questions, are sometimes in the second sentence.

    Everyone can believe in what he wants, as long as others are not bothered with it.




    But why are you bothered by seeing a stranger in the street wearing a hijab, a burka, a yarmulke, a kippa a turban, a cross or anything else which is a sign of their faith?

    How bothered are you when you see monks wearing their robes in the street in Thailand; something which must surely happen every day?

    Second sentence
    Unfortunately, many religions raise the absolutist claim to power.

    Do vou not see it?

    That many religions raise the absolutist claim to power.
    My faith is the only true and true one.

    And that caused many problems on this planet?

  6. 10 minutes ago, survivalblue said:

    How about driving a screwdriver into an innocent kids brain?  Is that justifiable for 15 years in prison?

    15 years would be right there.
    But under the influence of drugs one is insane.
    This affects the penalty.
    Penalty reduction under the influence of drugs.
    non compos mentis.
    Interesting as the influence of drugs in legal proceedings, then has a criminal reducing effect.

  7. The system of jurisprudence should be reformed so that it can not lead to self-imposed or purchased judgments.

    A court consisting of one professional judge and two appointees (Laity judges) has proved itself for light criminal offenses in many countries.

    Every citizen can be called for this function for a certain time. The only prerequisite is, that the Laity judges do not have any criminal records.

    In the process of finding the right judgment, the professional judge (has a university degree in law) explains the possible penalty frame and makes his penalty proposal. The lay judges can influence the amount of the sentence within the legal framework. The judgment between the three persons (one professional judge and two appointees) must be unanimous. Subsequently, a judgment is issued: In the name of the people (folk).

    15 years for 0,25g ( 251mg) cocaine!
    That is the weight of dirt under one fingernail.
    Is from my point of view an inhuman misjudgment.

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