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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. The expected rise results from an improved outlook for global tourism as well as Thailand's investment in infrastructure, Deputy Prime Minister Thanasak Patimaprakorn told reporters.

    Guess Deputy Prime Minister Thanasak Patimaprakorn sits in Bangkok and has not seen the flood damages in the south on site.
    Plenty of streets and bungalows have been washed away, there is sand and garbage everywhere. The sea has a dirty, brown color from the foliage and clay from the mountains, Water supplies are broken, electric piles are collapsed, air traffic restricted, traffic main line to Bangkok interrupted, garbage collection disturbed. Everywhere water pools full with mosquito larvae, beaches filthy, etc.

    So where are the relief funds from the government now?
    If tourism brings so much money!

    Sitting in the ivory tower and playing constant unrealistic on the harp, does not help.


  2. 2 hours ago, Geoff Snell said:

    The only way I would ever get back into a minivan in Thailand is being kidnapped at gunpoint.

    Same for me.
    I will never forget my few MiniVan trips.
    Hua Hin to Bangkok at 130 km / h, safety distance 1 meter to the other Mini Van in front; Blind flight over 2 hours.
    Surat Thani airport to the ferry port at 120 km/h at heavy rain;  aquaplaning sliding without end.
    Koh Samui Airport to Hotel at 70 -100 km/h on the ringroad while the driver was playing with his smartphone non stop.
    Bangkok to Kampheng Phet, almost crash on the highway. In the evasive maneuver, the van was only on 2 wheels.

    Better to pull the monkeys out of traffic first.
    Better today than tomorrow.
    They can start again with the MiniVans, when the drivers have learned to drive a vehicle safely.
    At the moment there are only a few.


  3. 5 hours ago, hhinhh said:

    All aspects of infrastructure are important why do one thing and leave the other. Good railway tracks could also move some transport volume of merchandize away from the roads.

    Yes but only railway tracks without an equivalent flood prevention is nothing.
    Integrated infrastructure planning is here often unfortunately inadequate.


  4. 4 hours ago, ethaniel said:

    We've got 3 TOT lines. All of them went down at the same time. Which suggests that there is a bottleneck somewhere on the TOT line and they are throttling everyone's speeds.

    Time to change the provider.

    We had 2 lines with TOT.
    Both terminated.
    It's just like you say; they are throttling everyone's speeds.

    Complain Call in the call center, and then it is good for one day.
    After they turn down the bandwidth again.
    After 30-40 complain calls it was finally only annoying.
    Switched to 3BB Fiber. 
    Good so far.

    Knock on wood.


  5. ... He was fined 5,000 baht and told that if he does it again they would take his license away.

    Do not worry.
    Nexttime, if he does it again , he will only be a bloody mud.
    And will unfortunately tear many innocent people into death.

    The department of land transport is not able to understand, that there are people out there, which are mentally unable to drive a vehicle or bus with passengers safely in the traffic.
    The fact that this driver is allowed to drive a bus again , is just an incredibly stupid decision.

  6. This driving behavior fulfills the criminal offense of an attempted negligent manslaughter.
    Why is not his bus driver's license withdrawn immediately?
    Just such irresponsible, brainless drivers cause the accidents with many deaths and serious injuries on the streets of Thailand.
    That this driver can continue to drive a bus with passengers.
    Madness pur.

  7. I believe many many Thai people have lost confidence in elections, politicians and governments, after so many changes of governments and military putsches.
    All those who are in power have yet always only filled their own pockets with money and tries to shape the laws in their own mind, and to impose their misdeeds without a trace.

    Many ordinary people have never seen or have never experienced that elections in good people's representatives can change their lives, besides 500 Baht voting money cash in their hands. There are always the same power clusters, which alternately put the money into their own pockets when they are in power.
    Once poor, always poor.

    So what is the progress over the past 30 years?
    Sufficient old-age provision in a society that is increasingly aging?
    Versatile educational opportunities, even for the socially weak?
    Affordable health care, even for the average earners on the rice fields and in the factories?
    Rising, inflation-adjusted net income for the broad masses?
    Reasonable water and sewage supplies?
    Reasonable waste disposal?
    Equality law for all?
    Environmental protection and resource conservation?

    They have reached better power supply, mobile phones for all, and more cars on credit.
    No glory for the governments of the last 30 years.

    As another poster wrote:
    The making of money, in a sick society, overrides safety, morality and good will.
    The last electoral participation in the constitution was very low.
    In the future there will be elections, but no one is going to vote.
    A horror scenario for every democracy.


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