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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. 2 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    Just curious to know why it is being filmed and the camera is shakingoing a touch. If the camera is cctv footage how come it's moving like that. Appears to be footage made by a person. No time or date stamp on footage either and crystal clear trained on them so what's going on here?



    This comes from the post-processing.
    In a CCTV recording one can zoom in and out.
    But the angle of view remains the same.

  2. 5 minutes ago, elliss said:

      That  is  why the thieves  targeted  her .

          Moral of the  story ,  never go shopping with  yer darling .

    Looks more like a westerner with his wife and daughter are the victims.
    These scumbags are professional thieves.
    Nice to see how he first moved the bag to see if the bag is free for a quick grab.
    Always better to put an arm or leg in the loop.
    Or to knot the bag with other things.

  3. In countries where gambling is regulated by the state, high shares of casino profits (the tax rates are often 90%) flow back into the government treasury In the end, the profit is not lost, but is redistributed to large parts of the population.
    Likewise, access is controlled by ID so that cronic addicted gamblers can be identified and excluded here.

    It is different with the illegal casinos and with the private unregulated casinos , where the profit only flows into the pockets  of a few.
    That damages the economy enormously.

    Any non-state casino should be prohibited.
    Regulated casinos yes with 90% taxes on the casino winnings.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Paruk said:

    Not only TiT, everywhere the same.


    How to spot a parasite of society? Easy, look if they add value and if not, it is a parasite. Example?


    Open a savings account with a bank and get 0.5% to maybe 1.5% interest a year. 25% of that goes first to the ....yes....taxes. The remaining amount is not even remotely enough to cover inflation. Was there any value added for you in this whole scheme? No, you lost value. The lost value is now in the pocket of the bank and the government. For them there is added value, not for you. So, how smart are you to trust your money to a bank?

    Those who spend their money on a savings account with these low interest rates are not properly informed.
    Whenever the inflation rate is above the interest rate, classic saving makes no sense.

    But with advertising standing on your private ground, it is not everywhere the same.
    Next time they want tax if your park your car on your private ground.
    Could be advertising.
    Hey he has a Range Rover, let us tax him .

  5. 15 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

    Nothing is safe or secure for sure. What if the next government comes along n changes all the laws? 


    I own 2 retail shops in Thailand. Just last week the GM of the shopping mall told me i have to move my shop (i m in prime location) to another location in the mall becos he had consulted a fengshui master n my shop was blocking all the flow of the riches of the whole shopping mall. So he had to remove my whole shop and change me to another location (very quiet spot) in the mall. 


    The reason was less n less shoppers r coming out to shop. 

    My shop retails cosmetic n beauty and have been doing well becos we have been getting the brands n marketing and advertising our shop on social media.


    So the GM thinks its becos of bad fengshui n not bad marketing that his mall is nit doing well.


    Quite stressed out last week.

    Sorry to read this.
    If you have a clear contract, the GM can not revise you so easily.
    In your contract, there must be at least notice periods.
    Or you rent only from month to month?

  6. 11 minutes ago, Paruk said:

    No tax is ever justified, except in the case one believes the BS stories that TRY to justify them. If you believe it and pay, you're just being sucked by a parasite!

    Agree with you in general.
    We must pay also taxes for advertising.
    All our advertising signs are on our private land
    The government has not helped us with one baht.
    But they are taxing us for our advertising signs, which standing on our private ground.

  7. 1 hour ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

    What's the point of leasing a property for 30 or 50 or 100 years if your visa has only 1 year validity????They changing the rules whenever they want to,and most of the time those changes are not in favor of the foreigner.As long they don't issue long term visa I would not sign a contract longer than 1 year.

    I think they had here an investment visa 10-15 yrs ago[buy a condo for 3million up and get a visa and extension guaranteed]but stopped that after enough foreigner bought condos.

    The constantly changing rules of immigration policy
    Insecure many potential investors.

  8. 2 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    The ministry is also looking at a "windfall" tax on landlords and property owners, who benefit from rising prices driven by government infrastructure developments, Apisak said.


    Sorry dear minister.
    That is not allways true,
    I know a lot of cases were the government do nothing to improve the infrastructure.
    Even after a flood disaster, the authorities do nothing to repair roads or provide relief funds.
    The residents are often left to themselves and repair in self-government.
    I do not see that in these cases a tax is justified.

  9. 5 minutes ago, free123 said:

    too much corruption here....somebody want to make problems to you they kick u out of the country in no time to steal  your land...( developers, relatives, a greedy neighbour )..happend thousand times...rent is best...or u buy house for your wife and be sure this money is gone forever.... jealous people here a lot

    Or give the money for the land purchase your mother-in-law.
    Let she buy the land. Then rent the land from her for 30 or maybe soon 50 years.
    2 weeks later, the mother-in-law can then give / pass the land to your Thai wife.

    This should only be done, if one is sure that the family functions.
    Not everyone has luck with his Thai marriage, but there are also many where it works.
    And if you have common children, then they can/will inherit.
    I would not necessarily say that rent is always the best.

  10. 1 hour ago, mark01 said:

    I think they mean only 11% were declared paid.

    What % was donated to police retirement fund?

    The RTP employs between 210,700 and 230,000 officers, roughly 17 percent of all civil servants (excluding military and the employees of state-owned enterprises).
    Let's estimate that 50% of them working in the service outdoor on the streets.
    Rounded: 100.000 men

    “From September last year until today, more than 680,000 traffic tickets were issued to violators..”
    From September to March is rounded 6 month.
    So 680.000 traffic tickets divided by 100.000 police officers result in 6,8 tickets per officer in 6 month.
    6,8 tickets divided by 6 month results in 1,2 ticket per officer per 1 month.

    Each outdoor policeman creates statistically roughly 1 ticket per month! :laugh:

    I think these are just the official tickets.

  11. It is to be doubted whether there are any military-strategic research reports on the necessity of submarines for Thailand.
    A pleasure-shopping without sense and reason at the expense of taxpayers. 

    “The submarines from China are the cheapest with the quality relatively acceptable".
    “We are not rich, and we don’t have much money to spend [on them]. We cannot build them on our own ...."

    These are all arguments that speak against this purchase.
    The reason for the purchase must then be another.

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