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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. 4 hours ago, ethaniel said:

    We've got 3 TOT lines. All of them went down at the same time. Which suggests that there is a bottleneck somewhere on the TOT line and they are throttling everyone's speeds.

    Time to change the provider.

    We had 2 lines with TOT.
    Both terminated.
    It's just like you say; they are throttling everyone's speeds.

    Complain Call in the call center, and then it is good for one day.
    After they turn down the bandwidth again.
    After 30-40 complain calls it was finally only annoying.
    Switched to 3BB Fiber. 
    Good so far.

    Knock on wood.


  2. ... He was fined 5,000 baht and told that if he does it again they would take his license away.

    Do not worry.
    Nexttime, if he does it again , he will only be a bloody mud.
    And will unfortunately tear many innocent people into death.

    The department of land transport is not able to understand, that there are people out there, which are mentally unable to drive a vehicle or bus with passengers safely in the traffic.
    The fact that this driver is allowed to drive a bus again , is just an incredibly stupid decision.

  3. This driving behavior fulfills the criminal offense of an attempted negligent manslaughter.
    Why is not his bus driver's license withdrawn immediately?
    Just such irresponsible, brainless drivers cause the accidents with many deaths and serious injuries on the streets of Thailand.
    That this driver can continue to drive a bus with passengers.
    Madness pur.

  4. I believe many many Thai people have lost confidence in elections, politicians and governments, after so many changes of governments and military putsches.
    All those who are in power have yet always only filled their own pockets with money and tries to shape the laws in their own mind, and to impose their misdeeds without a trace.

    Many ordinary people have never seen or have never experienced that elections in good people's representatives can change their lives, besides 500 Baht voting money cash in their hands. There are always the same power clusters, which alternately put the money into their own pockets when they are in power.
    Once poor, always poor.

    So what is the progress over the past 30 years?
    Sufficient old-age provision in a society that is increasingly aging?
    Versatile educational opportunities, even for the socially weak?
    Affordable health care, even for the average earners on the rice fields and in the factories?
    Rising, inflation-adjusted net income for the broad masses?
    Reasonable water and sewage supplies?
    Reasonable waste disposal?
    Equality law for all?
    Environmental protection and resource conservation?

    They have reached better power supply, mobile phones for all, and more cars on credit.
    No glory for the governments of the last 30 years.

    As another poster wrote:
    The making of money, in a sick society, overrides safety, morality and good will.
    The last electoral participation in the constitution was very low.
    In the future there will be elections, but no one is going to vote.
    A horror scenario for every democracy.


  5. 4 hours ago, Phuketboy said:

    2 to 3 dozen patients a day?  Are they sure on those figures?  Given the price of botox injections at proper clinics, she would have been making an absolute fortune.  Clinics charge anywhere between 9,000 and 12,000 baht for this.  Say she went on the lower side and charged 9,000 per patient x 24 patients = 216,000 baht per day.  Really?

    + had been operating for 2-3 years without qualifications or licenses.
    Say she went on the lower side for 2 years (around 700 days) =
    216.000 x 700 = 151.200.000 Baht
    If so, she is a very big fish.
    She paid taxes also?
    If not, there is a lot of money in it.

  6. It is sad what happens at some schools.
    Partially beating teachers without proper educational training and pedagogics.

    .... he just hated mathematics.
    Mathematics can be so interesting.
    Especially the many possible, different ways to a solution.
    For example, 9 multiplied by 19.
    My daughter has learned in her thai school:
    9 x   9 = 81 plus
    9 x 10 = 90
    Together = 171

    I showed her =
    10 x 19 = 190 minus 1 x 19 = 171
    Her teacher has marked this as wrong in her homework.


  7. 2 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

    "......pump motors and related equipment at Puek Plub were damaged and poorly maintained".


    Nothing is maintained in Thailand. Whatever it might be just exists until it decays, rusts or rots and eventually falls to pieces or collapses. Pumping stations, sewage plants, buses, trains, buildings, fun parks, truck brakes to name just a few.

    I wonder if there are any budgets for maintenance,
    r whether they are diverted into private pockets.

  8. 43 minutes ago, ethaniel said:

    Just wanted to clarify.


    2 personal friends of mine were made to go through urine tests in the last week.


    Girlfriend of a person I know was sniffed by a dog during a traffic stop. Happened on the mountain shortcut road between Police Station and Baan Tai.


    Also. 1000 baht seems to be the "donation" for not doing the piss test.


    Don't do drugs myself, but people around me do smoke weed. I will have to pay a 60.000 baht bribe or go to jail if stopped at such a raid because obviously the weed will be in my system.


    Police love finding new amazing ways of extorting money from tourists.


    At what time they were checked?
    Your friends comming from a party? (Halfmoon or Jungle


  9. On 27.12.2016 at 7:21 PM, Skeptic7 said:

    oh...so it's OK to mistreat and abuse animals, is it??? should have stopped after your first 2 sentences! :post-4641-1156693976:

    I do not write this, to abuse animals.
    Do not put your interpretation in my writing as mine.
    I have written that she should work better on a pig farm than to take care of children in a school.
    Bad style from you.
    Give you the red card back. :post-4641-1156693976:

  10. 6 hours ago, smutcakes said:


    And those disbursing the budget in BKK know what is going on (because they do the same), but for a moderate portion of that 10 million in cash into their back pocket means they are happy for it to continue. The more 10 million budgets they need, the more they get.

    Imagine there would be an online database open to the public,
    in which all approved funds are listed,
    ordered according to dschangwat, district, village, amount of money, purpose and date,
    the whole corruption jungle would then be visible to every citizen.

    In many districts it is impossible for the normal citizen to get information about the funds.
    Big secret.

  11. True
    A lot of money sent from Bangkok to the provinces, percolates at the local level.

    For example, money for a new road or road repair.
    The money from Bangkok starts with, for example, 10 million.
    At the local level, a road is then built or repaired for 4 million.
    6 million then seep into cousins economy and kickbacks.
    Unfortunately, there is no or little control what was made with the money sent from Bangkok.

    10 million would be enough to build a road with 18 cm thick cement and iron reinforcement.
    The building is then actually a 5 cm thick road without iron.

    And after 2 years, they are applying again for street repair, and the game starts again.
    This is the scheme from local Obotors and Pujay Bans to suck public money into their private pockets.

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