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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. is illogical for me. two Astra shots do not help against Omicron after 3 months, but now the third shot with the same active ingredient should help. Again for 3 months? On the whole, the protective effect of the vaccinations is extremely short. 2 times Pfizer then 3 shots after 6 months. In terms of temporal protection, Pfizer seems to be better.
  2. First it was called for Moderna or Pfizer as the third shot. Now third Astra shot on top of 2 AZ after all? Apparently there aren't enough Moderna and Pfizer shots available? Then Astra or what? So the vaccination recommendations are more than unclear, which one is really the most sensible.
  3. The government has been trying to prevent the virus from spreading since March 2020. If you look at the previous virus waves, the previous measures / restrictions and bans have been of no use. The world is no different. It sucks when the governments make life difficult for people, but in the end nothing better comes out of it.
  4. Airports Nok Air check in waiting lines sometimes terrible. Public transport services In Phuket not exists, only private taxi operaters. Visitor Centers ??? I do not know what it is Sea/Beach Attractions Was good. Umbrella service was friendly. Drinks some place extrem expensive. Eco-tourism Some places not enough public trash bins. Historical Sites Never go to places with double pricing Accommodation services Hotel staff all friendly Restaurant/Food and beverage outlets Restaurants some good, some not good. In girly bars too much annoying Lady drink pestering. Merchandise/souvenir shops Never need to buy souvenirs Health care services Was good. Tour guide services Never need Tour Guides Never used Thai People services Massage lady's many good. Thailand Tourism Directory website visitors. Terrible
  5. the prime minister’s term will end on August 24th 2022, citing Sections 158 and 264 of the Constitution which, in essence, state that an individual cannot hold the premiership for more than eight years. Let's see if Prayut sticks to his self-written constitution. Bitwin already accepts bets?
  6. Such a story is often stigmatized across the board without knowing the exact circumstances. The story spread also in the Thai media. There is also no great journalistic detailed research carried out and differentiated. The evil foreigner is portrayed in a very striking way. The distrust and denial of foreigners will continue to grow among the Thai population. Such events contribute to it. Unfortunately.
  7. That is from Koh Samui Facebookgroup. If this information is not helpfull, please delete my post. An Israeli man who was infected with the Delta coronavirus variant and escaped from the hotel where he was under quarantine has surrendered to authorities after traveling to several destinations throughout Thailand. According to police, the Israeli national escaped from a hotel in Thonglor, after which a warrant was issued for his arrest due to his flagrant violation of arrival requirements for international travelers. Pol Maj Gen Jirasan Kaewsang-ek, spokesperson for the Royal Thai Police, said the man had entered Thailand on December 17 under the Test & Go scheme and had been awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test via the RT-PCR method. The man is currently being processed with authorities intending to pursue legal action over his noncompliance with the Communicable Diseases Act. According to tourist police, he contacted the Israeli embassy to announce his intentions to turn himself in to police in Koh Samui in Surat Thani Province. The Israeli had arrived in Thailand on December 17 and was placed in quarantine at a hotel in the Sukhumvit area. Results from his RT-PCR test came back positive for COVID-19 but the strain had yet to be identified. While awaiting confirmation, the man went missing from his hotel, after which the strain was identified as the Delta variant. According to reports, the man hailed a taxi from his Sukhumvit hotel that then took him to Pattaya in Chonburi province. From there, he is believed to have remained in Pattaya until December 19 before returning to Bangkok, where he then rented a van and headed south. On December 20, investigators found visual confirmation of the Israeli turning up in Chumphon province and then traveling to Koh Samui in Surat Thani province, where he eventually surrendered himself to local law enforcement.
  8. 3. Events a. The first time the hairdressers didn't want my money. There is a fear of foreigners that has never been before. b. Entry to Phuket. Quite an intensive check at the entry checkpoint. Was OK. All papers in order. Stopped and knocked out extra because there is a long nose with Thais sitting together. Have no problems with control. During this time, around 100 cars from all possible districts drove past us without being checked. c. Foreigner Alarm when checking into the hotel. Relief as the receptionist with minimal knowledge of English realized that the foreigner had been residing in Thailand for many weeks. The normal population has fears and distrust of long-nosed foreigners. I never saw it that way before.
  9. In some Facebook groups I read he have went to the policestation by him self. The police did not catch him. What exactly happened. Who knows.
  10. Wonder. What makes him so sure that he can stop the next wave. Before that he said "no problem" and Thailand still had its C19 waves. That the foreigners are to blame for the next wave, he put that little plant back in the heads of the Thais now. That the virus knows no borders and that it is a global problem, that all the measures are only a time delay, and that he is actually powerless, this man would never admit.
  11. A general shame. Many teachers earn their money after regular school lessons with extra lessons in the evening and on the weekends, but then - against appropriate payment - the teachers explain the subject matter correctly and prepare accordingly for the questions in the exam, which are created by the same teachers. Kids learn corruption from an early age here.
  12. Be sure the loss of 20% GDP has an impact. The state-registered unemployment figure of 2% is junk, only those registered with social security are counted.
  13. He's right. The international arrivals have fallen by 99% since 2019. To kill the last percent doesn't matter much anymore. He got the number of 5-6 million from the TAT free style number lottery wheel of fortune.
  14. Do not be afraid the virus will also spread in factories, construction sites, buses, trains, markets, restaurants, offices and hospitals. It is best to lock self up at home and cover all windows and door gaps with tape and wait 3 months with sufficient supplies; if you don't have to go out to work to earn food for the family.
  15. Well this mindset has been practiced since 21 months. Result: It didn't work and now we're back to the beginning. What bothers me are these short-term, panic, sometimes idiotic reactions without a long-term alternative plan and without thinking about the consequences. It is not even attempted to think in terms of alternatives, but now the old, failed recipes are repeated again.
  16. As I understand that the 200K already registered Test and Go tourists can enter as before. Just have to do an additional PCR test on the 7th day. Until then, they had already been tested twice (before departure and upon arrival). Then why is the test and go program stopped? But let the 200K in as before in the near future. It doesn't make sense to stop or interrupt the program. Surely there wouldn't be millions of additional tourists either. But as before, around 150K per month. With a positive rate of 0.1 to 0.2 that would be around 150 tradable cases, as Dr. Kiatphoom Wongjarit himself has confirmed. I don't understand the logic of suspending the program.
  17. That is the dilemma. If doctors rule in their limited world of thought, then one should completely isolate the population and lock everyone up. Then you would actually have fewer infections. And the fear argument works pretty well at the beginning: "If you don't do what we say, you will die". And on the other hand there is the population, many of whom are not in a position to survive existentially long isolation measures economically. An intelligent balance of interests must be found so that the doctors' measures can be accepted. This is where the task of politics and the national leadership begins. And so far that has not worked well here if one works primarily with army-like orders and punishments instead of compromises. And when the promised light fails to come at the end of the tunnel, resistance and anger arise. Many have so far made economic and social sacrifices in the hope of getting their normal life back. But after 21 months full of restrictions, the point has been reached for many where many see that their previous sacrifices have been in vain and realize that medicine and politics are actually powerless against the virus. The population is not as stupid as the government believes with its kindergarten mentality.
  18. Parties + Booze + gambling + girls = hedonistic lifestyle. Until the money runs out. Then follow debts + depression + loneliness + social misery. There are many who get broke this way if they don't get home in time.
  19. With all the uncertainty and constant last minute changes, potential Thailand visitors cannot plan. It's not just about the Thai pass, but to organize everything beforehand. Visa, flight, hotel, insurance, PCR test before departure, etc. All those who booked through Bangkok and did not apply for their TP yesterday at the last second have to cancel everything if they do not want to go to 7-10 days hotel jail. Wouldn't it have been enough to let the TP program continue to run and also to install the test for everyone on the 7th day on top? What is the benefit for 200,000 tourists doing it this way and not for all who want to come later? Now the chaos and the damage is greater than the benefit if you cut the only - to some extent - attractive way for vacation in Thailand.
  20. You make simply an appointment with a thai doctor from a big hospital. Then you have a medical reason. Easy.
  21. No. I belief they all want to go on holiday until 4 January. That could be the reason for the quick decision. Furthermore I guess the leaders can not read any data from worldwide medical and statistical sources coz they all writen in English language.
  22. Thus the revival of tourism is officially buried. Now again with 7-10 days of hotel prison. Not many will come. We already had the whole theater in May / June. Result: Didn't bring anything. And now this ad hoc out of my gut again I'm afraid decision. Won't bring anything either, at best a delay. The big wave doesn't come in February, but then in March.
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