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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. According to Dr. Apisamai, certain requirements will also apply to events with fewer than 1,000 people, such as family or corporate parties. The numbers below 1000 are imprecise and completely unclear. His family party must be pretty big. The servitude of the ruling class is now extremely annoying.
  2. The TAT has absolutely no idea about modern tourism marketing. How about: - CRM? - Differentiation of target groups? - Customer loyalty strategys? - New customer acquisition strategys? - Customer recovery strategys? - Customer ABC analysis? - Customer life cycle accounting? - Competition analysis? - Customer needs analysis? - Product development strategies? - Control and early warning systems? - Category management? - Key account management? - Customer individual Marketing? - Ansoff Strategies? - Market potential analyzes? - Communication and feedback evaluations? - Customer satisfaction measurements? - medium to long-term future visions? - and other modern tourism marketing basics In contrast, the TAT practiced tourism marketing from 1975. A slogan + print ads + TV commercials + exhibition stands and a stone age homepage. The deficits of those responsible with regard to training, specialist knowledge, methodology, analytical precision and mathematic skills are evident. And if you then do benchmarking and compare Thailand with other tourist regions such as e.g. Greece, Spain, Turkey, Mexico or the Dominican Republic in the Covit crisis, one would fire every manager who is responsible for a decline of 99% within 20 months.
  3. As of 2016, the National Statistical Office reported there were more than 10,000 registered hotels. Of the number, 37% were in the South, 25% in the central provinces, 18% in the North, 12% in the Northeast and 7% in Bangkok. The office reported that hotels operated more than 457,000 rooms across the country. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1154987/thailand-length-of-stay-of-foreign-hotel-guests/ In 2019, an average length of stay for international hotel guests was around 9.26 days. In that same year, there were almost 40 million tourists who visited Thailand, with the majority of tourists coming from east Asia region. 457000 * 0.12 = 54840 hotel beds occupied per day. 54840 * 365 = 20016600 per year 20016600 / 9, 26 = 2,16 Million. The difference can then only be Dometic Tourism. Cross check: 400000 international arrivals in 2021 * 9.26 days = 3704000 occupied beds. 457000 *365 = 166,8 Million total bed capacity 3,7 * 100 / 166,8 = 2,2 % Occupancy rate of the hotels by international tourists That correlates well with the decline in international arrivals with minus 99% (base year 2019). Personally, I do not believe that domestic tourism will be 10% of the total occupancy rate of 12% in 2021. The actual occupancy rate is likely to be even lower
  4. To tranform Thailand's tourism Walmart supermarket into a tourism high end Christian Dior shop. LOL Totally utopian TAT fantasy.
  5. The revenues from the shadow economy and prostitution do make an indirect contribution to government revenues. Every new car, motorcycle, refrigerator, tractor, handbag, house, smartphone, water buffalo that is bought with this proceeds provides VAT and profit-related taxes from the selling companies.
  6. LOL completely utopian. Fact: the international arrivals have been down 99% since 2019. In the extended version, the WTTC calculates around 5 million Thais who are dependent on tourism income. The painful economic consequences for the normal Thai population are yet to come. The whole TAT blah blah is only there to distract from there own ineptitude. Meanwhile, at international universities where one can study tourism in higher semesters, Thailand is being examined as a case study for a failed tourism policy.
  7. Only five sub-committees set up. That can only fail. There would be at least 12 sub-committees much better. It's only tax payers money. No problem. What is there to eat? Have the lunch and dinner menu cards already been printed?
  8. If you look at the data and measures of the last time, you can come to the conclusion that the tourism sector is being deliberately dismantled by the current rulers and that foreign visitors (aliens) are actually not wanted in Thailand.
  9. From 40 million in 2019 down to around 400K this year. This corresponds to a decrease of minus 99%. So much for the competence of the tourism strategists in this country.
  10. As I read today accord to minister ANutin, - to enjoy the festivities - that will be only one day. At 1am 1.1.2022 everybody should go to bed. Great advertising for festivities.
  11. The Mor Chana app also continually uploads data to servers in Thailand, which has caused privacy rights activists to speak out against the app. According to Singapore-based cybersecurity firm Straits Interactive back in July, the Mor Chana app, and its sister app Thai Chana, “contain excessive user permissions and have terms and conditions lacking transparency. At that time, the app asked for more permissions to be authorized by users than any other app being used anywhere in any Asean country. So much so, according to Straits Interactive, the app can access every other app on your phone and track your usage in it. This could then be reported to both the app developer and the Thai government. My phone is 1,5 years old, and my battery is not fresh as a new one. If I have open GPS and Bluetooth and Mobile data permanently at the same time, my battery is empty after 2,5 hours.
  12. I had to uninstall the Mor Chana app. The app eats its way deep into the system and automatically switches on GPS and Bluetooth. The battery is empty after 2.5 hours if you don't have a new phone. The app also does not offer an upload function for the PCR tests. You wait days until the QR code turns green. Even the hotel staff told me the app is rubbish. The Mor Prom app is much better in this regard.
  13. One of the main strengths of Thai tourism was its diversity. Families for a beach vacation, sex tourists, backpackers, nature lovers, party people, long-stay pensioners, snowbirds, medical tourists, 1-day border tourists. And there are enough 5-star facilities with private beaches for high-end tourists. There was something for everyone. In 2019 Thailand has 40 million international arrivals. In 2021 400,000 at best. That corresponds to a decrease of 99% !!! With its constant overestimation of numbers (20 million in 2022), the TAT has lost all reference to reality. The useless and clueless TAT is simply burning taxpayers money, nothing else.
  14. In other words, the plan is to kill the hundreds of thousands of small businesses and millions of jobs that have traditionally served the low and middle class tourists.
  15. Last week there were 16 million tourists as the goal for 2022. This week are suddenly 20 million. It's a shame that the Thai journalists never ask for an explanation on what basis the numbers were determined. Yes, and I am one of those people who like to spend a lot of money. Mainly for nightlife, concerts, discos and party fun. Would like to spend my money, but unfortunately almost everything is closed.
  16. There will be changes. I'm guessing that there are fewer gogos and more restaurant-bar mixes such as those currently in Soi 8 and Soi 11.
  17. The leadership position of a country is not a place for a PM to learn through trial and error. Fundamental knowledge of management, organization, understanding of national accounting, English as a foreign language, global information processing, communication skills, teamwork, analytical thinking and a vision are required. Kissing a frog doesn't help much.
  18. This is unfortunately true. Uncle Tu has no idea how to run a country. Even as a super army general, he didn't have any medals from go to war. But when it comes to planning and forecasting future tax revenues, he has as much idea as a tiger needs toilet paper to poop. The economic trough is yet to come. I think the next five years for reduced tax receipts are very realistic. At the same time, the debt will accumulate to over 100% of GDP. The country for the benefit of a few, totally hit into the wall.
  19. WOW, that's earth-shattering news. 9th and 11th in Scrabble. Thailand is back on the world map and economically saved. That brings food to the tables of all Thais. All educational deficits are blown away. Things are looking up again for everyone. Hooray.
  20. The PM asked all ministries to come up with "a New Year present for the people. Yes, all those ministers who have more than 10 million in their bank accounts give away 1-2 million for the Thais who do not have enough to eat. The country leader should lead by example. It is gradually becoming apparent to many Thais that you cannot buy anything to eat for Prayuths words.
  21. Covid is under control. I heard that for the first time in March 2020. The PM and his gang members blow their soap bubbles daily. It's getting boring.
  22. The Prayut government is desperate for every single Baht of additional tax revenue. No wonder with this mismanagement and the highest national debt ever measured in Thailand. The little people are now allowed to pay the bill for the incapacity.
  23. Golf carts drive on private property and not on public roads. It's none of the government's business what I drive on my private property. Such a tax would be illegal in other countries. There will soon be a lawn mower tax.
  24. Good idea from the leader. For this he should withdraw 400 million TBH from his private bank account and give every Thai who currently has no work and no money, 5000 Baht vacation money in hand. Then 80,000 Thais could take a short vacation. The Thai elites have amassed so much money, that they cannot spend that in their lives anyway.
  25. Yes. In some fields is good. Also if you need a Thai passport. In 3 days the passport is ready. Good. Unfortunately, these are exceptions and not the rule when it comes to admimastrive processes. They are then rather tedious and unnecessarily complicated.
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