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Posts posted by Cereal

  1. 12 hours ago, shamrock09 said:

    Cereal, 6000 hours for a first officer is quite a lot of flying hours. How do you get these hours? Obviously, you work for a smaller carrier with less restrictive hiring requirements and build up the hours before making a jump to a major carrier. British Airways used to have its own flight school at Hamble. Nobody gained 6000 hours flying trainers! You have to begin somewhere. Why do you think pilots put up with the ridiculous working conditions at Ryanair? Yes, to log the hours, that's why.

    True, a pilot can log about 1000 hours a year generally speaking. In Canada they are restricted to 80 hours a month with some limited overtime available. Most pilots get their flying in with smaller airlines such as Bearskin or in the military. Nonetheless, 650 hours is a beginner and a pilot with those severely limited hours shouldn't be in the flightdeck of a major carrier which fly much more complicated aircraft.


    There's also the fact that of those 650 hours, half are comprised of when he was not the PIC (pilot in command) and some of the rest come from simulator training. It is very easy to surmise he may have had 300 hours of actual flight time and the majority of those hours would be on autopilot. They all count as flight time. Most folks are not aware of this.

    12 hours ago, shamrock09 said:



  2. I wonder if anyone here can help. In a nutshell, this is the story. I live in Laos and the director of our school. who was appointed this past year, worked and lived in Thailand for many years. He claims to have a PhD, which no one can absolutely confirm. he's also been such a disruptive force that those whom he hasn't fired are looking for other jobs.


    The issue is this. We're trying to find out about his past. There is a 10 year gap when he was in Thailand which is unaccounted for. No one knows where he was or what he was doing. He's despised by one and all. He's a pathological liar and an evil man.


    Is there any way to dig up information on his mysterious whereabouts during his absence from society? The rumour mill has it he was stitched up in a Thai jail. But that's purely rumour and conjecture at this point.


    He has single-handedly destroyed the moral and very fabric of what was very recently a fantastic workplace.

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