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Posts posted by Cereal

  1. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    Its just a registration for that you fill in while your healthy that in event of your demise they can take certain parts of your body. Its quite normal in my country to do so. But those are registered donors not actual donors. 


    Its best to write things down before.. because once you have an accident or die you can't give consent anymore. 

    I know this. It's a typical organ donation card. In Canada they come attached to a driver's license, or at least they used to. However, that is not what the story said. It could simply be poor writing skills, that wouldn't be a first.

  2. " Ms Supaporn Boonyoungyuen, deputy director of the Eye Centre of the Thai Red Cross Society, said Friday that the Eye Centre could not collect eyes from donors who are still alive despite their willingness to donate their eyes..."


    What the heck is up with this? People are willing to donate their eyes while they are still perfectly usable? I cannot understand that at all.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

    And BTW. I seriously hope you are dead wrong.

    I hope I am dead wrong too. I almost assuredly am. Talk to victims of child abuse, it's something that never leaves, it never dies. It's a scarring for life, despite outward appearances, every victim of child sexual abuse never completely gets over it.

  4. Just now, holy cow cm said:

    Very profane statement. Just curious. Are you gay? 

    I don't think it's profane in the slightest. And I am not gay, nor do I have any inclinations in that way whatsoever. I live in Laos and am surrounded by ladyboys who bother me not in the least. Friends and family are of that persuasion. It's simply what I think, that's all.

  5. On 6/4/2018 at 8:56 PM, Sheryl said:

    It certainly works both ways but a man in that situation does not usually think he was raped....whereas a woman may intend suspect it (in some cases correctly.

    There is something of a built in fails afe for men in that if so wasted that you pass out, you will not be able to perform. Whereas it is physically possible to have sex with an unconscious or semi-conscious woman

    Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Physically possible to have sex with a semi conscious woman....Sounds like my ex wife lol

  6. 4 hours ago, BobBKK said:

    Thailand the hub of penis envy.

    Ahh.....that would be Korea, not Thailand.




    I lived in Korea for 6 years and once the K guys take you into their confidence all they complain about if how small their dicks are. It's quite funny. They feel so far superior to every other race or culture on earth but all ya gotta do to bring them down to size when they get a little mouthy, like when white guys are trying to pick up K girls and they try to cockblock you,  is point at their crotch and wiggle your little finger around while laughing. Then leave with the girl.


    Been there, done that.

  7. There were 5 Chinese young ladies in my university cohort back in 2008. 


    I saw them in the library one day when I was getting books for a paper I was going to write on Tiananmen Square. They told me the whole thing was a lie to discredit China. The pictures were all photo shopped. 


    I later taught university in China and very delicately asked some Chinese professors about it and they had never heard of the incident.

  8. 3 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


    What does 100% disabled mean ?? I'm partially deaf, if I was fully deaf, I would be disabled. Would I be 100% disabled, or just 100% deaf !!


    If he really can't do any of those things, then I guess the neighbor might have a valid point ??

    In my opinion, 100% disabled means you are incapable of self care at the most basic levels. For example: Stephen Hawking was 100% disabled. Christopher Reeve was 100% disabled. 


    It's pretty simple, really.

  9. 23 hours ago, wildewillie89 said:

    You mean the introduction of ridiculous knee jerk legislation by states? It looks like a parliamentary inquiry in Victoria found their is enough evidence to show Pitbulls are not anymore dangerous than other breeds and are moving to water down the legislation (although keep some conditions like being muzzled in public). Why? As bite stats have gone up regardless of the legislation (i.e. 'Pitbulls', which are almost impossible to identify, make absolutely no significant impact on bite stats).


    Pit Bull dogs are more dangerous and more inclined to attack than any other breed. The biggest danger is their incredible strength and bite.


    Read these statistics.



  10. Good gravy, there are so many ridiculous statements in that story that one doesn't stand out as being exceptional. Taxi drivers the world over have had a monopoly for decades and here comes the competition, instantly doing more, doing it better, doing it more efficiently and effectively and the taxi drivers are upset.


    Too freaking bad. Too many of you have been treating customers with rudeness, disdain and at times criminally for far too long. Taxi drivers in Thailand are infamous for all of the above.


    Remember the video of a taxi driver speeding and the customer telling him to slow down and the driver said, "Are you dead yet?"


    Bring on the competition.

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