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Posts posted by Cereal

  1. 23 hours ago, newatthis said:

    Really? Are you sure??

    Of course I'm sure. Whereas I had unlimited access across the border to Thailand now I have 2 trips a year. After which, I am obliged to buy an additional visa for 5000 baht which is good for 6 months.


    I have friends who live in Nong Khai and cross the bridge daily. It now costs them 10,000 baht a year to see their wife and kids everyday.


    What is causing the confusion here?

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  2. 14 hours ago, fullcave said:

     So the father was wearing a helmet but not the children? Seems kind of selfish to me. 

    Actually it's not, at least according to Thai logic, which is pretty much the same as Lao logic in many ways.


    It goes like this. The most important person in a family is the one who brings in the money. Dad, in many/most cases.


    If dad gets hurt/killed, the money flow stops. That's bad. If a kid gets hurt/killed, hit the sack and hump out another one.


    The reality is, kids contribute nothing tangible to a household. They take.

  3. 19 hours ago, Adventra20 said:

    If you believe that, you also believe in the tooth fairy!! 

    And God...and Santa Claus...and The Easter Bunny...and the equality of all people...and the elites really do have the best intentions for the proletariat...and if you work hard you will succeed...and the American Dream is real...and innocent until proven guilty...and............

    • Haha 1
  4. On 7/23/2018 at 10:24 AM, orchidfan said:

    China also screaming out for teachers....work visa provided and sometimes travel a nd accommodation assistance.

    Salaries 4 times that if Thailand. .but it is China!

    As someone who worked in China these last 4 words speak volumes. Don't do it. There's lots of woto in Laos too. It pays better than China or Thailand for the most part.

    • Like 1
  5. Yep, me too growing up in Germany and Canada. There was also the not so subtle threat of dad when you got home if you'd been bad enough to get the strap.


    Most parents these days pussy their kids so badly it's not a surprise they grow up wimps and crybabies. 


    University kids needing safe spaces cuz they've been offended.



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  6. 15 hours ago, Maradona 10 said:

    I have always believed that all of us given the choice would rather have a great life back in one's own land, if money was no object and had family etc.


    What person in their own country who had everything a man needed and was happy with his lot woke up one morning and thought 'I think I'll move to Thailand'?

    This generalization does not apply to all. You're assuming everyone has a natural bias to their birth country and this is not so for various reasons. I know several people who were delighted to leave 'home' with no desire to ever go back. I count myself among them.


    I left Canada in September 2005. I have never been back. I will never set foot on Canadian soil again and I haven't missed 'home' for one single solitary second. There are several reasons for this. I was born in Canada but grew up in Germany, completing all of elementary school there. My earliest solid memories of Canada start in middle school. Thus my formative years, psychologically speaking, were spent in Europe. I never developed an emotional attachment to Canada.


    There's also the issue of weather. I despise, with a vehemence shown only by people's loathing of Trump, cold weather - winter. Canada = winter


    There are more, but suffice it to say, not everyone longs to go home. I would rather live in Laos having my life as I do, which is comfortable, than return to Canada for a 7 figure salary watching sports on TV as a couch tester for a furniture manufacturing company.

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  7. " Kongsak Kupongsakorn, president of the Southern Hoteliers’ Association, said... The negative impacts of the July 5 accident in which nearly 50 were killed are widespread and more serious than previously thought..."


    Seriously? How can you underestimate the potential for fallout, unless you are a world class dumbkopf.

  8. The Chinese tend to be very rude travelers. So much so, that the Chinese government is tracking them and will punish those who misbehave while abroad.


    I've lived and worked in China and there are a ton of them in Laos vacationing. My experience tells me that Thailand should be quite content to be rid of them.

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