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Posts posted by sandrabbit

  1. 7 hours ago, Nicebus said:

    Today i looked on "You Tube Thailand dash cam crashes "

    Appalling really


    Disregard for anyone else.


    Not driving to the conditions.

    Etc etc.

    Ive been coming here for 15 years and sorry to say I cant see it ever changing in my time.




    watch Russian dash cam carnage ...........

    • Sad 1

    40 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    but ...  there has to be an edge or a wall or something ....

    nothing goes forever, there's no such thing as forever .......  it just ain't possible, it's not a true meaning ... forever is like, never stops ..... so it is really hard to think the darkness never ever stops.

    possibly it's like flying in a straight line around the earth, you come back on yourself. it's also proven now that it's an infinite universe expanding and so ultimately there won't be any star trek and being able to travel between galaxies. 


    40 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Really tiny black holes should evaporate due to Hawking radiation, but there is about 100 million black holes in the Milky Way alone.

    but from what can be observed it seems every galaxy is rotating around a supermassive black hole. I think black holes were first identified because they would emit x rays which don't have mass and I think the first one detected was Cygnus X1 ( a Rush song as well).

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, StevieAus said:

    There is little point in relying on the experience of persons outside of your province.

    In Chiang Mai province where I live three expats I know who applied for the Marriage Visa were visited  at home by Immigration Officials the first time they applied.

    This is normal for the first application but I had recently a home visit for a fourth application and the guy was quite strict so myself/wife/witness were really careful what we said.

    • Sad 1
  4. why would you want to freeze milk, why not buy packs of UHT milk?. I know it doesn't taste quite as nice as fresh pasteurised but it's way more convenient to store. if any of you Brits miss your Frosties fix try Lactasoy soy in the reduced sugar formula with cornflakes or any other breakfast cereal.

  5. On 3/21/2019 at 10:19 PM, jpinx said:

    I think the reference is to the aircraft having a limited range of CofG which is further limited in the configuration/flight condition of a stall. Aircraft are usually designed to stall the main wing first. Stalling the tailplane is a "deep stall" and has different characteristics.  Stalling the tailplane before the mainwing is not something I've tried, but I'd expect a severe tail-down movement as the tailplane loses lift. You'd need to ask a Pitts jockey to try it for you. ????


    Boeing, Airbus, et al are always pushing the boundaries of aerodynamics - sometimes with spectacularly impressive results, but the underlying rules of the science are the same and must be respected.

    great answer and I had never thought of that as the way you explained it, I was thinking at the time about the aircraft flying/going backwards into the ground because as I understand it it's almost impossible for an airliner to recover from a stall like that. I have seen many aerobatic videos of aircraft falling through smoke vertically with the nose straight up  and that's where I was coming from with my comment.

  6. I use EPIC browser to watch tv in the UK as it has a built in vpn with a British server. I use tvplayer.com to access the channels although last night I had no problems using bbc Iplayer. EPIC does tell you to restart frequently to stay safe (it is one of the most secure browsers available) so I presume it frequently changes the proxy servers IP address.

  7. I can't remember how many Chang's I drunk during the game as I was so excited as Wales had been rubbish throughout the tournament and finally turned up last night. I was so drunk I thought England had thrashed Scotland so I must have fallen asleep before half time and an English friend told me the result today ...


    I might be biased being Welsh but it seems like England and Ireland relied on a playmaker whereas Wales have played as a team in this 6 nations for good or bad. We're going to miss Warren Gatland and his discipline lead play, looking forward to the world cup in Japan.

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