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Posts posted by chowny77

  1. Hello all that this affects. I just went by the building I suspected would be the new immigration office and was informed by a very polite lady that works for the university that the office should be fully open by September. The office will be located in the building next to the Rajabhat University that has the 7-11 downstairs and the IT center. I am unsure of exactly which floor it will be on but as the number of foreigners that live in this province I expect that the office will not be very big, so possibly on the 2nd or 3rd floor. I also had an interesting time talking to the Uni students who first tried to help me by using google translate and charades. Not really their fault as my Thai is still pretty poor and plus they are actually studying Chinese and not English. At the end though I got my answer and had some fun too. I will check again in about 3-4 weeks to see if there has been any progress but for anyone in the Uttaradit province that needs to go to immigration Nan is the office to go to at this time.

    Cheers and I will up date if I find out anymore info.

  2. I say round them up and F*%k them off. No if, buts or maybe's. The west has gone too soft and are not looking out for their own people but bending over to the PC brigade and it has resulted in all these killings. Muslims will not integrate into a western society regardless of how hard you try and they will gain the upper hand in time. Look at London now, they have that dic*-head Muslim as a mayor. <deleted>, this is crazy. I give Europe 100 years before it is completely an Islam country and America about 150-200 years, unless people stand up and push the governments of each western country to do things for their citizens rather than worry about the human rights group think. Most of these people have countries to go back to so go back, it might be s%$t there but do something about it and make it better. Agent Smith in the Matrix's summed it up pretty well when he said that humans are like a disease, we move and procreate and once all the natural resources are used up we move on to another place to infect like a virus. The middle east is running out of oil, I guess this gives them a reason to move on.

  3. Most of the Thai's I know can not stand the Chinese. That being said many other tourists are also not in the good books with the Thai's. Thailand will just have to accept that you will get the good with the bad if you want to earn money through tourism they will have to grow a thicker skin and accept it. Either that or just stop all foreigners from entering and wonder what happened to the golden goose!! I expect Thailand would rather shoot themselves in the foot than just to accept that tourists do not go for this Thainess BS of being lied to, robbed and scammed. Each to their own.

  4. Well he condition says it all "chronic epilepsy". How in the world has she been able to keep her driving licence since she has been diagnosed with such a disability. I guess she must be one of the Thai's who got a licence for life which they do not give anymore, otherwise maybe the doctor would have put the condition down on her medical paper which you need to re-new a licence. There was a similar case about 2 or so years ago when a school director driving his car in school ran over his own students because he also supposedly had an epileptic fit. He only got a light slap on the wrist if I remember correctly. Dangerous place here with very dangerous drivers.

  5. Last year I got my replacement GB passport but no supporting letter. When I went to immigration in Nan they woman did ask for a letter but luckily I had everything in the envelope from the UK and showed her it. Obviously I have not faked my passport and so she did the extension exchange but she made sure that one full page was completely used...............damn I wish I had ordered the 48 page passport.

  6. I think the main problem with the Thai education system is that it only centers on Bangkok and is the only concern of the MOE and the TCT. The rest of the country can go hang as far as the BKK Hi-so's care and leaves the rest of the country with no say in the matter. Outside of BKK they struggle to even get a native English speaker through the door because of the requirements that BKK has set in place, as well as the budget assigned for schools to pay NES outside of BKK. A few years ago I was advised to take a degree course in education and I am happy I stood by my guns and said no. For the pay, workload and the just non logical approach that most schools have towards education, I feel I am better off not have wasted my time and money on a degree which outside of Thailand would mean nothing. I know many who have already left and I feel I will be joining their ranks soon as teaching in Thailand has gone beyond a joke now, and the ones I feel sorry for are the students that will miss out because of the way Thailand has mismanaged education completely and I see no change in the future.

  7. Well that is a convenient occurrence that she had two ectopic pregnancies at the same time...................hmmmm I am calling BS on the directors statement. Clearly if this was the case, the clinic that had done both scans would have picked up on this in the beginning. The director is just trying to worm his way out of getting to give a pay-out due to negligence and the doctor should be investigated for making such a mistake. I mean surely even with the clinics scans the hospital that would be doing the surgery would also request another scan just to make sure and to also put in the patients files. Both the director and the doctor should be dragged over the coals for this poor woman's and families suffering.

  8. This will have a huge domino effect in Thailand. Example : Pattaya. Huge sex industry with hundreds of thousands of male visitors per year. The majority of these visitors are obviously are there for one thing as Pattaya does not have much else going for it apart from walking street. Less visitors to Pattaya will then have an effect on the hotel/apartment industry as well as the restaurant industry. So what will the Thai people who will eventually either be released from work or have to close their business going to do? Maybe go back to their families to work on the farm? I expect more than likely an increase in crime of Thai on Thai and obviously on foreigners who actually live in Pattaya area.

  9. When I lived back in the UK I sometimes smoked some marijuana if I was with friends. Since I have moved to Thailand I have stayed well away from it obviously because of the laws and punishments that this country have. If Thailand were to relax the rules on marijuana and followed the United States model of how it is prescribed and taxed I can not see any other outcome but a win-win for both people with medical conditions and of course the government earning money from the tax levied. I was once talking to my Thai friends about my college trip to Amsterdam and of course the topic of marijuana came up. They thought that people must be abusing it and just walking around like zombies but I explained to them that since it has been legal to buy and smoke marijuana for such a long time it is just part of the culture and people there use it with respect and do not look to get smashed out of their heads. In the coffee shop I was in a businessman had come in during his lunch time, had a coffee and a spliff and then went back off to work, completely normal behavior for them in Amsterdam. I would prefer to see someone having a smoke than rather buying a bottle of red bull/M-150 with lauw kow in it and then hoping into their 10 tonne truck.

  10. In the MBK they sold Levi's 501 for 600 baht, the shop was always full of farang tourists, Don't know which jeans is the bomb now but i guess the 501 is still hot.

    In the year 2000 on my first trip here to Thailand I bought a couple of pairs of Diesel jeans from MBK on the ground floor. 16 years later and they are still going strong, yet when I have bought jeans fro a proper endorsed jeans shop they seem to fall apart within a few years. Maybe these brand copiers from Thailand should just start their own company as their goods are just as good if not better than the market leading brands.

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