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Posts posted by davidstipek

  1. I have a phone that is a China clone in front of me... It emulates Apples I5 software it is touch screen uses a pencil type device for working around the screen. It's measurements are 8.8mm length x 4.5mm width and 14cm depth. It is possible to be hidden were you say the picture was... In the crack of someone's A**!! As this phone is completely sealed (GM80902) If you tell me how to attach a picture here I will satisfy your Weird Mind Set.

    (A picture of phone and ruler... Not my A**!!)

    I quoted sites to go and makeyour own opinion.... Not to go on some wild tangent.... on a subject you are not apparently aware of! I have it on good authority... Sitting beside me... this phone has been hidden...Proving to Federal Government a way thru Security for National Defense... If needed!.....

    I'l just call you Jim... as you are not a Gentleman...ok?

    Jim Just because something say's it is from certain type device... You should know "If you are in Thailand" we have many Items that are Duplicates and not the original Item. So I am saying him being from Maylasia... it is entirely Possible (Possible...ok???) that looking at the cost of Items here that he own something that is a clone... ok? I myself have had some really high quality Clone Rolex Watches... I also have a Tablet that is a Clone of one of the Ipads (dual Sim... 16gm memory.... 4gb ram...) dor about 1/4 the price! Plus it actually works great!!

    I never commented on contents of either of my links as to being absoutely True beyound any questionable doubt.... But I did as you any everyone else here did was give an alternative answer to why... (Maybe???) they haven't found anything... not even a bolt or shoe or lifejacket... anything that could possibly float.. ok?

    I appologize if you or anyone else seems to thinkI have used your name in Vain... I want families to know where... their loved ones are! There are alternatives and we need to explore EVERYTHING!!

    Tell me how to attach picture here and I will give you the Proof you, Jim... so deserately need!

    I quote a partial... "Great Minds explore Ideas..." - E.R.

  2. Laugh if you want.... Being Exmilitary and working in this field. Seeing many developments used in SE Asia in the 60's-70's. Is why I believe this is the answer, God only knows and if The world demands hard enough we WILL get an answer. The same should happen to a few of the Items in the past 60 years give or take...... (Apparently I am not alone with this theory.....)


    Here are a few Quotes:

    From SQ Alert:

    Re: the black/blank photo from the IBM tech on the lost Malaysian jet. The

    photo was taken inside a building just off the runways at Diego Garcia. I

    put the photo into my editing software, grabbed the GPS point and here it

    is. Try this: go to: itouchmap.com , choose #6, go to the

    bottom right box and input the info

    -7 18 58.3 LATITUDE

    72 25 35.6 LONGITUDE

    Click on: SHOW POINT

    zoom in and you will see where the photo originated. Wow. You’ll probably

    recognize the heavy aircraft parked nearby.

    Don't worry and get excited here I will provide a Link...ok Moderators..... ???

    Another from same upcoming LINK!!:

    AMTV’s Christopher Greene points out in the video below how authorities still have not been able to provide any proof that the missing Malaysia Flight 370 actually went down or crashed, despite their assurances, with no evidence, that it did. Offers to settle with families, just to shut them up, all leads Greene, any many others, to believe there is a massive coverup going on.There is a variety of theories out there, but the link emailed to me by Greene with the first video below, discusses the very real possibility that what is being covered up is that the plane was captured and being hidden at Diego Garcia. As reported at Before It’s News back on March 24, 2014, a message appears to have been sent from a passenger, Philip Wood, after the plane went missing, and the location in the properties of the image was…… you got it, at Diego Garcia.

    OKAY here is the Link these statements were quoted from...



    And these are direct copies from this article @ beforeitsnews posted on Monday 03/31/2014 @ 1421hrs



    I find your posts brighten up an otherwise dreary thread, so thank you! However a little research needs to be done before quoting from such sites.

    If you read in detail about the photograph you will see it contains reference to the photo and it's Exif data, saying that Exif data cannot be tampered with. That is untrue and there are apps freely available that will allow you to alter such data on any photo. Also there is the matter of the text message that accompanied the photo. the text message reads - i kid you not!

    “I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ass during the hijack. I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly.”

    Now far be it from me, but when time is of the essence (and probably bandwidth) telling people you hid the phone up your ass is not a priority, BUT it could be true. The photo has originated from an iphone 5S. So I propose that you and I do some research to finally prove one way or the other the validity of this claim - as it could be important.

    So, I will download one of the apps that claims you can change exif data and use it to see if I can say a photo has been taken in an obscure location, what I need you to do is get an iphone 5S (iphone 4 will do) and test to see if you can shove it up your ass. Please do not use lubricant/gel or soap as Mr Woods will not have had this available whilst sat in his passenger seat trying to conceal his phone. If you can get the iphone up your ass, completely hidden without use of lubricant AND retrieve the phone on your own unaided, take a photo AND return it to its hiding place then I believe that we could present the photo as being genuine (providing my more intellectually challenging side of the experiment works!) Make sure the iphone is switched off before hiding it in your ass or at least on ring, do NOT switch to vibrate.

    I will report back quickly, David should also providing there is a good signal at the local hospital and he is willing to use his phone when the nurse recovers it.

    if all members could read the following sentence in a high pitched voice as quickly as physically possible:

    Note to readers - these experiments are being done by willing volunteers, do not try this at home it could be extremely dangerous, in the event of iphones being retained in your anus please seek medical help as a priority.

    edit: David, had this happened in 1991 I know this would be a fabricated story because my Motorola with extended life battery pack would only just fit in my samsonite briefcase and would not have fitted in an elephants ass, however, I am sure with my part of the experiment and in particular yours, then we can show anything is possible in 2014. It has given me some excellent ideas already for different ways to use the 'find my iphone' app. I will split the royalties with you.

    Now its my turn "GentlemanJim"...

    I am referring to GOOGLE"S Photo.... If you are insinuating that Google can and will contort the images it projects in "GOOGLE EARTH"??? I will quote BKKBrit's Comment... Really..."Dear God.. I hope I know none of you in real life."

    I will not stoop low enough to be obseen... whether or not I wish to place something in a bodily Orfice or not... was never brought up anywhere in my text, and should not be of your concern, or anyone elses. Going further just because we are in Thailand and this has been know to take place (putting articles in the orfices of the human body) doesn't mean that I am of this crowd. Or are you asking me to join you!!)

    Next time keep your answers Lilly White... or as they do on Ranches back home someone will get Branded...

    If you care to go back and read... what I said was: (Apparently I am not alone with this theory.....) I went on to say was: (Being Exmilitary and working in this field. Seeing many developments used in SE Asia in the 60's-70's. Is why I believe this is the answer,)

    I articulated to genuine Items that I know of for a FACT!!

    DO YOU??

  3. Okay....

    My Post yesterday was posted then later someone deleted it. I will post a Quote from the Flight Radar24 Website:

    Thanks to Agent24 Integrity he was able to post but it Later WIERD as his post Vanished also...!!!

    So copy this link as I am sure It will Vanish ALSO!!!!

    You can see Web page at top of Video and Voice confirmation of where it was posted (I apologise for the missspelling if any... Just get Phone calls from Stateside on this issue... They informed me that the Long Post I made yesterday has disapeared....)

    Here we go!


    YOU CAN CLICK ON MHS370 (Flight will turn red to ID) as it leaves Maylasia air space over Kuala Terengganu @ 1728 UTC (Time) towards Vietnam @ 1735 utc time Plane will turn and go crazy, then actually shows it continuing on flight path. Crossing Vietnam boarder @ 1809 UTC. and show flight path. midway over south china sea it goes crazy completely does a 360 turn. But then this site continues to follow towards Ho Chi Ming City @ 1835 UTC and onto Hong Kong air space @ 2050 UTC. This whole time it shows it Squaking @ 2161 and Radar F-ZG SZ1.

    I hate to throw this in but if indeed it did disappear at 1735 UTC ....... Then how can radar continue to show it all the way to Beijing.....? I don't know I just know I went to Flight radar24 webpage, clicked on left side... Playback entered date 03/08/2014 and time 1650 UTC then waited for MHS370 to leave KL double clicked on plane as it was ID'd as MHS370 and info came u on left side. you can change playbck speed to x24 instead of the norm at x12 so it doesn't time out. and track it all the way to china....... Absolutly WEIRD!!!!

    Yeah so weird! And this same plane has been flying regular routes up until today!!! Oh maybe because the missing plane departed on March 7th UTC time, not the 8th....

    Yes it is wierd because at same place over China Sea the same flight on 03/08/14 (same time) does same manuver.... Or maybe just looking for....?debris? ok?

    But do go and do same search of map on 03/07/14 Yes plane does disappear but before plane does locate east of it Flight SQC7866 (Singapore Air Cargo- 747) it also disappears at 1734 UTC. and shows up again and reappears around 1744 click on it to track.... Totally off scope for 10 minutes.

    Also just east of it (west of Riau Island) is another SIA638 (Singapore Air- A.B.380) it also disappers at 1734UTC... But it never reappears we scanned screen for 2 hrs never picking up on a A.B.380 headed anywhere from this location. In fact flight path stops in middle of Ocean!

    Just about every plane in the same Longitude in general area does the disappearing and 99% come back... Except SIA638!

    Maybe there is a way to contact some one to check with pilots of at least these two Aircraft to see if they remember anything flashing on their Radar screen or distubance in electronics at or between these times...

    This is really simular to being close to a burst of Narrow Beam Radar, not aimed at them but in general vicinity!

    If the answer is yes, then we know what happened to MH370... Not why or for what reason... but it tells us who is behind it! AND IT IS NOT THE PILOT!

    Laugh if you want.... Being Exmilitary and working in this field. Seeing many developments used in SE Asia in the 60's-70's. Is why I believe this is the answer, God only knows and if The world demands hard enough we WILL get an answer. The same should happen to a few of the Items in the past 60 years give or take...... (Apparently I am not alone with this theory.....)


    Here are a few Quotes:

    From SQ Alert:

    Re: the black/blank photo from the IBM tech on the lost Malaysian jet. The

    photo was taken inside a building just off the runways at Diego Garcia. I

    put the photo into my editing software, grabbed the GPS point and here it

    is. Try this: go to: itouchmap.com , choose #6, go to the

    bottom right box and input the info

    -7 18 58.3 LATITUDE

    72 25 35.6 LONGITUDE

    Click on: SHOW POINT

    zoom in and you will see where the photo originated. Wow. You’ll probably

    recognize the heavy aircraft parked nearby.

    Don't worry and get excited here I will provide a Link...ok Moderators..... ???

    Another from same upcoming LINK!!:

    AMTV’s Christopher Greene points out in the video below how authorities still have not been able to provide any proof that the missing Malaysia Flight 370 actually went down or crashed, despite their assurances, with no evidence, that it did. Offers to settle with families, just to shut them up, all leads Greene, any many others, to believe there is a massive coverup going on.There is a variety of theories out there, but the link emailed to me by Greene with the first video below, discusses the very real possibility that what is being covered up is that the plane was captured and being hidden at Diego Garcia. As reported at Before It’s News back on March 24, 2014, a message appears to have been sent from a passenger, Philip Wood, after the plane went missing, and the location in the properties of the image was…… you got it, at Diego Garcia.

    OKAY here is the Link these statements were quoted from...



    And these are direct copies from this article @ beforeitsnews posted on Monday 03/31/2014 @ 1421hrs



    I just went to these Long/Lat setting and I can tell you with 100% clarification personal knowledge if you look at ground there is a horse shoe mark just north of the white landmark on screen .... There was a hanger here! either it is still here and from sky made to look like just soil and vegitation or something screwy with this picture here... Need a higher resolution photo!

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2" xmlns:kml="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">



    <StyleMap id="m_ylw-pushpin">










    <Style id="s_ylw-pushpin_hl">






    <hotSpot x="20" y="2" xunits="pixels" yunits="pixels"/>



    <Style id="s_ylw-pushpin">






    <hotSpot x="20" y="2" xunits="pixels" yunits="pixels"/>




    <name>Picture GPS point</name>


















    Type in the Long/Lat as given in article in Google Earth... ( I thought they sounded familiar!!!!)

  4. Okay....

    My Post yesterday was posted then later someone deleted it. I will post a Quote from the Flight Radar24 Website:

    Thanks to Agent24 Integrity he was able to post but it Later WIERD as his post Vanished also...!!!

    So copy this link as I am sure It will Vanish ALSO!!!!

    You can see Web page at top of Video and Voice confirmation of where it was posted (I apologise for the missspelling if any... Just get Phone calls from Stateside on this issue... They informed me that the Long Post I made yesterday has disapeared....)

    Here we go!


    YOU CAN CLICK ON MHS370 (Flight will turn red to ID) as it leaves Maylasia air space over Kuala Terengganu @ 1728 UTC (Time) towards Vietnam @ 1735 utc time Plane will turn and go crazy, then actually shows it continuing on flight path. Crossing Vietnam boarder @ 1809 UTC. and show flight path. midway over south china sea it goes crazy completely does a 360 turn. But then this site continues to follow towards Ho Chi Ming City @ 1835 UTC and onto Hong Kong air space @ 2050 UTC. This whole time it shows it Squaking @ 2161 and Radar F-ZG SZ1.

    I hate to throw this in but if indeed it did disappear at 1735 UTC ....... Then how can radar continue to show it all the way to Beijing.....? I don't know I just know I went to Flight radar24 webpage, clicked on left side... Playback entered date 03/08/2014 and time 1650 UTC then waited for MHS370 to leave KL double clicked on plane as it was ID'd as MHS370 and info came u on left side. you can change playbck speed to x24 instead of the norm at x12 so it doesn't time out. and track it all the way to china....... Absolutly WEIRD!!!!

    Yeah so weird! And this same plane has been flying regular routes up until today!!! Oh maybe because the missing plane departed on March 7th UTC time, not the 8th....

    Yes it is wierd because at same place over China Sea the same flight on 03/08/14 (same time) does same manuver.... Or maybe just looking for....?debris? ok?

    But do go and do same search of map on 03/07/14 Yes plane does disappear but before plane does locate east of it Flight SQC7866 (Singapore Air Cargo- 747) it also disappears at 1734 UTC. and shows up again and reappears around 1744 click on it to track.... Totally off scope for 10 minutes.

    Also just east of it (west of Riau Island) is another SIA638 (Singapore Air- A.B.380) it also disappers at 1734UTC... But it never reappears we scanned screen for 2 hrs never picking up on a A.B.380 headed anywhere from this location. In fact flight path stops in middle of Ocean!

    Just about every plane in the same Longitude in general area does the disappearing and 99% come back... Except SIA638!

    Maybe there is a way to contact some one to check with pilots of at least these two Aircraft to see if they remember anything flashing on their Radar screen or distubance in electronics at or between these times...

    This is really simular to being close to a burst of Narrow Beam Radar, not aimed at them but in general vicinity!

    If the answer is yes, then we know what happened to MH370... Not why or for what reason... but it tells us who is behind it! AND IT IS NOT THE PILOT!

    Laugh if you want.... Being Exmilitary and working in this field. Seeing many developments used in SE Asia in the 60's-70's. Is why I believe this is the answer, God only knows and if The world demands hard enough we WILL get an answer. The same should happen to a few of the Items in the past 60 years give or take...... (Apparently I am not alone with this theory.....)


    Here are a few Quotes:

    From SQ Alert:

    Re: the black/blank photo from the IBM tech on the lost Malaysian jet. The

    photo was taken inside a building just off the runways at Diego Garcia. I

    put the photo into my editing software, grabbed the GPS point and here it

    is. Try this: go to: itouchmap.com , choose #6, go to the

    bottom right box and input the info

    -7 18 58.3 LATITUDE

    72 25 35.6 LONGITUDE

    Click on: SHOW POINT

    zoom in and you will see where the photo originated. Wow. You’ll probably

    recognize the heavy aircraft parked nearby.

    Don't worry and get excited here I will provide a Link...ok Moderators..... ???

    Another from same upcoming LINK!!:

    AMTV’s Christopher Greene points out in the video below how authorities still have not been able to provide any proof that the missing Malaysia Flight 370 actually went down or crashed, despite their assurances, with no evidence, that it did. Offers to settle with families, just to shut them up, all leads Greene, any many others, to believe there is a massive coverup going on. There is a variety of theories out there, but the link emailed to me by Greene with the first video below, discusses the very real possibility that what is being covered up is that the plane was captured and being hidden at Diego Garcia. As reported at Before It’s News back on March 24, 2014, a message appears to have been sent from a passenger, Philip Wood, after the plane went missing, and the location in the properties of the image was…… you got it, at Diego Garcia.

    OKAY here is the Link these statements were quoted from...



    And these are direct copies from this article @ beforeitsnews posted on Monday 03/31/2014 @ 1421hrs


  5. Okay....

    My Post yesterday was posted then later someone deleted it. I will post a Quote from the Flight Radar24 Website:

    Thanks to Agent24 Integrity he was able to post but it Later WIERD as his post Vanished also...!!!

    So copy this link as I am sure It will Vanish ALSO!!!!

    You can see Web page at top of Video and Voice confirmation of where it was posted (I apologise for the missspelling if any... Just get Phone calls from Stateside on this issue... They informed me that the Long Post I made yesterday has disapeared....)

    Here we go!


    YOU CAN CLICK ON MHS370 (Flight will turn red to ID) as it leaves Maylasia air space over Kuala Terengganu @ 1728 UTC (Time) towards Vietnam @ 1735 utc time Plane will turn and go crazy, then actually shows it continuing on flight path. Crossing Vietnam boarder @ 1809 UTC. and show flight path. midway over south china sea it goes crazy completely does a 360 turn. But then this site continues to follow towards Ho Chi Ming City @ 1835 UTC and onto Hong Kong air space @ 2050 UTC. This whole time it shows it Squaking @ 2161 and Radar F-ZG SZ1.

    I hate to throw this in but if indeed it did disappear at 1735 UTC ....... Then how can radar continue to show it all the way to Beijing.....? I don't know I just know I went to Flight radar24 webpage, clicked on left side... Playback entered date 03/08/2014 and time 1650 UTC then waited for MHS370 to leave KL double clicked on plane as it was ID'd as MHS370 and info came u on left side. you can change playbck speed to x24 instead of the norm at x12 so it doesn't time out. and track it all the way to china....... Absolutly WEIRD!!!!

    Yeah so weird! And this same plane has been flying regular routes up until today!!! Oh maybe because the missing plane departed on March 7th UTC time, not the 8th....

    Yes it is wierd because at same place over China Sea the same flight on 03/08/14 (same time) does same manuver.... Or maybe just looking for....?debris? ok?

    But do go and do same search of map on 03/07/14 Yes plane does disappear but before plane does locate east of it Flight SQC7866 (Singapore Air Cargo- 747) it also disappears at 1734 UTC. and shows up again and reappears around 1744 click on it to track.... Totally off scope for 10 minutes.

    Also just east of it (west of Riau Island) is another SIA638 (Singapore Air- A.B.380) it also disappers at 1734UTC... But it never reappears we scanned screen for 2 hrs never picking up on a A.B.380 headed anywhere from this location. In fact flight path stops in middle of Ocean!

    Just about every plane in the same Longitude in general area does the disappearing and 99% come back... Except SIA638!

    Maybe there is a way to contact some one to check with pilots of at least these two Aircraft to see if they remember anything flashing on their Radar screen or distubance in electronics at or between these times...

    This is really simular to being close to a burst of Narrow Beam Radar, not aimed at them but in general vicinity!

    If the answer is yes, then we know what happened to MH370... Not why or for what reason... but it tells us who is behind it! AND IT IS NOT THE PILOT!

  6. Wow!!!

    Nothing yet....

    One clue to where its going to be is (If the cargo did indeed be a load of MANGOSTEENS.... They do float! Months before they will sink in fresh water, Salt water and Tempature will keep them floating longer... I would have people from Vietnam to Austrailia (along Arc of signal North and South keep a wary EYE to the Shorelines as they also would do for Oil Spills. If indeed the plane crashed... They (4 tons) will make it to the surface. Wind waves and Tides will dispurse to shorelines. If plane is not in Indian Ocean we will find fuel slick... If it indeed is where they think.. Tanks will be empty so if any... Very little will surface!

  7. Okay....

    My Post yesterday was posted then later someone deleted it. I will post a Quote from the Flight Radar24 Website:

    Thanks to Agent24 Integrity he was able to post but it Later WIERD as his post Vanished also...!!!

    So copy this link as I am sure It will Vanish ALSO!!!!

    You can see Web page at top of Video and Voice confirmation of where it was posted (I apologise for the missspelling if any... Just get Phone calls from Stateside on this issue... They informed me that the Long Post I made yesterday has disapeared....)

    Here we go!


    YOU CAN CLICK ON MHS370 (Flight will turn red to ID) as it leaves Maylasia air space over Kuala Terengganu @ 1728 UTC (Time) towards Vietnam @ 1735 utc time Plane will turn and go crazy, then actually shows it continuing on flight path. Crossing Vietnam boarder @ 1809 UTC. and show flight path. midway over south china sea it goes crazy completely does a 360 turn. But then this site continues to follow towards Ho Chi Ming City @ 1835 UTC and onto Hong Kong air space @ 2050 UTC. This whole time it shows it Squaking @ 2161 and Radar F-ZG SZ1.

    I hate to throw this in but if indeed it did disappear at 1735 UTC ....... Then how can radar continue to show it all the way to Beijing.....? I don't know I just know I went to Flight radar24 webpage, clicked on left side... Playback entered date 03/08/2014 and time 1650 UTC then waited for MHS370 to leave KL double clicked on plane as it was ID'd as MHS370 and info came u on left side. you can change playbck speed to x24 instead of the norm at x12 so it doesn't time out. and track it all the way to china....... Absolutly WEIRD!!!!

  8. Would it be possible for passengers to make calls using the in flight handsets?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    We TRUELY understand this ...... Answer:

    "Not Now!"


    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    y2k, on 29 Mar 2014 - 13:14, said:snapback.png

    Would it be possible for passengers to make calls using the in flight handsets?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Not now...

    End Quote

    I think what Y2K is trying to ask was Would it have been possible "TO HAVE MADE" calls using the inflight handsets anytime from the Aircraft after it Disapeared until what ever the end result may be.

  9. Looks like the hard drive on the captain's simulator does not have any incriminating flight scenarios.


    "An ongoing FBI review of the missing jet's pilots' hard drives, including the captain's flight simulator, has not turned up a "smoking gun," a U.S. official with knowledge of the investigation told CNN."They have accessed the data," the official said. "There is nothing that's jumping out and grabbing us right now.

    "The official would not reveal what was on the hard drive, but said the Malaysia Airlines pilot did not encrypt any of the files nor did he appear to go to any great lengths to scrub the hard drive when he deleted files last month."

    On a side note, I am not impressed by the blurry blobs from the satellite images. If their resolution is actually

    that low, seems like they are a waste of money. I still have a sense they are intentionally blurring the images

    to protect the actual capability of the satellite.

    On a lighter note I wonder how large his porn collection was?

    But seriously, many pilots have fltsims at home so whatever he had on his HDD is not surprising,

    not even the erased stuff.

    With that said here's a report from the SMH yesterday that reveals more speculation on a much more

    serious note...links below...



    I'm not one for the pilot suicide theory but I do know Lindsay Murdoch (The Age) quite well and I will

    vouch that he wouldn't put his name to a BS story.

    In other news....

    Seems that what appears to be an aircraft fire suppression bottle (fire extinguisher) has floated

    onto a beach in the Maldives. In one report it has been dismissed as an explosive device. I have

    practical knowledge in many explosive devices including antiship mines and what has washed

    ashore in the Maldives is way too small to be an antiship mine. So what is it? I reckon it's

    an aircraft engine fire extinguisher bottle....but then again...I have only seen one of these in

    my life at that was a long tome ago....here's a pic & some links to verify what I have hacked

    here and to help you come to a conclusion on your own...





    Inmarsat & Doppler extrapolation says Southern IO.

    Eyewitnesses & some verifiable debris (even though

    some say explosive device) indicate otherwise. Why?

    The haystack is becoming rather hard to locate IMO.

    And yes the satellite images are purposly blurred to hide

    the true imaging capabilities of whichever satellite grabbed

    the images....especially if they originated from a Cosmos or

    KH series intelligence satellite.

    NB...edit to add an "A".

    An interesting story.....To the best of my knowledge, every single aircraft part has a

    serial number on it. A simple inspection of it, a quick phone call to Boeing, and they

    could instantly say if it was off of the Malaysian flight. But yeah to my eye, it sure looks

    like a fire extinguisher bottle that is used in the cargo hold of a 777..... Saying it is an

    anti ship mine is a bit silly, as I am not aware of any country sprinkling anti ship mines

    in the Indian Ocean.

    I only mentioned antiship mine for an example as they are quite large and no longer

    spherical....however I also believe it's a fire extinguisher...from where is anybody's


    Yes! Fire suppression tanks are Serial Numbered and Records of pressure tests and charge level results are filed monthly. doing a carbon transfer of the tag would enable a reliable Outside source to ID from not only what Airline but ID the Plane and possibly the flight Number. This would give the world a second look outside any military or Government,,, If there is suspected cover-up!

    Then we would know...... without a doubt if it was the flight where it was REALLY headed! Tie everything together up here... earthquakes... after shocks... viewed flight...to where?? refueling and sent where....? Was it Knocked out of the Sky??? Maybe they should search for Mangosteens also! (They also will Float!!) 4 Ton would be hard to miss.... ANYWHERE!

  10. Go ahead & flame me, but I'm still just a little skeptical that all this actually ended way down there west of Perth... 'Guess I'm a hard case.

    If you think about it, the plane has gone down in the remotest area it could have reached in 8 hours. It's one of the most hostile, remotest areas on earth.

    Coincidence? Or pointed in that direction?

    Are you suggesting that the plane was taken somewhere, passengers got the customary bullet in the head, cargo unloaded, and then remotely flown in the back of beyond and crashed?

    NO. We can dream up hundreds of scenarios.


    Go back and read some of my Posts... along the same path as you.. Only here (Thailand) all of a sudden my internet was going on /off Thai language got installed on my notebook...wasn't there before! Virus program tracked an intruder twice and tried to block. Finnally I was sent from Virus Company in America and Europe a program to hide our connection. We totally Packaged HD and sent it to then to study. so nothing got erased... Its gone and they have already received it (So no hi-jack in delivery process!!) I have already installed new drive they sent me and online they have reinstalled all our clean Programs and Data!!

    They wanted me to post this so "Someone" could read... and know they have been caught!! There was no issue prior to the MH370 incident and massive hits after. even more everytime I posed a comment. Yes so you know... up front I was here during Vietnam, I spent 363 days in Thailand as Military on aftive duty working for/assigned to a Contractor. Not disclosing anything I have a High degree of understanding how things Operate (ATC Controller). I think now back when I came here in 1965 I spent 1 day Vietnam, left for Thailand... 363 days here... back 1 day Vietnam and back to States. When I got back I asked were certin People were that I had gone over with and I was Told they died in VC attack the night after I left. Was this to try and keep me quiet? You guys think about it... I behaved and did my job... not even my parents knew!

    Getting back to subject here, I know who! Virus Company Knows who... Microsoft know who also... On this site! No one has said or done anything contrary to the allegience to our Birth Countrys... who ever they are. We had nothing to hide here.

    No one has spoke of... or very little about the abnormal Aircraft in South China Sea at time MH370 disapeared! (4 or more) Fire in sky could have been a hit by someone to pierce Cockpit to disable Pilots, not to down Plane then the AWAC's (Yes there was one in South China Sea just a little east and 10 degrees North of KL.) took remote operations of KH370. Some fancy flying to get controls zeroed in and disable the rest onboard.... So what do we do now?? Put2 and 2 together.... everything fits together nicely-depending who you are... Right?... Plane does everything they say it did... Except it was flown to D.C. all done remotely off loaded and launched again this time with fresh fuel and auto pilot set to ditch... Where suposedly no one would EVER find it. Did they find any Mangosteens... They will float and show up somewhere and we all know here in Thailand the husk (Skin) is 1/2 to 3/4 inch and with its oil very much like a sealed spong resist sinking almost float forever! Let's see who ends up with 3-4 tons on their Beach... We all know who ti Bill for Clean-up....

    So if I disappear.... You all have my email in my personal section... It is funny that we had 3 computers and anywhere from 8-12 hrs apart their IP addresses were found and accesses were tried and attempted over and over after we blocked them out , after first couple days when we did get an intruder... now with line being secured My access is stealth. No this is not an add, trying to sell something... I just think things need to be told! I even tried to access a site that was blocked before (by we know who...) no issue connecting, but not my cup of tea!

    Few typos fixed....

  11. 50 years ago we had in Seattle. Grandparents had huge Ivy rockery in front of house that was transgressed with long diagonal stairway as you went left to right up from street to house (75-110 feet) because it rained alot and Ivy stayed wet or moist was loaded with mossies. also Geckoes! They left us alone and were very well fed. Did not seem to be afraid of us either as I had 3 in my room. coffee1.gif They don't like beer... Seagrams spilled on porch they did approach...

    Then all of a sudden they seemed to disappear... Last trip to Seattle I took Wife to show her and (Was May/June) none to be seen anywhere. Even new home owner hasn't seen in past 35 years...

  12. (I was not allowed to attach the following Post with the attached details... So I did next best to get around it!! - David)

    Back-Track a little here.....

    Not that I think someone was not well funded... Think this again...

    Steal... or Buy... Which is cheaper??

    Which option keeps you supposidly Hidden until needed...??

    Or if the other option was something on the Flight they wanted... (2 Birds One Stone...???)

    Noth the other topic... The American AWAC that was Hanging around KL at same time as MH370 departed? Radar kept trying to ID it and it kept kicking back signal... Finally at Jet speed shot from just east of flight to get out of radar range to the north east. In fact the are several aircraft just east of KL trying to fool Radar screen...

    There is a response where this is actually shown in this forum a day or 2 ago....

  13. Someone should dye her hair blonde for her.

    I don't think she knows where Essex is.


    Blonde is Bleached DUH! Like Bleached Blonde (Lucky she has driver... otherwise Leg be broken trying to signal making turn....Caught in sterring wheel...)

    To Die is to Darken, Make or hide colors by going Brunette...Brown... Black in that order!

    It is also to have stopped breathing, or Heart --------Beat absent...

    So if you put the two together we have a Heartless Bimbo who used toomuch Peroxide and not wears a Night/Black Wig to diguise and hide from Honest and upright questioning about anything and everything that has failed lately.....giggle.gifcoffee1.gif exCuse me why I drink my coffee.....

  14. There seems to be a deafening silence around the issue of 20-odd staff of a US high-tech firm who were on board. I hate speculation and rumour, but can't help wondering if they are relevant in some way. They were mentioned in the earlier reports, since then nothing.....?

    You are right..It is a very big connection of some of the Chinese high tech people on the plane and an American high teach company working in a military project....and only few people posted online info about that...But..you will find it searching online if you are curious enough...

    If I was a staff member of the High Tech Firm who had just lost 20... of my "High Tech Employees" I would be upfront and formost!

    First: The Security of Our Company would possibly have been Breeched!

    Second: The attitude of how we deal with this loss would impact the level of thought... Generated from the rest of my Staff! It would also instill a Stigma on their future work Ethics. I may well lose a significant level of Staff to competitors because of my attitude.

    Third: I would have a bottomless responsibility towards their families. Both Humanly and Financially.

    Fourth: I need to have this all displayed in the Public Eye if I wish my Corporation to Expand and Garner future Bright New Energetic Stars from our Colleges....

    Have we seen or heard anything from them???

  15. Hi,

    I don't think the aircraft has flown through the Southern portion of China but it's interesting they are now stating they are searching within the country. The last ping on the arc that has been published would perhaps indicate it to be in Western China. I am still thinking it has gone South.

    I am not sure of what airports in Sri Lanka and India the they are referring to with a runway length of 1000 metres, but Male and Diego Garcia are substantially longer than that and it's not in either of those places. To be remotely close to landing this aircraft within 1000 metres it would have to be completely empty, touch down exactly on the threshold and have a nice strong headwind. You would then need to apply max manual braking. Add into the equation it being a disused airfield with no lighting then it becomes very unlikely to have happened.

    Sad to read of families threatening to go on hunger strike due to lack of information. I personally don't think the Malaysians are withholding information, but find it as equally frustrating as we all do. Naive of me, perhaps.

    This cannot be a standard hijack or ransom demands would have been issued already. You can stop a t7 very quickly if needed. The issue is not stopping it quickly on a short runway, that can be done, it is having enough runway or distance to get airborne again once you want to 'use' the aircraft for whatever purpose and have refueled it etc. Agreed, at night it would be pretty demanding with no lights. Were NVG's used, if so how did they get them on board? Too many questions.


    1st before I ask these question again let me ask.... Is anyone else experiencing connection problems here? We have 3 computers connected to 3 different Internet links. 1st one started getting disabled as soon as I asked a question... If I RESET router and went elswere it worked fine. The questins I have asked have been from 2 different links here. As soon as I tried to upload question again it went off (Disabled) Asked the same question on 2nd system flew through just fine. But it finnally started doing same senario. I am on 3rd system now I have a couple of questions to ask:

    1: Has it been fully investigated if anyone was in Jump Seat??? This would eliminate any breaking down of flight Deck Door! All ground crew needs to be fully questioned about this, everyone of the Boarding Crew that was not aboad aircraft. If suspect is raised.... Lie Dector sould be used. Someone here at Airport knows alot more then is being released!! "No need for any secret password or message!!" (Why someone is wanting this information disclosed is beyound comprehention at this time.... Think about it!!

    2: Loading Crew... They need to be questioned, anyone new on crew? anyone disappear from assignment for a short time, out of view of others, possible tools being seen in possession of members of Crew, not normally needed (to Disable Passenger Emergency Air Supply...) No one not normally assigned to crews here, standing around?? Could have had access to Cargo Areas, Food Vending Areas

    3: Are we sure Cargo was indeed Mangsteens??? Not switched at last minute??? (They would have been easy to dispose of!!)

    4: What about the report on Navy Seals being onboard! If jumpseat was occupied it could have been able to disable Pilots, open door close get on emergency air, disable all Passengers flying to 45000. Would have been 3 or more in Cockpit to complete the rest of the tasks to enable Aircraft to go Stealth!

    5: What about the Corporate answer to its Employees who were onboard? Have they ever said anything?? Answers need to be addressed, disclosed and rebutted and dismissed!!

    There is a few of us Expats here in Chiang Mai who were stationed here during Vietnam... Worked here, know how thing got done... so some of this is not suprising... Just wanted Mods to note and if I don't sign in again check with me, you have my email here I will diclose Cell contact info to you guys only....

    Okay lets see if this gets posted

  16. Keithledgerwood.tumblr.com

    I think that's got to be it, I said long ago it must have gone to Pakistan.

    This, for sure, is what he would need a simulator for, practice intercepts !. MS Flight simulator will to that just fine..

    Only loose end is the northern arc of the sat-com ping data. Is the Sing air plane's course close enough to

    the arc defined by the satellite antenna's tilt angle?

    Can anyone bring up data Radar Vs Sat on the continuation of Singairs Flight.... To look closely at pinga and see if there is a "Break-away" showing where MH370 left the shadow?

    This would give Location of a flight starting from "No Where..." (As if someone on Sing Airs flight had rolled down a window and thrown a (Caffeine Free Soda can out it...)

    Would also give a greater Idea of destination MH370 was heading....

    Seems some Intelligence Agencies have been reading our Forum as there have also been delay tactics then some Ideas were acted upon.... Its ok! We don't mind you reading our Bantering open loop Ideas, but please don't have to hide... "Just Follow Leads... QUICKER!!!" OK?

    Note... I know someone has been snooping my responses as they have been caught twice.... 3rd and 4th time I opened Security Program as I have nothing to hide to see what they wanted. Was able to see programs they viewed... also was able to read TV links in emails as they opened them, They must have thought I wasn't home... LOL!! Until I shut the door on them and got a partial link back from Virus Tracking Software that attached to them as they departed.

    So Guys watch your systems if something starts not working right.... as to what you are viewing start taking notes!

  17. A possible breakthrough!

    Two interesting links which may be turn out to be true for the sake of those poor relatives who must just want to know where their family members are.

    That is the Tonad crowd search project from DigitalGlobe commercial satellite company.

    The image from the Tonad project

    After image analysis, suggesting a boat? - tomnod facebook

    The first link @ 5deg39'08.5" North and 98deg50'38.0" East raises a question...

    It is in direct line with takeoff and approch to Pulau Langkawi International Airport! Maybe 4-5 miles into channel. Would not Radar here have picked up this aircraft here or even possibly be able to see If it was truely MA370 this is super close to shore!

  18. If it was the pilot behind this it should be easy to log into his computer and flightsimulator at home to find the logs that will show where he tried to land the plane, maybe some remote islands in the Indian ocean ?

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    That would be too obvious

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Back-up a minute.....

    Not to obvious if you restore deleated files and find this exact data on "DELETED LOGS..."

    If other logs still open in simulator with file dates before and after... Thus deleted logs co-insided with Dates close to our affected dates here.... I think you will have concusive data on who - what - when and how!

  19. As an aviation professional and ex Air Safety Investigator I have refrained from posting so far as most of the posts , as usual with aviation topics on TV, have been ignorant, arrogant, often racially offensive and its a waste of time to respond.

    However some comments. Most of the "chaos" about the search that Malaysian, Vietnamese, Singaporean, Thai, Chinese, US, Australian and NZ participants have ALL conducted is in fact confusion caused by hopelessly inaccurate and sensational press reports - including comments by their "experts". The first thing in any aviation incident is NEVER to place any reliance in press reports. It is most unfortunate that the relatives of those missing have to put up with this.

    I have worked on Air Traffic Control and Airport projects extensively in Asia, including 10 years in Malaysia. The Malaysians (and their neighbours) are quire capable of mounting competent search and rescue missions, dependant on the data available. They stated in the right place (then the last known position) and expanded this area as further CONFIRMED new data (not press beat ups) became available.

    The only mistake the Malaysians did make was in not having a professional media person to handle the press conferences, and in not holding these more frequently. The press is driven by the 24 hours news cycle - and if they don't get what they think they need they go nuts and run wild in all directions.

    The latest CONFIRMED information means searching in a huge area, and support will be needed form the countries in the region, and those with superior detection systems - satellite, aircraft and surface and submarine vessels. We can only hope that they are successful.

    The press is not only inaccurate about aviation matters. The Daily Mail report refers to the Malaysian Prime Minister as Mr Razak. He is not - he is Mr Najib. He is a Malay Muslim and in keeping with that tradition his full name is Najib bin Tun Razak - the "bin" means son of his father Tun Razak (the second Prime Minister of Malaysia). Razak is his father's named not his. You cant count on the press to get anything much correct.

    Just a thought... If reported last Ping to Satelite was north From Perth.....

    Has anyone checked to see how close this is to Diego Garcia??? (To me it looks Damn Close! Maybe on aproach....?)

    • Like 2
  20. Well he could have just had a playstation and a big tv but as captain of a huge airliner this setup he has doesnt seem unrealistic.

    Anyways if he was in on it, me thinks he would have ditched the gear in order to cover his tracks prior to leaving home

    Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    This would not have to happen if he deleted all flight data from any storage areas... I think the amount of people who knew he had this setup would have been a Major Red Flag if it was found missing from his home...

    Really depends on the speed used to search Computer... Another delay would only put distance between search and actual Air Craft Position....

    In regards to Military Radar Sites.... I know for a fact! That any other Military in the World would have a Major Investigation ongoing here also! Possible act of Colusion??? From the Top down (A General to support staff at both Sites failed to act properly when aware of Data detected. Just a thought.... This looks like a delaying issue to clear this end... Keep everyone in South China Sea... until we are sure!

    Then we have severe Movement of plane... was it a signal where we are and beyond reach so it detected now can be anounced... Start to put small peices of puzzle together... It cannot dissmiss the doorway to Malaysian Government (Or Military) Involvement. All the delays....Bidding for time? Major answers need to be addressed NOW! Not dissmissed, or shelved for latter date. If it is too sensitive, Sensitive to who??? There are only 3 correct answers here:

    1: Government (any...)

    2: Passengers

    3: People/Persons in control of Plane..

    In any case Someone would know who they are connected to when referring to the above 3 answers!

  21. What puzzles me is that none of the 200+ passengers on the 'plane appear to have called, Emailed or used any readily available Social Media to contact the outside world and let them know what was happening on the aircraft; OK many of the Chinese passengers may not have been technologically "aware" but, just as an example, there were 20 very skilled Computer Hardware designers on board - all of whom must surely have had access to their own iPhones or whatever.

    It would be impossible for Hijackers to impound all such devices - and if it was the Flight Crew who took over the aircraft after locking themselves in the Flight Deck then they certainly could not have stopped passengers communicating with the outside world.



    Yes all communications to and from Aircraft could have been done with one easy "Click" and no one would have ever been any wiser or thought anything about it as they woud have thought.... "Oh we are beyound range of any Tower" And from 35 thousand or at ANY cruiseing altitude impossible to verify.

    Just turning on a "Cell Blocker" Anywher in the aircraft would have simpified this task...

  22. Can anyone elaberate on the following subject to verify if correct:

    Is not the Boeing 777-200ER equipt with the FBW System? I believe it is, for those of you who don't understand, this is a fly-by-wire system that lets the aircraft fly as it was a Drone. By some external source.

    Does not the 777-ER have the FBW system installed?

    Seems no one want to touch this subject....

    Also in regards to Cell Phone issue...

    It is possible to install a Blocker to eliminte any outbound as well as inbound comunication. This would be more inline here as not to raise any suspisions from passengers from trying to collect. (I am sure that it would be possible if tried to collect all cell devices. Passengers further back in plane would try to hide some.... Think about this...) The possibility of haveing a One click to totally disable looks as a more creditable option.

    "Click! There done... don't have to worry... all disabled!" "Good Night......!"

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