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Posts posted by davidstipek

  1. OP.. With the sarcastic replies you seem to have drawn... I think Best Option to do is to visit a Immigration Office. Like we have here in Chiang Mai... Ask anyone at counter to get que number to talk To Staff Member who's sole duties are to take care of whatever Visa you have in you Passport.

    Then ask your questions... (Have a List so you not forget anything as you will get English answer, Correct answer) Bring a gift of some kind... like Basket fruit or Cakes. As they will not get paid (collect money) for spending time with you. If what you are requesting done could be accomplished at Immigration Office, they will tell you also insure you get required Paperwork on your person before you leave, same if cannot.

    For your sake I believe this will be your best option.... But do not wait till last moment to do... Give your self a backdoor to exit if need be you are required to leave Thailand.


  2. I had bought an older Junk Motorcycle from a scrapyard. Motor was junk but other Items were still of good use. I built custom frame Using Head post from this Motorcycle, I also used the seat as a Base to build new from. I bought other used Motorcycle parts from Shop getting receipts for everything. Ordered Custom Petrol Tank and Digital Guage set from China. So now I had Front forks and disc brake, I rebuilt all. I also have rear fork and discbrake with master cylinder. I used basic Electrical Harness from the scrap Motorcycle. I bought Motor with electric starter and totally stripped down and rebuilt. biggest piston and shaved head raising compression again have receipts. Headlight is my original with taillight body same from fifty years ago in America I modified and used motorcycle bulb and rear LED's. Front and rear rims as well as hubs came with respective Fork assemblies, spokes are new. Tires are mine.

    Bike is split to 3 circuits Fuses everything that ACV o1st fuse, Electrical DCV 2nd fuse, Starter circuit 3rd fuse. System also has main Battery Fuse.

    Everything works correctly, or better then if New Factory Bike! There are no isues here. Issues are what steps are needed to get legal to ride, to get green book, then to get Insurance and new License plate.

    Where to go what do I actually need to ask for?

  3. US intelligence collection entered a brave new science of algorithmic analysis of "big data" which requires storage of metadata on a massive - almost total - scale in order to work well. If you think the US is the only country involved in the big data innovations, you would be chilled to the bone if you saw what Britain, Russia, and China are doing with it. For that matter, if you think the US is the only country that tries to collect intelligence on Angela Merkel's blackberry and email, you would be far wrong. All the modern states are spying with high-tech collection and analysis methods. All. Every last one. Aussies recently got caught out doing it to the Indonesian head of state. The Aussies are loved by all. They are not trying to take over the world. Not Even. I love the wizards of Oz and wish them every success in future intel exploits, and hope they don't get caught, either.

    Why Snowden went public, in spite of US congressional leadership and other Intel insiders trying to do the same thing LEGALLY, through the proper channels - is the discerning question. Why Snowden went public with dirty laundry about who is snooping on who was its own agenda. The enormous issue of mass storage of email and phone metadata, was not elevated or even much illuminated by the Guardian or anyone else. The public largely overlooked the real issue of invasion of privacy because the story was presented - deliberately- off the mark by mainstream media. After consultations with the White House, the redacted version available for print would not be sufficient for a proper media lead on Big Data. The science of it is just over most people's heads. So what instead grabbed the headlines was who-spies-on-who allegations, which were all true, and appalling, and great scoff for the readership.

    FISA approved the NSA's use of US citizens metadata for algorithmic analysis to determine the whereabouts of individuals involved in terrorist activities. And that is it. NSA cannot use the content of a US citizen's conversations or messages - actual text of a conversation, images, voip sound data - for anything at all ever. But storing all that information means that if the court's interpretation of the law allowed them to examine content next year, they could go back and look at content from prior years as well. That is what looked so nefarious to Snowden, and why he went off the reservation. The US does not have authorization to examine content of its own citizens conversations but The UK, and Russia and China all DO HAVE and all routinely DO IT. Who is freaking out about that? Strangely, nobody.

    Snowden? I get why he did it. But he did it during wartime, so it was treason, and he may yet fry for it. Meanwhile, the science of Big Data is taking off like a structure fire. You can assume that if you are a person of interest to any of the modern powers, they already see everything you are doing electronically. If that makes you uncomfortable, you can complain about it, but they will not stop collecting on you. On the contrary, they will probably wonder why you doth protest too much, and focus on you all the more so. Until you stop doing things electronically that interest them. I am far more afraid of what Google is doing with my information than the NSA or the FSB. But then I am not doing anything any government would perceive as a threat to national interests. Google on the other hand looks at everything I read, and everything I buy. And while I am comfortable with both, it is still too creepy for my tastes.

    Excellant Post!

    But end result... "Still no matter who is doing it" It Still is wrong, and as I was leaning against our Constitution and Bill of Rights! Other Countries Citizens may not have been lucky to have the Same Documents as Americans have. So I weep for them!

    If one head rolls for exposing.... Other are Mandated to Roll also for their Involvement in, at least where America is concerned here.

    Jeez, I thought Nixon and all his Cronies woud or are Dead by Now....

    No I am not of Interest of any Modern Power. But I have put Chirstianity and Buddhism together (they work very well when Classifying Evil) I also believe in Karma.... No I do not make it happen anymore, I have been quiet content to let the doers Reap their Own Benifits.

  4. Hey! since when being a working spy FOR the CIA and NSA makes you a traitor? As stated by several posts?

    This would mean that All of us that Worked for Air America are Traitors??


    I don't Condone what Snowden has made happen... I also fiercly disapprove of the workings He Exposed also!!

    As all Americans and any other citizens of other affected Countries should feel also!

  5. If you haven't seen it, you should watch the recent Frontline documentary "United States of Secrets" before you condemn Snowden as a traitor. There were others, very high ranking bureaucrats, politically very conservative people, working in the intelligence community, who attempted to stop the NSA intelligence gathering programs through normal channels but with no success.

    Just a thought... But did anyone ever connect the dots... All this hacking... Breaches that have been happening and reported... Just maybe it is from the use of higher Maleware programs that the Breaches have been discovered and the culprit might be the NSA...

    Or on the other hand, Could be it is paybacks for what they have done... That the Hacking continues...

    Could be if they Stop.... The reported finding of Programers finding this and that has been breached "Stops also"

    Like a shoelace.. yes it has two ends that get tied together! But don't forget those ends are joined in the middle!

  6. I said it at the start, and I am now more than convinced that a new direction for Thailand will be led by the steady hand that has forever led Thailand, and that good things will start to happen. I believe that the process of cleaning up the old, and bringing in the new mind set is well in play. A father, no matter how patient will only let his children squabble and fight, steal and lie for so long, before finally saying "Enough Is Enough" I believe that we will see the tide turn, I believe that slowly but surely corruption will be meted away and frowned upon, I believe that the good to come will be for the good of the people, not just individuals, and I believe that Thailand now has a chance to cleanse itself, rebuild it's reputation, and thrive. wai.gif

    Utter drivel, Thailand has played this game many times before and it always turns out the same in the end.

    People who have done nothing wrong are being detained right now and you think this is something to celebrate?

    No one in this country apart from a few want corruption to truly end, the army have no interest in getting rid of corruption nor do the police nor do the majority of politicians so we will continue to around in circles for many years to come.

    If I hear one more Thai telling me how the coup is really a good thing for the country......


    Hmmm... "Another one... Gone down" .....Just like "Marie Lavoue" song. Anyone seeing that the color red here is starting to Bleach out???

    ""If I hear one more Thai telling me how the coup is really a good thing for the country......"

    You will do what??? (Knock... Knock.... on your Door.....!) better answer it...

    Thailand now has a chance to cleanse itself, rebuild it's reputation, and thrive.

    If you are reading these comments here... truely read them (and Understand!) before you embarrass yourself again, for your sake!!

  7. Great news that the farmers are getting paid, they have used as pawns for too long.

    The Junta has been allowed to get the loans that the democratically elected government was denied.

    Really a shame Yingluck failed to provide for the farmers before she dissolved parliament.

    Why was that?

    Because a "CARETAKER GOVERNMENT" by rules of the Constitution cannot move money around take out loans etc.... They Knew this but never set it o the Table so the Farmers and the rest of Thailand knew... it was BULL SH_T!! She didn't desolve, she was appointed as Caretaker... Which is what they... wanted! Knowing that the funds could not be made to Pay Farmers... Letting the greed for what was there get bagged and distributed accordingly to the High-So's wishes. Knowing Under the Caretaker Government Mode this would if ever be discovered...possibly years away!!

    Boy were they supprised!

    Thank you General Prayuth!!! (3 times!!!)

  8. 100% Agree and yes I'm an AMERICAN.

    Yes, many Americans who move to Thailand sadly abandon the principles their parent country were founded upon. Thankfully, I am not one of them.

    Kenney is doing a good job representing US interests in Thailand and defending the rights of the people of both countries with her actions and words. If you truly prefer living in a military dictatorship then by all means enjoy yourself while it lasts. coffee1.gif

    Whats wrong with you? You more than anybody can see the Armies actions were not done to end democracy. It was done to end the political hatred and corruption that had taken hold in the 2 major parties and to quell a blood bath. YOU know darn well if political parties started to defy laws and entice terrorism in the US that they would have an Army of feds with shoot to kill orders be they pro or anti Gov. The US is not above what is happening here. They are just more devious in how they resolve it. Thailand needed this reset or would you prefer a civil war like the US had. Thai democracy is still young and learning how it works. But any idiot can see it was NOT working and the parties had twisted everything to benefit themselves.

    I think as long as the Army is making progress to end the madness of Thak and Suthep and that they do all they can to restor democracy then they are doing a good job and should not be condemned. They are trying to save the country from its own self destruction which was getting closer and closer every day.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    In a way it is kinda Reminicant of Early America....

    Colonial Military throwing England to the Wind.... or.... Thai Military under the direction of General Prayuth throwing anything remotely attached to Dr. Thaksin and his Cronies to the Wind. Openning the doors for the possibility of the first Honest.... and freely Elected Government, answering to just one enity "The Thai People"

    Those who speak-up now maybe because their hands might be dirty? Or following percieved directions that maybe proven wrong!

  9. If the army actually does pay off the farmers so quickly then its shows just how bad the Shins where are governance and good at inciting trouble... The army look like they have planned this very meticulously and yes, played Taksin at his own game... For the first time in a along while i do think Thailand has a much positive future.... Many events will shape that future but a least the evil one has been cut out of it.

    You are joking............right?

    tell me what is wrong with this post then...

    If the Army does come up with the cash quickly, then it tells you that it was the Army or the people who control the Army that were stopping the cash from reaching the farmers in the first place.

    Please read the article again. Self explanatory.

    "BAAC president Luck Wajananawat said as the Constitution has been suspended, the bank could disburse from its reserves and the farmers' fund to pay farmers at the earliest following orders from the National Council for Peace and Order."


    I think what I am about to say is beginning to be already a thought Firmed in the Minds of more Users here on T.V.

    ""Just because YOUR Free money has stopped flowing... No need for you to invest in Fishing Hardware... You have already shown you only have one thing you are good at... {Selective Reading}!!!!

    No Constitution... No Government... Only Laws to be Abided by are those Imposed by General Prayuth! Funds are available and can be used, they are no longer being Sheltered and restricted by Corupt means... By ANYONE!

    By you saying That the Military has had these funds, hidden... I believe you have openned yourself up to Charges of Slander. Slandering the Leader of Thailand no matter how he came to be, without the proper channels being used, would be the same as Imposing your words against anyone in the Royal Family. If this was not being seen in their eyes as a "Must Do"! situation... believe me we would have seen and heard something by now!

    Remember the Courts and Legal System here in Thailand is Still in Place, as was aparently seen and followed beforehand as Doing Their Job Correctly!

    • Like 1
  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    This will be the money that was not available to the ex government?

    Good question, I was wondering the same. I seem to recall (and I may very well be mistaken) that Yingluck tried to make payments recently, prior to her dismissal, to the farmers and was denied by either BoT or Parliament, can't remember which.

    Also, and perhaps I don't understand the farmer/rice thing well enough, but if the 'rice pledging scheme' was such an outrageous crime perpetrated by the previous administration, why is it now suddenly okay? Or am I confusing two different issues?

    The farmers were promised way above market prices if they signed up for the 'Yingluck rice scheme'. They signed up, delivered their rice, got payment documents, then no funds in the appropriate 'account', so they weren't paid, and some have been waiting for 8 months for their entitled payments.

    There way a massive allocation from the national budget to promptly pay the farmers and pay other costs. The fund is empty and has been for a while, and where it's all gone is an open and serious question, with suggestions of massive corruption.

    Demands from various quarters for the government to show the accounts of the whole scheme produced numerous different (quite different) versions of the accounts, much of this accounting illogical and even laughable. Including claims that it had to remain secret.

    One senior government ministerial official spoke out on a personal basis about the lack of transparency and suspicions of 'dirty dealings', and she was promptly dismissed. She has since become a commissioner of the NACC (National Anti Corruption Commission).

    'No funds...' is complex and other TV members can explain this more clearly than I can.

    Part of the 'problem' was that when the fund became 'broke', the yingluck government tried to 'order' government linked banks to use general depositors funds (nothing whatever to do with the rice scheme) to provide funds to pay the farmers.

    This generated instant removal of massive amounts of general deposits funds, and fears that banks might crash. Other attempts by the yingluck government to get mainstream banks to loan funds to the government met with a deafening refusal. These banks refused to get involved for fear that this action my be illegal and they had some fears of a general depositor backlash if they were seen as supporting the gov't.

    The proceeds from the actual sale of the rice was supposed to go back to the fund but in reality there are millions of tons of rice unsold, a lot of it now very old and unattractive to buyers, and some deteriorated to the point where it cannot be sold. There are also ongoing suspicions that large amounts of the stock pile have disappeared.

    Additionally there are suggestions that rice was shipped in from Cambodia by unscrupulous folks claiming it was grown in Thailand and these 'farmers' now holding documents for payment (payment from tax payers funds, the common wealth of all Thai citizen).

    Additionally other countries (Vietnam, India and more) today grow good quality rice, they are good at the commercial aspects of the trade, they have gained the upper hand and have now supplied the needs of numerous buyer countries, many of whom previously bought rice from Thailand. Further they may well become the supplier of choice.

    General Prayuth...

    Why not PLAY Dr. Thaksin at his own GAME....

    Take the funds the were confiscated from him and settle all Debts to The Farmers with it.

    As you stand alone being able to make this decision and have to answer to nobody! It cannot be thought to be a move to buy Votes or anything Corrupt.

    Investigate these Shark Loans that had to be used to enable Farmers to Continue. If they are found to be connected to the Former Government or Red Shirt Dynasty. Work to remove this burden fro our Farmers Backs, the Burden to to great already!

    Use the funds as also a mode of repaying with Interest debts owed by gettig Seed, Feltilizer and other Costs reduced so the Farming Communities see the true meaning behind your Motives here! Remember alot of the Class of people who are linked to this field work Cannot read.. They maybe Limited here, but what better way of getting approval ratting from eventually a Greater Percentage of the Thai Nation, then showing them your "Words" are worth more than Gold!

    Words spoken behind doors, in classrooms, on Buses, in Malls at Markets... almost will travel at the speed of Light! Bringing more Thank you to your Soldiers on Duty, on the street. Causing Smiles to be truely show on the faces of everyone... Maybe for the first time in Many Years... To be worn Honestly!

    Now is the time to stop the Stench in the Air here in Thailand. Far worse then any Pig Sh-t on our Pork Farms... There is not enough Air Freshener in the World to dispense this smell. The only way to eliminate this stench is at the source.

    Let Interpol Get the job done and return it to Thailand so we can purge the Air we breathe...

  11. what is worse is this is Asia's second biggest economy. During the PTP years the car makers, the largest swag of the economy decided to,leave Thailand. No one can afford that loss.

    So Thailand will become a true failed state shortly thereafter

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

    No they didn't. More car makers came to Thailand and as a result Thailand has had record years in Auto Manufacturer. The only lapse came because of the floods.

    ........And the floods happened because the Red shirted Drivers to the Planes asigned to "Seed the Fields" thought the message was for them not the rice Farmers and they "Over Seeded" the Clouds filling the Res. Overflowing along with the normal rain filled the riers and started the flooding! Causing as one result the Laps and losses for the Auto Industry here.

    All because A red shirted Individual wanted to get paid!!

  12. Wow, the guy is really showing his colors, ain't he? A dictator of his ilk won't stand much longer for a free flow of information on the internet. I'm afraid our days are numbered.

    They didn't cut it last time. Too much stuff depends on it these days, I suppose.

    Yes to much is resting on them this time. Under the previous government the rice farmers were going to have to wait for ever to get their money. Now they will have their money in 20days. The government was unable to get it for them. Also they showed no willingness to negotiate a settlement to the dispute that was showing the size of the rift in the population. The PTP had no idea of how many of the common workers were against their corruption and time wasting efforts to white wash one man living in self imposed exile in Dubai. They opened the gates for a kitty cat and got a whole pride of full grown lion's. Even then they were to stupid to see they had to do some thing.

    There are things you can dither over for ever as they are not that important but this one was. The Government refused to do any thing about it saying it was illegal to borrow the money. Now it is not. With the power he has taken on you can bet any changes to the constitution will be for the benefit of Thailand not a Politician.

    I personally don't care if it is not Democratic. It is for the good of Thailand and that is the most important thing a government of any kind can do.

    Of course there are going to be protestors their source of free money just got shut down.

    My full respect General Prayuth! Salute!!

    We Americans also had One along the same Caliber During the Vietnam War... He wrote a Book "Say No to Retreat!" Nixon tried to have him Killed because he openned doors, that Our Government tried or would have preferred remained shut. He is a receipent of "The Medal Of Honor"

    I can see your path... would concider to support if asked, I think many more here would do the same for you... To protect... "Our Families" Most of us know where "Our Jai" is tied.. and why!

    I this runs its course and results are as planned... Thailand should also have a "Medal of Honor" and it should be awarded by the Highest Ranking Person in Thailand, We cannot mention his Name of affiliation.... But as an American I would Die to protect him and his Family...

    God Speed... General Prayuth!

    (Being a Democrat has nothing really to do with the color of your shirt! It stands for doing for the People, what is right,, From the Heart!! Regardless of the cost! Means once there is freedom for the people, Regardless of Political outcome it must be For the people/By the People...))

  13. The problem is that by making it impossible to select a representative government, by cracking down on decent etc, pushing along regional ethnic divisions - the only outcome for a long unrepresentative government will just make it more likely of an insurgency or separatist movements to take hold.... Once the dream is created it is dam hard to go back.

    Are you suggesting that this move is calculated to ignite the emotions of common folk, that have had six consecutive elections overturned, to react in order to provide justification for militarily neutralizing them in the shadows of press blackouts before they get too organized?

    The elected vote was representative on a one vote one person basis. The vote is split along regional and ethnic lines, but overthrowing one corrupt group and put in an appointed but equally corrupt group - you are not fixing the problem you are only going to eventually ignite ethnic and regional divisions to the point where separation becomes a dream which is fought by successive governments using scare tactics.... but that only holds a country together for decades.... and eventually would lead to Thailand fracturing along those lines.

    You could hear lots of PDRC members basically referring to stupid buffalo / stupid farmers.....

    I have actually myself heard a few CM based redshirts speaking about stupid farmers as well last time I was in CM they where talking about the farmers who joined the ricescam...and had a good laugh about it having a nice breakfast at the Shangri La hotel not knowing that the farang sitting next to them speaks thai...

    You missed a perfect chance to have them upchuck their words.... Should have said something like... "Hey can I get your autographs...? <Then> You know.. I have one of the largest Rice Quarrems in the north of Thailand... Now they all know you all by Name! {All said in Thai and as you leave... "Yai de mi...Khrup??} with a smile......

  14. Military is now realizing that when someone stalls (saying they need to think about subject a little) it not suppose to take Days.. Months.. Years.. As is Thai way to forget and go to something new... It should if you are Educated, or have working Brain take 15-30 minutes at longest to decide!

    Stalling Means to slow down, to balk at something, to wait.. It does not mean to forget, act like subject dropped... changed... to get around. Thailand needs to update their Dictionary so the have clearer comprehenion of what is being interpeted by their actions.

    Military has Clear Understanding and has implemented their Interpetation Very Well!!! 5 Gold Stars!!!

    • Like 2
  15. Never heard of such attacks, but imo an interesting question.

    As tourists are allowed to be on the streets if needed i thought it would be perfect to ride on empty Bangkok streets at night now. But maybe i am wrong w00t.gif

    Here in Bangkok area i feel safe. If you live in a redshirt area maybe you should wear red under your jacket and show it to the angry mob if they start to attack you. But Allan, with your old bike you should have no problem anyway. They wont think you are rich wink.png

    Just be off street by 2200hrs! They (Army) took a friend of mine's Harley Chopper... He might get back... He might loose it! When stopped at 2315hrs, he was polite... not Drunk as usual... Explained he needed to get Milk and Ice and Juice for Family. They took him off Bike and in Truck took him to 7/11 and then Home (He was without Bike) Today he appear to explain to Army... May not get Very Nice Bike back (If someone like it!!)
    • Like 1
  16. Come on you TV members! You can do better than this!

    Surely she deserves the death penalty. Everyone one of you knows she is corrupt - indeed, you all people have first-hand evidence that she is guilty and only capital punishment will do. While we are at it, surely all the redshirts deserve capital punishment. Surely? You people know best.

    No! No! No!.

    TV members are not parrots - Weluree "Fai Bimbo" Ditsayabut already said that!



    Unless you are useing fake sign ons here I would be extremely.... Careful of what you say and about who... If you are Farang! At this point being under the Military Shoe, in a Coup we can have our Visa's canceled... And be Deported within 24 hrs for anything perpretated as slander Against the Military.

    So if you support Red... Yellow... Blue... Green... White... Becareful of anything that can be constrewed as The Military is doing wrong. They are in Charge. They are on a Roll, don't force them to look at their Visitors!

    Remember who your Enemies are...What your Passions are... What Way you Move... What speed you move at... What way you wear your hair... But More Impotantly....

    Where you're from... Where You have been... Where you are at...Where you are going... What your views are... Who you represent... Who's Passport gained you a Visa here... What Rights you have here... What Laws strickly pertain to us...

    "A Daily Dose of Freedom"

    Remember there is Big Differences in how words are Interpeted here.... Take "Democracy" for one.

    They are Learning but still a few Miles to run!

    Could be That Thailand needs to pay attention to what Lincoln said also...

  17. What is a Sekase Rifle ?

    Quoted from <Soldier of Fortune>

    After research it looks to be either one of these two models but possibly in a commercialized variant as US Military Contracts need be filled first. Before sales outside the US Military...??? Strings could be pulled to have one or two left here after "Cobra Exercises" were finished:

    (XM110 or a SR25 - Virtually the only items in the XM110 package not produced by KAC are the telescopic sight, bipod and carrying case. Stemming from an "if you can't beat'em, buy'em." philosophy, KAC furnishes each XM110 with a Leupold3.5-10X30mm Sniper Scope, a Harris bipod and a Hardigg Storm Case.)

    The Army's New Sniper Rifle

    Soldier of Fortune | Gary Paul Johnston | August 21, 2007

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    By now it is well known that the U.S. Army established a need to standardize a sniper rifle in 7.62x51mm NATO caliber. This was necessary in order to field one such rifle for precision sniping and to replace the literal myriad of sniper rifles currently in the system. For the record, these sniper rifles include the venerable M14 semi-automatic rifle and the M24 Remington bolt action rifle, the Mk 11 and others, which have been purchased by individual SOCOM units.

    In the wake of 9/11 and America's entry into the Global War On Terrorism (G-WOT), most of the remaining 40,000 M14 rifles in the U.S. military's inventory (mostly the U.S. Navy) have been taken out of storage in order to be re-built as precision semi-automatic rifles for sniping use. Many of these rifles that weren't destroyed during the Clinton Era were given to "friendly" countries and there has also begun a move to "buy" some of them back.

    The M14's popularity as a sniper rifle dates back to its development as a National Match competition rifle during the 1960's, its evolution into the M21 Sniper Rifle used in the Vietnam War, and its evolution into the XM25 Sniper Rifle by the U.S. Army and Navy in the years that followed. Properly fitted, the M14 is capable of extremely good accuracy and is highly reliable, but it has had less than optimum results from being used with a sound suppressor. Still, the M14 has made the transition into a 21st Century Sniper Rifle as the DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) by the United States Marine Corps and its more recent transformation by the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).

    Being a highly modified Model 700 Remington bolt-action repeating rifle, the M24 is capable of great precision accuracy. However, lessons were relearned in Somalia and in target-rich environments encountered in the G-WOT that a self-loading rifle can be fired in succession 4 to 5 times faster than a bolt action rifle. Thus, the Army was determined to standardize a semi-automatic sniper rifle.

    The third rifle mentioned is the Mk 11, a refined version of the SR- 25 (Stoner Rifle-25) rifle, which is made by Knight's Armament Company, of Titusville, Florida. Like the others, the Mk 11 is chambered for the 7.6x51mm NATO cartridge, but it contains modifications dictated by the U.S. Navy SEALS, which is a member of the SOCOM. However, using the Mk 11 identified issues that the Army found desirable in an AR10-style sniper rifle.

    In an effort to obtain an optimum 7.62mm NATO Sniper Rifle, the Army issued a solicitation for a rifle to meet the specification of what it called the Semi-Automatic Sniper System (SASS). Note that, as opposed to the Mk 11 Sniper Rifle and others, the rifle meeting SASS requirements would not be produced in selective fire. Previously, some self-loading sniper rifles were looked upon as support weapons for the main sniper rifle, which was often a bolt-action repeater. While these self-loading support sniper rifles could be used alongside the repeating rifle, they were not considered as being on a par with the primary sniping rifle, but could be used in a selective fire role in case of an attack.

    With the obvious merits of current self-loading sniper rifles, these weapons came to be seen as the potential equal to the bolt-action repeater in accuracy, not to mention their superiority in a target rich environment such as has been common in the G-WOT. Filling this requirement was the underlying factor of the SASS Program. The rifle itself was designated the XM110.

    Without re-printing the myriad requirements of the SASS Program, the two main points of the rifle was that it was to be chambered for the 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Winchester) cartridge, and that it be capable of semi-automatic ONLY fire. The current trend is for the sniper to transport his precision rifle slung while using an M4 or similar 5.56mm rifle for close-range defense in route, and to defend his position once deployed.

    In addition to the above requirements, SASS candidate rifles were to be M1913 ("Picatinny") friendly in terms of mounting a wide range of optics and other accessories, and be able to mount a sound suppressor and a bipod. Also specified were a "Match Grade" trigger, a 20-round magazine, an adjustable butt stock, and a high degree of accuracy.

    A number of manufacturers answered the SASS solicitation with a variety of rifles based on either the AR-10 design or that of the FN-FAL. While all of these rifles, no doubt, performed well, where all categories were considered, one would float to the top, and that was the submission from Knight's Armament Company (KAC). Each company submitted five rifles and each was subjected to a variety of testing criteria. All five samples were later returned to each company with a full performance report and only the company that submitted the rifles would see the report on how its rifles performed.

    Report Card With a Gold Star

    While I was not able to examine the reports of other submissions, I do have a copy of the report furnished to the winner, KAC. Among a long list of other impressive performances, the KAC SASS submission averaged 0.65-inch minute of angle (MOA) accuracy. While the rifles submitted by other manufacturers may be billed by names containing the acronym "SASS," only the KAC rifle was given the US Military designation XM110.

    After first seeing the KAC XM110 at the 2006 SHOT Show, I got a closer look at it several months later during the National Defense Industries Association (NDIA) meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where I also saw it fired by Colonel David Lutz, USMC (ret.). Soon after, I traveled to KAC's facility in Titusville, Florida, where the XM110 is produced, for an in-depth glimpse of why the rifle won the XM110 contract.

    Like the original Stoner-designed Armalite AR-10 rifle built by Armalite during the early 1950's and the AR- 15/M16, SR-25 and Mk 11 rifles that followed, the XM110 operates by direct gas instead of using a gas piston system. In all of these rifles and their many clones, high-pressure gas is directed from a port in the barrel back through a tube and into the rifle's bolt carrier, which in this case acts as the rifle's gas cylinder. As the hot gas expands inside the carrier, it drives the carrier rearward against the back of the rifle's bolt, which here acts as the gas piston. As this occurs, equal gas pressure pushes forward against the bolt, thereby taking some of the rearward load away from this part and reducing the wear on its bolt lugs.

    Since both the bolt and carrier travel back and forth the full-length of the operation, using the late Colonel George Chinn's description of weapon operating systems, the above rifles could be classed as long-stroke gas cylinder and piston via direct gas.

    Design, Materials and Execution

    Based on Eugene Stoner's original AR-10 design, the XM110 is the latest word in the SR-25 and Mk 11, which evolved from that 60-year old design. However, the original wellproven design is only refined and is not really changed.

    The one change that could be called revolutionary is in the design of the locking lugs of the bolt. Not being interchangeable with any other AR-10 descendant, this bolt is far stronger than the original.

    First appearing in KAC's SR-15 and SR-16 rifles, these radiused locking lugs along with a balanced extractor and other features defined these 5.56mm rifles as arguably the finest AR-15 variants on the planet. While the selective-fire SR- 16 continues in production for the military, the semi-automatic SR-15 was sadly discontinued in the wake of Nine-Eleven due to expanding military requirements. Hopefully, with KAC's giant new facility, SR-15 production will resume.

    Other, less subtle changes in the XM110 include KAC's new URX (Upper Rail Extension) system, ambidextrous magazine release and a butt stock that is adjustable for length of pull. This stock also has a monopod for elevation.

    Now incorporated on all KAC Stoner-type rifles, the URX rail system locks rigidly onto the barrel by tightening a nut in a method very similar to securing the barrel of a Savage Model 110 rifle. However, the top rail of the URX is first perfectly aligned with that of the upper receiver using a special fixture, and the front sight folds down into the URX rail to become part of it, when not in use. The result is a top rail as true as a monolithic system.

    Quite ingenious is KAC's new ambidextrous magazine release. Effective, but simple, the release button on the left side is similar to that on the right, but is slightly lower and pivots to cam the release. This new ambidextrous release system will be incorporated into all KAC rifles.

    Although it resembles a standard SR-25 fixed stock, the butt stock of the XM110 is adjustable for length of pull by turning a knurled wheel in the stock to extend or retract the butt plate. The vertical monopod raises and lowers the butt for elevation.

    Using the finest materials available, more than thirty of the most modern CNC machines produce the components of the XM110 and other rifles, as well as the KAC XM110 Sound Suppressor and other KAC products, such as the company's family of night-vision optics. All components are accordingly heat treated and finished in-house in order to maintain 100% quality control. The finish on the XM110 is the Army's new Flat Dark Earth (FDE).

    KAC's Sound Suppressor

    A key component of the XM110 package is the quick-attachable Knight Armament suppressor designed for it. Locating on the flash hider, this suppressor extends back to the gas block where its yoke-like locking device is pressed down to secure the suppressor to the gas block. Once mounted, the suppressor is sealed and provides a sound reduction of 30 decibels.

    Optics, Bipod and Carrying Case

    Virtually the only items in the XM110 package not produced by KAC are the telescopic sight, bipod and carrying case. Stemming from an "if you can't beat'em, buy'em." philosophy, KAC furnishes each XM110 with a Leupold 3.5-10X30mm Sniper Scope, a Harris bipod and a Hardigg Storm Case.

    Leupold scopes are pretty much standard throughout the U.S. Military, as are Harris Bipods. The Leupold Sniper Scope is rugged and precise and the Harris Bipod is lightweight yet tough enough for the job, and it performs. I've always maintained that extra weight in a bipod is excess weight, and the Harris proves this.

    A relative newcomer to the tactical scene, the Hardigg Storm Case was an easy sell, as Hardigg cases are heads above all others, and are available for a variety of items in addition to the XM110. They also come fitted for a number of firearms and their interiors can also be custom laser cut for anything that will fit in their wide range of sizes. If that's not enough, Hardigg Cases can be had in many colors. As are virtually all aspects of the XM110 package, the Hardigg Storm Case comes in FDE color, and it holds the rifle along with spare magazines, ammunition, KAC Sound Suppressor and an Otis U.S. Military .30 caliber cleaning kit that is also standard XM110 equipment.

    Trigger Time

    Speaking of triggers, did I forget to mention the KAC Match Trigger? Another standard on the XM110, this two-stage trigger is precisely made and tuned at the factory to break crisply at about 3 pounds. This weight is ideal for both safety and accuracy and is the weight I prefer for all precision rifle shooting.

    At the KAC range the XM110 was fired with and without the sound suppressor, and with the suppressor mounted, ear protection was not mandatory. In fact, as far as I was concerned, ear protection wasn't necessary at all. Recoil was mild and the rifle did not malfunction in any way during an afternoon of shooting at various targets.

    The XM110 was fired prone from its Harris Bipod as well as a GPS Grip- Pod. Both worked well in supporting the rifle and the GripPod weighs but a fraction of the weight.

    While only informal shooting was done by a number of people with the sample rifle, I've been shooting SR-25 rifles for years, and I can attest to their consistent sub-minute of angle (MOA) accuracy.

    As this is written, the KAC XM110 has dropped its experimental status and has been type classified as the M110 Sniper Rifle. As such it is slated to replace all 7.62mm NATO caliber sniper rifles in the system, both selfloading and bolt-action. Only time will tell, but KAC was in full production of the rifle when I was there.

    Will the M110 be available outside the U.S. Military? Yes, but only once military contracts are filled. You can buy one of the other SASS submission rifles, but not the M110, at least not yet. Also, the commercial variant may not carry the exact M110 designation, as is often common with a commercial version of a current military weapon. Either way, it will be the real McCoy and 100% MilStd.

    In the meantime, the SR-25 and commercial versions of the Mk 11 in both rifle and carbine configurations are available.

  18. I too have been fearing this development for a long time now.

    For me it has the extra wrinkle that I am not and have never been a US citizen, simply worked there for more than a dozen years, though always intending this would be temporary.

    However the highest earning phase of my career occurred there, and my company's 401k scheme was very good, since they made matching contributions if you joined the scheme, (that is free money!) and everyone advised me that the tax benefits for contributing were too good to ignore.

    Even so, I worried about the fact that I always intended to return to the UK, and how this would affect the accessibility and safety of the money. Of course Fidelity assured me there would be no problem at the time, and told me this again when I rolled this money over to a personal IRA just before I left. Of course their assurances were worthless.

    Now and for the last five years they have had the UK as my home address - I have no green card and no right to live in the US , so there is no possibility that I can fool them into believing that I live there.

    If they close my account not only will I get the 10% tax penalty for early withdrawal, but will also get the 30% flat tax they impose on lump sum withdrawals to foreign addresses, so I will lose 40% of the money at a stroke. This could make a huge difference to my retirement (it's a very significant amount, though short of the $500k that apparently protects you from closure), and I simply have no course of action other than to hope it doesn't occur.

    Obviously if I had been able to foresee this I would just have saved the money in a bank account and taken it with me. A retirement account that you cannot use to retire abroad seems baffling to me as a European...

    This will help you with the 30% tax Penalty to foreign address.

    Get a Bangkok Bank Account, They have an Office in New York, NY. Now here is trick....

    Use their Routing Number: 026-008-691

    This will fill all needs in this area.

    For those who wish to know more:

    Swift Code is: BKKBTHBK

    Telex Number: 82638,82670 BK BANK TH

    Only thing needed to deposit is:

    Bank Name

    Account Number of Individual

    Routing Number

    With this info it does not show as a foreign Account and funds are available within minutes of deposit. I believe fee is 200 Baht. You can even set up here to have Bangkok Bank send you an text with all Iformation as pertaining to Deposit, which you will receive within Seconds of accepted deposit.

    Worked for me... just as my SSI and other retirement is done and has been done for years. If you have issue with setting up account. Have your Branch Manager setup appointment with Main Branch in Bangkok. They have a Special Office Crew to help you complete everything CORRECTLY!!

    Well worth the travel!!!

    I believe there is a Bangkok Bank also in London. Discuss this with Department @ BBK in Bangkok.

  19. The way out of this mess:

    Whoever is finally Placed as Prime Minister...

    Should fill his Cabinet with the most qualified Persons from Both Parties! This would show that there is a willingness to work out any differences and issues in Party Politics. This has been done in American Cabinets and has worked well.

    I can say this whoever does it first here in Thailand will gain support from the people as a whole! Probably would be the first P.M. to truely push for and use a Complete Democratic Party!

    Red.... Yellow... Blue... Green... White... Doesn't matter when they work together... Rainbow Coal.....!

  20. Why does the US Government have to stick their beaks in, they think they are the police of the world, Let Thailand and the Thai people sort this out themselves, it might take time but hopefully they will get there

    Remember all Foreign Aid Stops When you desolve and step away from being a Democracy. This seems to be a forgotten fact here and a seemingly hidden asset.

    If US Backs away as you ask how many 100's of Millions of Dollars will the infrastructure here loose? Being accustumed to hearing what Thailand thinks about free money...

    I believe not One Satang is the answer... Ask your Wife/Girlfriend....

  21. Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said, "the plane was deemed commercial and not hostile."

    A paltry excuse. Granted there's a modicum of credence there, but defense forces are supposed to be that: DEFENSE.

    Anyone who knows about the biggest news story since the fall of the Berlin wall, knows that commercial planes can indeed be hostile. Or, to put it another way; they can be like giant petrol bombs traveling 250 mph.

    Perhaps Malaysia has an education system on par with Thailand and/or a system where military promotions are based on 'payments to higher ups' and 'social connections' (same as Thailand)?. If so, that would partially explain why Malaysian authorities dropped the ball in several places. It might also explain why they're still covering things up.

    I agree here. 100%

    But just a little further... Remember MH370 was not reported lost for 4 hrs!! Thus... Why would they be looking until MH370 beyound Milaysian Air Space? With Transonders turned off, Military would only see a Blip on Secondary Radar Sceen.

    "They would Have no idea What it was... or who it was..." I I don't believe for a moment the Secondary Radar screen or read-out was being monitored! As remember they said at first they went back to analized they Secodary Radar's recorded Information... Only after they were Backed Against The Wall! (As there was nothing on Primary Radar Displays!)

  22. Okay Guys...

    First sorry for any Spelling errors...

    (Again I don't know what to believe... But I will read then commdenplate...)

    First of all I was not argueing in post about Pings....

    Pings, if coming from Aircraft (MH370) did not tell any ID's in reference to Aircraft, ok? They were trying to connect to know Authorized Reciever, thats all. They were sending requests... looking for a return link to ID themselves.

    Conjector that they came from MH370 is only Human assuming such... Not from Satellite....

    Regards to knowing ID of Aircraft (with Transponder's turned off) would be impossible to do such. They could possibly know that they were from (Blips on screen) commercial Aircraft, but I doubt it. As this was Military Radar and they see supposidly everything in sky (Primary using Transponders... Secondary using moving mass in Radar range)

    The only way Civilian Radar site would see and dispay Military Aircraft on Primary Radar is if they were using Civilian ID's and Squawking such. otherwise they would only know there was space being occuppied by an Aircraft by observing Secondary Radarand seeing an object (Blip on screen0

    If you were lucky enough to observe the first (Original Display) of Flightradar24's display of MH370's flight path you would see 3 Aircraft following to rear and right of flight in question (MH370) Dislaying (and Squawking) Indoneasian Flght ID's. These 3 Aircraft where disapearing and coming back on screen. If flight radar24 was displaying (Overlaying) a Secondary Radar Display and intergrating them into one display we would have been able to see what was happening when they turned their transponders off. Two of the Aircraft in question here just before MH370 diapeared Hightaied it past and put some distance between them and MH370. The Freighter just north/west of Riau Islands Disapeared just after MH370 did. It never came back on the display... Period! I searched for flight ID of this Aircraft for a couple of hours also had someone help me to trace Sqawking code of such to find location... No Where to be found!! Now those of you would say... Oh... it was out of range...Nope as display is World wide.

    All 3 of these Aircraft are Indoneasian (as displayed by ID's) 1 a 747 and a 707 the 3rd (Over Riau Islands) was a Freighter).

    Just for Information here further investigation puts MH370 in the short leg of Indoneasian Airspace, not Vietnam or Maylasia's as reported, go look.

    Also where in S.E. Aisia is the Headquarters located for MI8 and CIA? Answer: Indoneasia! Just so you can add 1+1 and end up with 2... not something else.

    Also everyone seems to have forgotten what was going on in Thailand Prior to and During this time Frame. The Joint Military Exercises... Remember? I believe 24 or 25 Countries were either involved or Observing. They all had Ships, Aircraft Carriers here. Now those of you who spent time in Navy know that Radar onboard, is NEVER TURNED OFF!! I believe this is a point swept under the carpet and why there are questions being raised about other Countries... As these Radar Stations would have seen EVERYTHING!! Completely! They wuld have seen MH370 on both sides of Thailand and Milaysia. NSA for one has said, NOTHING.. is said to be hidden from it.

    I will add a couple of links from Creditable people from Canada and USA, also their credentials are attached here. Links are #1 and Continuation at #2.

    Professor Leuren Moret's Biography: Independent Scientist; Expert Witness at the Tokyo International Tribunal for War Crimes in Afghanistan; Expert Witness on HAARP & Environmental Warfare

    Dr.Alfred Lambremont Webre's credits: J.D., M.Ed. (Canada) is an author, futurist, lawyer (member of the District of Columbia Bar), peace advocate, environmental activist, space activist and is known as the founding father of exopolitics.

    These links I Believe are from Dr. Webre's TV show from Canada:





    Prof. Moret spent allot of time in the first 30 days examining every conjector, and interviewing to complete this report,as interview is on exactly 30 day point. She discusses that search was moved to Indian Ocean to insure that if it returned to Gulf of Thailand / South China Sea batteries would have indeed have failed. This if not moved would have indeed found something. Also the fact that looking with Listening Devices in Indian Ocean did not happen till Life expectancy of Batteries had also, just about run their course.

    I know these all seen to be a little Far Fetched, but Stop and look everytime a Creditable person makes a statment that could alter possibly History in some sort of way.... They are Branded as some sort of Loonie, why? At this point Everything needs to be looked at for Justifiable Answers.

  23. This is a partial quote from <CNN>

    You can reread the whole report here: http://edition.cnn.com/2014/05/01/world/asia/malaysia-airlines-plane-report/index.html?hpt=hp_t1

    But combined with the air traffic transcript also released to the public, it gives a picture how the first hours progressed after MH 370 signed off.

    Controllers told the airliner to check in with their counterparts in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. "Good night, Malaysian Three Seven Zero," someone in the cockpit answered.

    That check-in never happened, but something else did. The plane dropped off radar, and the clock ticked.

    < Post edited as per fair use policy >

    READ: Searchers dispute company's claim that it may have found aircraft wreckage

    READ: Is GeoResonance on to something?

    This Second statement from Maylasian Airlines falls in place with Flight radar24 new positioning of MH370


    here is the Video:http://www.flightradar24.com/data/pinned/mh370-2d81a27/#2d81a27

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