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Posts posted by davidstipek

  1. Okay I will try again:

    Here is the Link to go and read if they erase my post again!


    I will post article now as I do not believe it is violating any Laws to share what is being written around the World when it concerns a subject as this. If they delete post then they are also being controlled

    Next Post will have Link and article....

    Link giving credit...


    Now the article in full to ease somes searches....

    A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly-secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll.

    According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748 through a codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft “disappeared” in flight with 227 passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were Chinese, and 12 crew members.

    Interesting to note, this report says, was that Flight 370 was already under GRU “surveillance” after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama.



    • Like 1
  2. Okay I will try again:

    Here is the Link to go and read if they erase my post again!


    I will post article now as I do not believe it is violating any Laws to share what is being written around the World when it concerns a subject as this. If they delete post then they are also being controlled

    Next Post will have Link and article....

    • Like 1
  3. 2. Pilot was probably one of Malaysian's best. A show-off in the cockpit and perhaps the best candidate of a "delivery".

    Why the authorities not yet check his house and that amazing fs?

    Do they need to? He posted pics and descriptions of it all over the interwebnet.

    This needs to be done!

    For the following reasons:

    1: To look at Computer Memory of where Pilot had been using Simulator.

    2: To rerun any past Programs.

    3: To see if Data was intentionally erased. (If so we can restore!!!)

    This will confirm if Pilot was indeed involved and lead Candidate. It would possibly also give best lead on why route chosen was to be followed. Why the aircraft chose to follow specific waypoints to avoid Radar Detection!! This is the best reasoning yet!!

    Next!! Nasa needs to closely photogragh these Islands... USA Military knows where any abandon WW2 Airstrips are in this region! """Take Detailed Photos""" Also check any website that would be privy to the location of these Sites and who has visited and when!!

    I believe we will find Aircraft. We just need to adjust where our Head is. CHANGE OUR WAY THINKING. If it shows in photos current status of any of these sites. We need to get Teams there to look for clues, there is always something forgotten. We will find if we look close enough. Guys, (SEALS) use your training... if strip cleared... then someome used it! get the Dogs out there to search!!! You can hide Physical evidence...but not odor!

    There was just a news report saying that there was 2 areas being searched west of Maylasia... One that Aircraft turned North, which is being searched By India and Some US Aircraft. The other is that the Aircraft turned South, Which is being searched by US Warships...

    Some of the reasoning for these turns...

    1: They have already shown they were trying to follow Waypoints. If they had continued straight after crossing Maylasia they would have encountered Diego garcia an American Base centered in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Any approach over water would have been seen at greater distances then arround Land. This would have to be avoided! (I have lowered my thinking to a different level)

    2: North... to follow Waypoints and avoid radar detection at an altitude where safe.

    3: South... Open water possibly safer but also has liabilities... If detected... no where to hide. Once detected, what now???

  4. 2. Pilot was probably one of Malaysian's best. A show-off in the cockpit and perhaps the best candidate of a "delivery".

    Why the authorities not yet check his house and that amazing fs?

    Do they need to? He posted pics and descriptions of it all over the interwebnet.

    This needs to be done!

    For the following reasons:

    1: To look at Computer Memory of where Pilot had been using Simulator.

    2: To rerun any past Programs.

    3: To see if Data was intentionally erased. (If so we can restore!!!)

    This will confirm if Pilot was indeed involved and lead Candidate. It would possibly also give best lead on why route chosen was to be followed. Why the aircraft chose to follow specific waypoints to avoid Radar Detection!! This is the best reasoning yet!!

    Next!! Nasa needs to closely photogragh these Islands... USA Military knows where any abandon WW2 Airstrips are in this region! """Take Detailed Photos""" Also check any website that would be privy to the location of these Sites and who has visited and when!!

    I believe we will find Aircraft. We just need to adjust where our Head is. CHANGE OUR WAY THINKING. If it shows in photos current status of any of these sites. We need to get Teams there to look for clues, there is always something forgotten. We will find if we look close enough. Guys, (SEALS) use your training... if strip cleared... then someome used it! get the Dogs out there to search!!! You can hide Physical evidence...but not odor!

  5. Take a good look at the bottom of the Photos of the two men accused of useing the stolen Passports.... CCTV picture shows the when from the right side. It looks as if the men have the same legs.... How is it possible or even the likelyhood of photos being captured like this with out being Doctored...

    If thi is the case to try and provide supposed survelience photos... It a poor excuse for being lax in your required duties.... Is this why it took so long to release...and why its extremely difficult to find any of the photos online now Because they are being systematicly removed???? because this photoshopped photo had errors in it that were not corrected before its release????

    I had to dig though days of acticles online to find a copy most are gone now... But its still out there. System would not let me copy or open link. Most has been removed but part of the trail is still there!!!! They missed it!

    My Post was declined as I tried to Quote a link... Saying I could not or do not have permission to do was I was doing... Wait 8 minutes! (Why) I had not posted anything today as we have not been home since 0930 this morning 3/12/2014....

    (who is being monitored here... and by whom... and Why? What have I done other then help eery single Thai I have ever know! For 8 years? I think... Or did I show Thai that Farangs are not as what Thailand was them to believe we are....????

    Why can I not Add the picture I am referring to... To this post??? Can anyone help me?

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The Guardian (UK) and Le Monde (FR) give a very good summary of the topic. Read it.

    links ?

    Official link:http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/11/missing-plane-definitely-turned-back-malaysia.


    Le Monde provides information that the mobile phones of some of the passengers - and which were called by relatives after the mystery started - continued to ring ....indicating they were still within reach of a transmitter?

    If this is the case...

    Can we not traiangulated the phones signal and locate where by now it is sitting??? I am sure there are enough Cell Phone companies and Satellites launched to complete this task ASAP! Unless someone somewhere doesn't want location to be found as it would cause Someone or Some Country an Extremely Large loss of Face!!!

    It can be done.. We just need someone to do it!!

    Or are we waiting, Biding our time until we are sure the Batteries must be dead.......

  7. Take a good look at the bottom of the Photos of the two men accused of useing the stolen Passports.... CCTV picture shows the when from the right side. It looks as if the men have the same legs.... How is it possible or even the likelyhood of photos being captured like this with out being Doctored...

    If thi is the case to try and provide supposed survelience photos... It a poor excuse for being lax in your required duties.... Is this why it took so long to release...and why its extremely difficult to find any of the photos online now Because they are being systematicly removed???? because this photoshopped photo had errors in it that were not corrected before its release????

    I had to dig though days of acticles online to find a copy most are gone now... But its still out there. System would not let me copy or open link. Most has been removed but part of the trail is still there!!!! They missed it!

    My Post was declined as I tried to Quote a link... Saying I could not or do not have permission to do was I was doing... Wait 8 minutes! (Why) I had not posted anything today as we have not been home since 0930 this morning 3/12/2014....

    (who is being monitored here... and by whom... and Why? What have I done other then help eery single Thai I have ever know! For 8 years? I think... Or did I show Thai that Farangs are not as what Thailand was them to believe we are....????

  8. How the hell were these two people able to travel on stolen passports--???----

    They were reported as stolen--and I would presume were cancelled--But they did--

    So if they were " Doctored " somehow--surely that would be false passports ??

    It is a worrying prospect if the so -called electronic/chipped document can be falsified

    Take a good look at the bottom of the Photos of the two men accused of useing the stolen Passports.... CCTV picture shows the when from the right side. It looks as if the men have the same legs.... How is it possible or even the likelyhood of photos being captured like this with out being Doctored...

    If thi is the case to try and provide supposed survelience photos... It a poor excuse for being lax in your required duties.... Is this why it took so long to release...and why its extremely difficult to find any of the photos online now Because they are being systematicly removed???? because this photoshopped photo had errors in it that were not corrected before its release????

    I had to dig though days of acticles online to find a copy most are gone now... But its still out there. System would not let me copy or open link. Most has been removed but part of the trail is still there!!!! They missed it!

  9. In Thailand, watch your passport


    WASHINGTON: -- While nearly every aspect of this weekend’s disappearance of a Malaysian jetliner is surprising, one element is not. At least two of its 239 passengers had been traveling with stolen passports — and those documents had been lost in Thailand, home to what’s become one of the most robust stolen passport trades in the world.

    Both Luigi Maraldi, a short-haired Italian, and a 30-year-old Austrian named Christian Kozel had been traveling through a southern province in Thailand called Phuket when their passports were lost — or stolen.

    In 2012, Kozel’s went missing in Phuket, which juts out of Thailand’s main coast like a snaggletooth. And on July 22 of last year, someone took Maraldi’s after the Italian submitted his passport as collateral on a rented motorbike, by far the most used means of transportation in Southeast Asia.

    Message boards from Lonely Planet to Thai Visa are clogged with accounts of stolen passports or ruminations on whether to leave their own at a bike shop. New Zealand, which sends thousands of tourists to Southeast Asia every year, warns its travelers to never leave their passports with a motorcycle rent shop — because no one knows where they could wind up.

    Full story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/03/10/in-thailand-watch-your-passport-2/

    -- The Washington Post 2014-03-11

    Simple solution...

    Don't just Warn!!! Make it Illegal!!! for anyone in the World to request or Demand Your Passport in lieu of any suggested deposit. Passport must remain in posession of Owner 100% of the time once it has been issued. It would be a positive thing to leave a Copy. You request...I report... You go to Jail... End of Story...

    Same Idea ... EXAMPLE: You Drink... You Drive... You are Stopped for an infraction (Must be legit reason) you are tested you are going ASAP to Jail... No Passing Go... No get out of Jail Free Card. Also Agencies who deviate from also Fine and Suspension/Demotion... What this would end is Endless!

    This would subject the organizations doing this to Fines not only in country where offense took placed, but also from Country of orgin. Madatory fines, once reported must be acted on, Embassy's required to follow-up reports, Also any Agency (Law Enforcement) devating from would also be fined and possible Jail Time imposed.

    I think if this thinking was spearheaded by USA and other Members of United Nations Security Counsul.... Things in Air Travel would clean-up...Overnight!

    Also International Flights make it a required step in Boardering... Thumb Prints! Ticket stubs revised to have required spots for Prints... Or Boarding Fight is Refused! Simple... Airlines invest alot of money in Buying, Flying, Maintaining their Fleet of Aircraft.... Investments are Huge!! Prices has Skyrocketed. CEO's of these Companies need to make their Staff more responsible! Because of the demanded funds for this mode of travel.. Fliers Need the security, Nations and Corporations only... can produce here!!

    • Like 2
  10. The cat's latest high-profile appearance was when he visited the Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Co-operatives (BAAC) in Ranong province to buy the government bond last month; the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was seeking the fund to pay farmers under the controversial rice-pledging scheme at the time.

    Since we all know that a cat can't be a real customer of a bank and has also no money, this was clearly a fictitious deal, as was probably the case with all those that showed up to buy the bond.

    When turned away demanded.....

  11. "Thai students could not speak English fluently even after learning hmm studying? being enrolled in English language classes for 16 years" Something they could do right now, at no or little cost would be to allow English speaking foreigners to come volunteer for up to 8 hours a week at schools, without all the work permit, budget siphoning, face saving garbage that stifles education here. I would like to do it. I have beyond masters in Ed, with decades of experience.

    This has been a great idea... But it gets ignored! Because even outside the Budget, doing it for free... I firmly believe the idea is passed around that we... are not Thai! Will never be Thai! So Thank you very much... but no Thank you..... (Not anything about causing anyone to "Loose Face", causing anyone to even venture towards this thought... OK?) If you even think Nit Noy towards this venue... Money is all you care about...F*** evryone. everything else!

    Shame on you!!!

    Let me start this again... I don't want to be Thai... I didn't ask to be Thai... What I asked was to be able to show Thai Children that there are people in the world who care! So they grow up and have these memories of Foreign Friends who taught them where the heart really is... not in their wallet, purse... In their shorts... There are People who gave there life because they cared! Young Men and Women... This was a trait not unsimular of Thai Culture to take care of Families... to care about Father, Mother, Grandma... Grandpa and them as Brothers and Sisters... This wasn't an Asian Monopoly on this Idea...

    If someone in the Government by chance gets to read (View) this Post. Insure they get it translated correcty and Co-Workers don't be afraid to ask your Boss if they were shown this article, and why have they not acted upon it's contents....??? Don't be afraid to ask if your Heart is truely home in Thailand.

    If I ever got the chance to accept the offer to be welcomed to make Thailand a Permant Home... Yes I would greet it with open arms, relish it for the rest of my Life... Hold it as dear and close to my Heart as I do America. I know an extremely large crowd of Thai's who would Stand Up and Cheer! As I have been told repeatedly I am not a Farang.... I am Thai!! Through and Through!!

    Let us help, Teach, take kids on field trips create Activities that are fun for all, including Parents... but Performed in English, where Their beloved Thai Language is not forgotten but comfortably tucked away in their Back Pack. Let us Do the Performing Arts using the World as an Open book to Choose from... Thus suprising Our College Professors on the Jump we have made on our Entry Level Scores and Knolledge. I could go on but I would fill pages on thos Forum...and if no One cares to Act Accordingly, my words would fall upon Deaf Ears......

    In any Language, in any Country, City, Provience or any Culture.... "God Bless Our Children, Every One... of Them! They are our only Hope for a Clean, Stable, Honest, Respected.... Future.....

    Ministers Act!

    Those of you who truely care.... Thank You!

  12. What better Idea.... "Contact Makers of Saki..." As this would be perfect venue to enable the Manufacturers a quality rice for distilling and the production of this Liquor.

    Think about it, even if some is now at a lesser quality, Distillation would induce Fermentation to wipe-out any foreign Bacteria....

    If you think that it such a clever idea (and I have no reason to doubt it) why don't you start a distillery up and make some dosh??

    I can think of Several reason "Why I don't or Can't"...

    1. I am not Thai .... So who would I work for to get work Permit issued??

    2. Liquor is Controled by the Government .... So what better way to get deported ....Doing something illegal . Even though it not related .... We see where that got our Good Friend from India .....

    3. Doing something even if I could open doors, and completely do it Honestly and Legal .... I am sure I would be interpted to be causing someone to "Loose Face!"

    4. I am beginning to realize that "Loosing Face" Is of higher importance then "Feeding our Farmers"

    I just can't believe that someone in the Political Process here has not thought of this.... Why? Because they could:

    1. Buy Cheap

    2. Sell product at a price to still create a higher "Proffit/Loss Share" Undercutting other Producers .... "Worldwide!"

    3. Completely capture the Market. Possibly forcing competitors into forclosure or Bankruptcy..... The amount of rice Stockpiled would keep them in a forever Price Battle which would completely guarantee they not loose.

    Do I need to continue?

    Unless you have retired, I would stick to the day job then and simply dream about what 'could have been'.!!

    I am retired... Live here in Thailnd....

    (Family has Large share in Stocks from Major Breweries. Father was, Grandfather was... Master Brewers..... )

    I am sticking to my Day Job.... Also speak the truth! Not try to Liquify Ideas as some do....

  13. What better Idea.... "Contact Makers of Saki..." As this would be perfect venue to enable the Manufacturers a quality rice for distilling and the production of this Liquor.

    Think about it, even if some is now at a lesser quality, Distillation would induce Fermentation to wipe-out any foreign Bacteria....

    If you think that it such a clever idea (and I have no reason to doubt it) why don't you start a distillery up and make some dosh??

    I can think of Several reason "Why I don't or Can't"...

    1. I am not Thai .... So who would I work for to get work Permit issued??

    2. Liquor is Controled by the Government .... So what better way to get deported ....Doing something illegal . Even though it not related .... We see where that got our Good Friend from India .....

    3. Doing something even if I could open doors, and completely do it Honestly and Legal .... I am sure I would be interpted to be causing someone to "Loose Face!"

    4. I am beginning to realize that "Loosing Face" Is of higher importance then "Feeding our Farmers"

    I just can't believe that someone in the Political Process here has not thought of this.... Why? Because they could:

    1. Buy Cheap

    2. Sell product at a price to still create a higher "Proffit/Loss Share" Undercutting other Producers .... "Worldwide!"

    3. Completely capture the Market. Possibly forcing competitors into forclosure or Bankruptcy..... The amount of rice Stockpiled would keep them in a forever Price Battle which would completely guarantee they not loose.

    Do I need to continue?

    What I was hinting at was, get Foreign Government to Back farmers, fronting their costs, and Buying next years Complete Crop.... Then let the Thai Elite try to get answers from whoever on why their costs have skyrocketed on Rice products. I am sure your "Home Grown Farmers" Won't mind at all! They will have been paid for their Crop's and now with money in the Bank and their Pockets, they can start to Build on the foundation of their Status ... Gain More Respect!!!

  14. FLIGHT MH370 asked to establish it's position before .....

    The captain, who requested to remain anonymous, told Malaysian media outlets his plane, which was bound for Narita, Japan, was in Vietnamese airspace when he was asked to contact the pilot flying the missing plane.

    In using his plane’s emergency frequency, he was asked to try and establish its position after authorities failed to make contact.

    “We managed to establish contact with MH370 just after 1.30am and asked them if they have transferred into Vietnamese airspace,” he told the New Straits Times.

    “The voice on the other side could have been either Captain Zaharie or Fariq, but I was sure it was the co-pilot.

    “There were a lot of interference... static... but I heard mumbling from the other end.

    “That was the last time we heard from them, as we lost the connection,” he said.”

    Is there a Voice recording of this on recorder of Narita Bound flight??? Secure it for analisis

  15. Only a small point, but if a terrorist group wanted to have a pop at China, why would they bring down a Malaysian aircraft?

    It was code shared with China Southern airlines and the vast majority of passengers were Chinese.

    All 4 had bought tickets from Chinese Airline (China Southern Airlines), possibility not knowing they would actually be flying in a Code Shared - MAS based Aircraft. I have a felling this thought was felt confirmed when they sat awaiting Boarding with they Largely surrounded by Chinese Passengers. Probably never saw they were actually boarding Malaysian Aircraft because of the time...

    RIP fellow Travelers....... Whoever responsible (If this is the case...) "Rot, Rot in Hell!" There were 4 Passengers age 4 and under.... God Bless them! May Angels hae caught them and held them securely on their trip to Heaven!!

  16. I don't think Yingluck has any interest in division by North/South anyway. She and Thaksin are far more interested in division by wealth, and imho Thaksin is part of the scene that wants to see the wealth division refined into just ruling-class and working-class worldwide, with the aspirational middle classes gradually eroded and pummelled down to join the unfortunate working-classes. None of the ultra-wealthy ruling-classes care about nation borders and the only time they are interested in splitting nations is when there is money to be made from it - which there isn't in Thailand. A fragmented Thailand would drown in higher corruption emanating from the new power centre/s, and would be weaker on many practical administrative levels too. It would be an expensive logistical nightmare, and would create new loopholes where money would go astray even worse than now.


  17. I grew up on one o the Largest Privatly owned Dairy arms in Washington State (America) I would love to offer advice and connections to them to increase the weight and health, double the milk production, get the Universities involved in increasing Offspring. This could also be done up North in Chiang Mai... Cooler weather, little more favorable for also growning Feed Grasses to boost Vitamin content of Milk, Cream, Butter. would also decrease shipping costs as product could be used to increase health of children and calcium levels in Seniors especially at Hill Tribe Villages....

    Get me a work permit and a couple of Government staff to share Ideas with... we would be full steam ahead within One year!

    • Like 1
  18. "Somchai said the government promised that the Bt20 billion would be borrowed from the central fund, not just taken from it."

    If the Government promised, rest assured, that they are saying the truth and they will repay the money in unspecified time.

    Good that the farmers will get some money, but in the meantime other sectors will start suffering from the lack of funds.

    A vicious circle, that there is no exit for the foreseeable future.

    Remember the Movie.... right now we could all use his line of Thinking.... "Just pay it, it's Owed... Then we can sit back....

  19. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Maybe to can help you put in a new battery at Amorn.


    Thanks for this, terminatorCM, found the address. ChiangMai, Branch50 CarreFour. Next time I'll visit CM

    I'll try it out. Have a similar problem like/as 'davidstipek'. - Sometimes it's really strange. Modern Times.

    And David, don't forget ‘Boil it Cook it, Peel it or Forget it’.

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts... I am feed-up with G-Net.... Will never buy aything from them again! (Tablet is 13 months old! They told me parts were nolonger mde for it and to throw it away!!!) I am sure tht if I had originally left it at shop, neither it or the Keyboard case would have ever... seen the inside of a Trash Can! But they would have told me same... "Oh sorry no parts made anymore so we throw away..." (Into somone Back Pack!! Right!!)

    I have already taken to Custom shop need home in Nong Hoi. Tech removed 3200mAh Battery and installed 2 - 4000mAh in series. I still have 3.7VDC but the two are tegether same size as original 9.5mm x 8mm x 3mm so they fit perfectly!

    Now after charging, I have used without shutting off for a total 13 hrs... still not totally drained!! As a new tablet the best I every got was 6 hrs either Video or WIFI. I have downloaded video by WIFI to Micro SD card, downloaded to USB Drive... used WIFI the total 13 hrs with external keyboard plugged in...

    He told me to fully charge... Then totally discharge Battery 2-3 times, each time the life of charge will gain...

    So far I am extremely happy!!


    For the first charge of batteries Tablet total usage before I was notified of btteries needing to be connected to charger, or tablet needing to be recharged was 15 hrs and 47 minutes... using factory charging (USB / Sony 1mAh charger) USB/G-Net cable it took 4 hrs to totally recharge (for Tablet to tell me in display "Battaeries Totally Recharged".

    I have left a 32gb USB memory Drive with data looped to keep playing. I was @ 20hrs and 16 minutes continually usage when I was suggested to connect Charger.... WOW!!! That means I could watch DVD video on bus from Chiang Mai to Bangkok... Go see Dr. at Hospital in Nothauri... Eat Luch at Sister in-Law's home close to Panthip 2 Mall... Return to bus station and board bus back to Chiang Mai... return home in Nong Hoi and never have to shut tablet off or need to recharge it!!!!

    G.Net... Take Notice I have fixed your indiscressions with useage of your Tablets!!! Pay me and I will 500% inprove "Your Failing Customer Service" in their respect.

    For those of you reading... Tablet has charging pin port, HDMI port, Micro SD port and Mini USB port. Using Mini USB/female USB adapter the total time Tablet was on USB adapter was connected to a 2 port adapter. Enabling key pad (Male USB) and 32gb memory drive to be connected and used. I actually used the keyboard and Skype and had 2nd viewer connected watching 3hr to Die Video. This proves the 3200mAh Battery was underrated from the start!! I am using 2 - 4000mAH in series, Batteries... no heat buildup... also better audio from what we though was going to be a junk Speaker also (sound just needed more Amperage...)

    I am wondering about doing this with my Acer Aspire 5100 Notebook.... any thoughts?? Its 19DCV 3.42 Amps Battery for it is a 14.8VDC 4300mAh Lithium Icon Battery

  20. Not so Geng after all.

    But don't all the bills (and passports etc) have some spelling errors as additional security features, just in case a person who does the fakes misses those?


    From http://www.oldcurrencyvalues.com/10000_Dollar_Bill.html

    It is currently thought that just under 60,000 $10,000 bills were printed for circulation for the 1928 and 1934 series combined. Of that 60,000, no more than 336 have survived destruction by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

    What's your point ? That its a slight possibility that it was real ? I really don't understand what you are getting at.

    I would say he is simply giving some information, which is much appreciated by at least me.

    So thanks Oilinki.

    Also Circulation was from 1928 to 1934... If you look closer these are 1918 Series Bills ... so is this another error? Also would they not have been Silver Certificates? as Gold was not used to Back US Reserve until 1950's-60's.... When all Silver Certificates were bought back and destroyed as the Federal Reserve Notes were issued as replacements...???

  21. Can you recommend that particular model?

    Sierra Wireless AirCard 754S

    I thought of buying this for a long time but too lazy to order one and I still have zte mf60 (21 mbit) that works (need to give it to somebody before buy another mifi)

    I have a Sierra Wireless Aircard 881...

    Says Global compatibility. On back it says MS Class 12, HSDPA CAT8, UPA CAT5, Qualcomm 3G. Use's Sim Card. I have never used I was given it when I came to Thailand (here) and gave the previous owner my Verizonwireless PC5750VW USB Card as they were returning to Seattle (America)

    Can anyone tell me how to use and if I need to install software... Where to get a copy... And what I could expect from Card in way of performance...

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