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Posts posted by davidstipek

  1. Here is some... but the article I was referring too showed alot of Boats involved (fishermen and Navy boats also a salvage ship hoisting something out of the water..

    <Quote from earlier postings>

    His claim is there's something sinister not being told to the public. He claims that some ships appear to have collected the things he's identified. His website link below. The somewhat crazy part is this is all located right off the Vietnamese coast.

    Map from his site showing the location of all this activity attached. There would have been all kinds of floating debris that fishermen and others would have picked up.


    The 'crash site' is way east of where the aircraft was seen, on radar, to turn almost 180 degrees.

    Bad news doesn't get better with time, so if there is any truth in this report, and I doubt it, a cover up by the authorities (Malaysia government) would be received even worse by other governments, particularly the Australian, who it is claimed has sunk $60 Million into the search so far.

    Additionally, there would be debris right along the coast, and in what I'd suggest may be relatively shallow water fished heavily, so hundreds, if not thousands, of fishing vessels to pick up and report debris. You can't keep everybody quiet for long.

    Yeah, to be clear it's not a believable scenario. Wouldn't really be Malaysia, but Vietnam hiding things or at least in collusion, unless they have no issue with foreign ships pulling up to collect debris right off the coast in broad daylight. The Chinese were looking in this area also, via satellite at minimum, and there were probably several country's ships around as well. Not necessarily right in this area, but this wouldn't only be 3 pieces of floating debris in a tiny area.

  2. And if that was over the Indian Ocean, there would be debris from South Africa to Western Australia, and India to the South Pole. There has still been no wreckage recovered, so for my money, it's still likely that it was flown onto the water, deadstick because satellite pings indicated it suffered fuel exhaustion abeam Geraldton in Western Australia, so was still in the air at that time, and very little breakup occurred on contact with the water.

    Explain this: satellite pings indicated it suffered fuel exhaustion

    I though this was only a communication satellite???? And in reference to this fact was all it could receive was the pings..... nothing more! All reference to distance and speed was the human factor trying to use formulas to figure out Polarity... Speed... and position...

    Plane had no way of sending any message other then the "Pings.... wanting to connect to Rolls Royce, which there was no connection as Maylasia had chosen to not subscribe.... None of this has anything in reference to fuel or anything else. Signal was there but program was unable to transmit as it was not opened for communication transferals.

    Errrr obviously because from the position calculated from the ping data they were able to see that the plane was in the middle of the ocean at the end of it's fuel usage time and had no way of getting to land with the time it had remaining, so they concluded it ran out of fuel.


    So Humans deducted it ran out of fuel, correct??? NOT what you posted "satellite pings indicated it suffered fuel exhaustion"

    Actually satellite picked up "PINGS" but noone knows 100% sure where they were from... Correct??

    So as much if my son went to school and left his lunch box on kitchen table.... Momma would deduct he had no lunch... "Not thinking maybe his girlfriend treated him to Micky D's....

    As you can see there are possible other senarios... Doesn't mean anyone is Bashing ANYONE!! But as a proven fact, time and time again Humans are prone to make mistakes, take wild guesses...ok?

    Since there is delays other senarios should be studied.... Until anything is proven beyound any Doubt... it has to be concidered (Maybe not Logical...but probabal!

    And for those of you reading... I hope beyound any Doubt if it went down, it is in the Indian Ocean... and NO WHERE ELSE!! (Before you go thru your stupid Bashing again!)

    We may deeply want to oppose any other view, but until proven wrong... unfortunately they have to be on the table.

    TL: DR

    Could not be bothered to read your post past your first paragraph, or to read the rest of the thread to find out who you are trying to argue with.

    All truth passes through three stages.

    First, it is ridiculed.

    Second, it is violently opposed.

    Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

    Arthur Schopenhauer

    First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. - Mohandas Gandhi

    Well if you had bothered to read any of the Posts by anyone who was commenting on anything that was not following the mainstream. You would have noticed there are those who accuse Posters of Malaligning Individuals and Countries because of their open Comments.

    People are allowed to post what they fear... Doesn't and must not be constrewed that they believe... Unless you fall in the first and second stages as Taken from Dr. Arthur Schopenhaur's Quote.

    Unless you want to align yourself to some phase of "Saving Face" (Could not be bothered to read your post past your first paragraph, or to read the rest of the thread to find out who you are trying to argue with.)

  3. And if that was over the Indian Ocean, there would be debris from South Africa to Western Australia, and India to the South Pole. There has still been no wreckage recovered, so for my money, it's still likely that it was flown onto the water, deadstick because satellite pings indicated it suffered fuel exhaustion abeam Geraldton in Western Australia, so was still in the air at that time, and very little breakup occurred on contact with the water.

    Explain this: satellite pings indicated it suffered fuel exhaustion

    I though this was only a communication satellite???? And in reference to this fact was all it could receive was the pings..... nothing more! All reference to distance and speed was the human factor trying to use formulas to figure out Polarity... Speed... and position...

    Plane had no way of sending any message other then the "Pings.... wanting to connect to Rolls Royce, which there was no connection as Maylasia had chosen to not subscribe.... None of this has anything in reference to fuel or anything else. Signal was there but program was unable to transmit as it was not opened for communication transferals.

    Errrr obviously because from the position calculated from the ping data they were able to see that the plane was in the middle of the ocean at the end of it's fuel usage time and had no way of getting to land with the time it had remaining, so they concluded it ran out of fuel.


    So Humans deducted it ran out of fuel, correct??? NOT what you posted "satellite pings indicated it suffered fuel exhaustion"

    Actually satellite picked up "PINGS" but noone knows 100% sure where they were from... Correct??

    So as much if my son went to school and left his lunch box on kitchen table.... Momma would deduct he had no lunch... "Not thinking maybe his girlfriend treated him to Micky D's....

    As you can see there are possible other senarios... Doesn't mean anyone is Bashing ANYONE!! But as a proven fact, time and time again Humans are prone to make mistakes, take wild guesses...ok?

    Since there is delays other senarios should be studied.... Until anything is proven beyound any Doubt... it has to be concidered (Maybe not Logical...but probabal!

    And for those of you reading... I hope beyound any Doubt if it went down, it is in the Indian Ocean... and NO WHERE ELSE!! (Before you go thru your stupid Bashing again!)

    We may deeply want to oppose any other view, but until proven wrong... unfortunately they have to be on the table.

  4. Is insinuation of US involvement based on no evidence and emotional attachment to anti US feeling OK with you?

    The Nation's now running a story headlined "Book suggests missing Malaysian airliner accidentally shot down".

    The other paper is now running the same story.

    And if that was over the Indian Ocean, there would be debris from South Africa to Western Australia, and India to the South Pole. There has still been no wreckage recovered, so for my money, it's still likely that it was flown onto the water, deadstick because satellite pings indicated it suffered fuel exhaustion abeam Geraldton in Western Australia, so was still in the air at that time, and very little breakup occurred on contact with the water.

    Explain this: satellite pings indicated it suffered fuel exhaustion

    I though this was only a communication satellite???? And in reference to this fact was all it could receive was the pings..... nothing more! All reference to distance and speed was the human factor trying to use formulas to figure out Polarity... Speed... and position...

    Plane had no way of sending any message other then the "Pings.... wanting to connect to Rolls Royce, which there was no connection as Maylasia had chosen to not subscribe.... None of this has anything in reference to fuel or anything else. Signal was there but program was unable to transmit as it was not opened for communication transferals.

  5. All we have is the impossible

    What the heck is so impossible about some islamic nutjob flying his airliner to the middle of nowhere and putting it in the ocean? The conspiracy crowd just doesn't see any U.S. evil secrets or corporate mischief in that, can't wait for the movie thrillers, and so wants to have some "fun".

    Movie is out there...

    Previewed at Cannes...

    The Vanishing Act Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=l4rKJaGQbcY

  6. Well it has to be somewhere! Who has the clout to cover something like this up?


    Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Redirected to Diego Garcia?











    For those who want to read... please do!

    I do not agree with the Ideas projected here but as Nothing has been pointed to any crash of MHA370 these could be pointed senario's

    I know that this is the 3rd time I have tried to post this. 1st I when clicked on Post was directed to either disable following this Post or Cancel... I clicked cancel. Which indoing so Deleted all my favorites (Links that made some sort of quirky sense) I was alerted by my Avert Online Security that I had been compromised by a high level probe through the Web Analytics link (Door) which was not blocking my Internet. It had been 2 hrs now and system is back up as before and totally locked down. Any approachs are being directed to Microsoft Security as well as Averts Security Labs.

    I don't understand why unless there is an Idea buried here somewhere that contains a shred of truth...

    What you need to take on board david is the European Union Times is a disreputable and unreliable information source.

    A bit like an aircraft maintenance mechanic claiming he works for Rolls Royce, when he doesn't.


    "What you need to take on board david is the European Union Times is a disreputable and unreliable information source."

    According to who?

    Well in some Cultures Being Certified to work on.... is the same as working for someone in their absence. As Engines are Rolls Royce and a Factory Mechanic is not present, they are Certified to work in place of... So you could say working for... Same as General Motors Mechanic at any Authoried Dealership... correct?

    Still doesn't Explain shenanigians happening to Computers... does it?? Why I was being rebutted from trying to post what you are calling disreputable and unreliable information sources...

    reading is free, posting is free... but what was going on here was criminal...

  7. Well it has to be somewhere! Who has the clout to cover something like this up?


    Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Redirected to Diego Garcia?











    For those who want to read... please do!

    I do not agree with the Ideas projected here but as Nothing has been pointed to any crash of MHA370 these could be pointed senario's

    I know that this is the 3rd time I have tried to post this. 1st I when clicked on Post was directed to either disable following this Post or Cancel... I clicked cancel. Which indoing so Deleted all my favorites (Links that made some sort of quirky sense) I was alerted by my Avert Online Security that I had been compromised by a high level probe through the Web Analytics link (Door) which was not blocking my Internet. It had been 2 hrs now and system is back up as before and totally locked down. Any approachs are being directed to Microsoft Security as well as Averts Security Labs.

    I don't understand why unless there is an Idea buried here somewhere that contains a shred of truth...

  8. Also as for the "Quick Coat of Paint" easy to hide? Flight ID's are not.... If this is the case inpoint. Any airport that has new Aircraft or One that does not match all ID requirements either refused Landing or held in Area of Security For Interpol and All the Federal Agency's to search. Purchase, Registration, Links to Rolls Royce, Boeing... kind of hard to change all this data and get it flawless I would think... Once Aircraft is in fight... I think it would be comandeered and forced to Land By Military Aircraft.... or Fired upon until they did as Ordered even to the point of inflicking some damage inflight to force compliance!

  9. So what is your conclusion?

    Somewhere on the Inmarsat north arc or elsewhere?

    If on the north arc I think it will be extremely difficult to do an effective search for political reasons, plus if it is hidden, covert searching may not be too productive either.

    I am like everyone else... Don't know where it is either.

    But I think we need to look! If it is still over water then another search area. If it is over land and in an area of high risk, an open Idea to work at looking into....

    All Nations involved here have means to snoop without raising alams.....

    Even if it got a quick coat of paint and new stickers... Once it was fired up Boeing would know were Engines are... Then there would be a move in the right direction for All the Major Countries involved to go look and retreive...

    What Country left in the World is going to Say no to China... USA... France... Austrailia... etc, Even at this point Russia could be included. What freinds would they have left to turn to that have any clout that would risk rebutting those involved. Even if we include even Nation and those involved in search, I thinksaying Northern search would be a disaster for Political Reasons is a risk needed to be taken. Thus refusing because it would be a Disaster no one would want to risk... Saying a search here Is not Politically and Humianly Correct was case in point... These are options needed to be taken for Correct Closier. This would put the rate of respect on every Nation Involved high in not only History, but would show the Rest of the World... "Do something like this again...!" See the wrath you will cause to fall upon you! Don't think it would happen again!!

    I don't believe it is in this area, but at this point... I don't think anyone believes it is in the Southern Search either....

    I think we need to know if they float arc to North what results would be! Remember they said they were going to leave no options unturned.. every rock was going to be examined...

  10. Do we know for sure that the plane turned West, then South?

    I mean, 100% totally sure, dead certain?

    No. Not at all. They do seem certain that it turned West.

    Thai radar confirmed the Malaysian radar's tracking. If the plane didn't turn back, what did Thai radar pick up? Also, Vietnam was looking for the plane, so would they have not noticed an unidentified plane headed that way? Unless they went east and around. Though that plane headed to Tokyo made partial voice contact.

    That doesn't rule out that it headed toward India, then up over Bangladesh or Myanmar.

    Really need Inmarsat to release the hourly arcs, so both the possible north and south routes could be mapped. They ruled out the northern arc, but no one outside the direct investigators has checked their calculations. The arcs should be easy to non-controversial. Everyone understands that they could measure distance by the time it took for a signal reply from the plane to satellite.

    Nobody was looking for the plane, because it wasn't considered missing until it didn't arrive at its destination.

    Taking this one set at a time:

    No one was looking for until pressured and backed against the wall and asked where is MHA370? Then the flood of made-up answers to pass then blame started.

    Everyone looks at Primary Radar... PERIOD! Unless there is issue then they go back and look at 2Secondary readouts. No One saw anything until way after their 24 hrs period, as they did not know anything was recorded anywhere! Malaysian Military didn’t offer any clues until pressed to do so. Then same with Thailand.... I do not for a second believe that Thailand saw anything as they were not using Secondary Radar and of course didn't want to invoke any lax is there security... So of Course they said it was tracked... On Primary Radar??? Don't think so!!!

    Vietnam is the only country to question the where abouts of MHA370... as Malaysia had washed their hands of Aircraft when they thought they had signed her over to Vietnam Controllers. Vietnam did not show MHA370 on Radar confirming they were not using Secondary... Only Primary Radar! Or they could have told and tell us now which direction Aircraft went... they can't...

    Even when Vietnam reported to Malaysian Air Controllers that they did not have MHA370... it was missing, Malaysian Controllers did not want to get involved as they said Plane was in Vietnam Airspace and not their concern!! ???

    All anyone know is that where MHA370 was on Radar the exact moment it disappeared. Whether it went East or West? No actual fact proving either.

    What was the known fact that there was an AWAC in South China Sea before during and after disappearance of MHA370? Actually flying to east at same LONGATUDE... They both disappeared on Radar at same time with 2 other High-speed aircraft. The other Aircraft (2) returned to display. When checking Indonesian Flight records for their Aircraft. Posing as Freighter, AWAC was using a Bogus Flight ID. It never returned to Radar screen but another Flight ID did... (Go figure) I have recorded this time frame and studied intensely. Being a Controller in Military I know what I am looking at! So don't try to contradict... won't happen...ok?

    I repeat when MHA370 went missing "No One was looking.... NO ONE!!" Even when asked where was their flight? As it did not check in... Still no looking on Malaysia's Part... Wasn't in their Air Space... not concerned!! Did Vietnam confirm Secondary Radar for disappearance??

    Next Issue: Inmarsat is only a Communications Sat, Period! It can receive signals... relay to humans to decipher and decode but that is all. We can time the bounce of ping back to source and deduct between Pings speed and distance of source. It cannot tell us if route is North or South of equator...Period!!

    Whatever signal was received if receiver and sender were it opposite Hemispheres would have been Mirrored (Magnetic Poles in relation to signals received) Once Aircraft passed Equator Polarity of signal would have reversed!!

    If there was no change in signal received by Inmarsat.... It is Impossible for MHA370 to be found anywhere South of Equator. "No rebuttal!!" If there was then that is where she rests...

    As a return to square one in Search I would take the time to plot the Arc in Northern Hemisphere and correlate the Pings graphically to it... If end result is in a so Called "HOT ZONE" all the more reason to do intensive flyovers by the remaining U2 we have available. If protested By Governing Body of Land involved. Countries Involved need to send send Troops to investigate... as a joint search effort!

    At this point any country that refuses to open doors to Search Effort should be face with sanctions by Countries Involved... "Let us look for Closures for Families related to victims on MHA370"

    Yes at that time Vietnam... was looking for MHA370... "As they said it, disappeared from our Radar!" Confirming they were not using as Backup... Secondary Radar!!

    Malaysia had no clue plane turned west until Military Radar Site was questioned; the first answer was "It was not on Radar Screen... we never see... Then Command Center decided to check Secondary Radar... there was a Blip at times... Still Malaysia denied MHA370 was in their airspace... Against the wall they finally to save face said "Maybe". Not to be out done later after direct questioning Thailand said they saw also... really?? Or not to be outdone... should be tapes of that can be displayed to correct investigative personnel to prove... But I don't think Thailand uses Secondary Radar as backup unless emergency... Too expensive! Cuts profits in political Pockets...

    Again it should be noted that every time Vietnam tried to submit prospective finding... Malaysia said "NO!" cannot be... Even to the fact that they quit the Search while still in South China Sea. Other Nations succeeded in getting them to return.

  11. I am up for my exit and re-entry stamp for my Non-Imm B visa tomorrow. Bus ticket already purchased. I'm hoping it's just tourist visa people and not those possessing actual visas.

    This is bad news for many.

    Oh Thailand....

    Like you I have question as it seems to be avoided being answered:

    1: If you have a current One Year Visa with re-entry stamp are you affected by this if you choose to do your 90 day, exit and entries?

    (I know I can do at Thai Immigration next to Chiang Mai Airport Office)

    2: Does this mean you cannot exit Thailand for Visit... Day, Week or Month to Burma?

    (Sick friend in Burma... Our Permanent Residence/Home in Chiang Mai)

    3: If so does this mean we were scammed when we purchased single or multiple re-entery permits?

    There seems to be others who are confused by the minimum length the responses seem to be... If I have to fly to Yangon and drive to Border area, I will then when I go to Border I will present on Thai Side My Bill for added expenses (all receipts) when I return to Thailand. As I have current Visa and Multiple entry Permits....!

    Please address questios #1, #2, #3 Seperately Please! Do like when you are asking Thai... yes... No... okay? Not me but some seemed to require specifics not long winded projections....

  12. So you can't appoint your own people to important posts, even in the face of intimidation and threats? You might want to call this one another coup--of the judicial variety.

    You should be able to Nominate Personel of your choice. Then Nominees should be voted on by Both Parliment and House. If they pass both Voting proccesses they would be successfully be placed in positions nominated for.

    To enable one just to say I filled position with my friend Joe Black... in not in the best interest of the People, The Party, The Government and Certainly not the Country....this is usually done by an inept, corrupt and arrogant government.

    God Man...! Someday the people are going to have this explained to them and all HELL is going to result! As how they have been cheated, abused, trodden on... all so the Elite Class... could be insured for continual in-flow of cash. This is why the Baht is still so low... If there was a Respectable and Honest Government Office here, anywhere... World Banking would recognise this fact and currency rates would probably be more like $1USD = 15-20 Baht!

    I am an American, I like the rate now as my dollar buys more... (Liked it better when USD was worth more...) But it doesn't help the Nationals here at all!! I know in the past few days I have seen rates change from B32.10 to B32.38... back and forth. I know Satangs arn't much, but even at that Thousands of USD is quite a difference... These little jumps are better than any Bank Interest your money could earn!!

  13. This year they sent out 1st mailing last October, 2nd Mailing went out in February. I did not receive 1st mailing, I did receive 2nd (and it was marked as such. I completed SSA-7162 and took to Post Office to be returned..... They never received it! I alway scan anything like this to record date of file! I called Manila and next day they told me it was never received, But since I had attached the file to my Email they had entered it in Computer and informed Philli it had been sent!!! She asked me if lost mail was common here and my reply was as common as warm Beer gets a head when poured.... She did not understand and a male co-worker took her to a bar and demo'ed for her!!!

    I have had over 90% of what was suppose to be a delivery lost in the past 5 years, before that it was almost 97%. Just about the reverse on sent. Seems I need to send things twice,


    I ordered some items from Canada. They sent Registered/return receipt and Air Post. Parcel was tracked all the way across Canada. (We also knew who signed for at each transfer. We knew it boarded Plane in Victoria... also when it was offloaded in Bangkok....smile.png Then it disapeared!!!! facepalm.gif

    Thai post said they never received and could not Track... advise contact Sender! Canada had already tracked it and confirmed its delivery to Bangkok, as it was signed for.... smile.png

    All of this information was Emailed to Main Branch Thai Post Office in Bangkok, (I live in Chiang Mai..) they at first wanted to dispute, but they lso had Phone call at same time from Chiang Mai Post Master informing them in Thai... They had better solve!

    Next Day I had Postal Carrier and Postmaster at my house with Parcel... seems it got shipped in Cockpit of a Thai Air plane to Chiang Mai Overnight and Post Master received call at about 2-3 AM in morning about it being secured by Police here. He went and picked it up. Then personally came with delivery.wai.gifthumbsup.gif

    He gets invite every Holiday here now to bring family for dinner, (my Father retired Post Master, my Youngest brother Post Master... His wife also Thai)we exchanged USA Postal memrobialia (spelling...) He had taken Dad and Tim to Famous Night Club here... So we kinda knew each other)cheesy.gif

    I think this is why Philli has form mailed twice, about 90 days in between... and waits about 30days further for response. I really think this could be done online and on their secure site... but who am I This would save thousands of dollars yearly and cut labor costs. Maybe computer entry level worker would need overtime or additional need be hired... But this is simple and like Thailand seems to not be comprehended as such...clap2.gif

    You must be the only person in Thailand with this information. Do you have SS direct deposit in Thailand? The last mailing to my knowledge was June of 2013. I think that is the consensus of this thread. How come you are the only SS direct deposit recipient to get mailings in October and Feb?

    Mine get mailed to house in Nonthaburi... Brother and Sister-in-law, Doctor (Brother-in-law) worked at US Embassy, was for a while Director of Infectious deseases here and Mailing are definately secure to there home. As many Letters come from Atlanta and in English... I guess I was lucky to marry into this Family... Not that my wife and I not love each other after so many years...biggrin.png

    You wrote, "This year they sent out 1st mailing last October, 2nd Mailing went out in February. I did not receive 1st mailing, I did receive 2nd (and it was marked as such. I completed SSA-7162 and took to Post Office to be returned..... They never received it!"

    Since no one else in Thailand got a notice in October or February I'm confused about that? Second, SS stops Feb payments. As far as know that is the only month they stop paying in. So why would they make a Feb mailing and how did you know they didn't get your SSA-7162?

    Is there some agency in Manila that knows when each of the mailings went out? Or are going to go out?


    Answer to your questions:

    Is there some agency in Manila that knows when each of the mailings went out? Or are going to go out?

    Yes it is SSI Office! Its their Job....

    Since no one else in Thailand got a notice in October or February I'm confused about that? Second, SS stops Feb payments. As far as know that is the only month they stop paying in. So why would they make a Feb mailing and how did you know they didn't get your SSA-7162?

    I knew in March They not receive form.. Deposit stopped! Contacted SSI is Manila ( I have included their contact info here) If you would like I can next year attach copies to show you dates they are sent as they have typed dates to top of forms..... I always scan both form and dated envelope (I date stamp on machine in Office)

    {Quoted information from SSI Email for use here}

    Ivee Dianne P. Gomez / Claims Representative/ Social Security Administration, Embassy of the United States of America, 1201 Roxas Boulevard, Ermita 0930 Manila, Philippines/ Tel (632) 301 2669/ Fax (632) 7089714/ www.socialsecurity.gov/ www.medicare.gov/ http://manila.usembassy.gov

    Apply Online for Benefits – it is fast and easy!

    You can apply for the following benefits online:

    1. Retirement at http://www.ssa.gov/planners/about.htm

    2. Disability at http://www.socialsecurity.gov/applyfordisability/

    3. Medicare Only at http://www.ssa.gov/medicareonly/

    At this time, no other online services are available outside the United States.

    The online hours of operation are:

    • Weekdays 5 AM - 1 AM Eastern Time (ET)

    • Saturday 5 AM - 11 PM ET

    • Sunday 8 AM - 11:30 PM ET

    • Holidays 5 AM - 1 AM ET

  14. tongue.png

    If you have 2 Bangkok Bank accounts, one with an ATM card and one without, can't you just do an online transfer from one account to the other and avoid a trip to the bank?


    No. SS Direct Deposit account must be withdrawn or transferred in person.

    This is correct! You must have Passport and they used to Photocopy Visa and Title page (Picture) then you needed to sign them... these were also compared with signature in Passport/Bankbook/withdrawl slip. Now they just need to copy passport Number and Visa Number onto back of form. Also only assigned account is only one who can withdraw.... (Wife can't disappear with...tongue.png ) this is one case they actually look at picture in Passportcheesy.gif No Debit cards.... But in person you can transfer to 2nd account... (In some cases what you might be willing to losecheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif {Wife...giggle.gif } )

  15. Everyone who has their SS direct deposited to Bangkok Bank will receive the SSA-7162 form once a year. However, they do not always send the form at the same time each year. But, it does appear that they send all the forms to everyone in Chiang Mai at the same time each year --- at least that was the case last year. That's why I started the thread in 2013 when I heard reports that the forms were showing up in people's mailboxes, to remind folks to look for them and go back to their previous addresses across town to ask if they'd received any mail if they'd moved in the past year and forgotten to tell Manila. (don't know about you, but it is rare for us to receive mail here)

    Heck, even if they'd emailed Manila, it is no guarantee that the new address was on record. That's what happened to Hubby in 2012.

    Good Idea to let everyone know when the SSA-7162's are received in Thailand.

    This year they sent out 1st mailing last October, 2nd Mailing went out in February. I did not receive 1st mailing, I did receive 2nd (and it was marked as such. I completed SSA-7162 and took to Post Office to be returned..... They never received it! I alway scan anything like this to record date of file! I called Manila and next day they told me it was never received, But since I had attached the file to my Email they had entered it in Computer and informed Philli it had been sent!!! She asked me if lost mail was common here and my reply was as common as warm Beer gets a head when poured.... She did not understand and a male co-worker took her to a bar and demo'ed for her!!!

    I have had over 90% of what was suppose to be a delivery lost in the past 5 years, before that it was almost 97%. Just about the reverse on sent. Seems I need to send things twice,


    I ordered some items from Canada. They sent Registered/return receipt and Air Post. Parcel was tracked all the way across Canada. (We also knew who signed for at each transfer. We knew it boarded Plane in Victoria... also when it was offloaded in Bangkok....smile.png Then it disapeared!!!! facepalm.gif

    Thai post said they never received and could not Track... advise contact Sender! Canada had already tracked it and confirmed its delivery to Bangkok, as it was signed for.... smile.png

    All of this information was Emailed to Main Branch Thai Post Office in Bangkok, (I live in Chiang Mai..) they at first wanted to dispute, but they lso had Phone call at same time from Chiang Mai Post Master informing them in Thai... They had better solve!

    Next Day I had Postal Carrier and Postmaster at my house with Parcel... seems it got shipped in Cockpit of a Thai Air plane to Chiang Mai Overnight and Post Master received call at about 2-3 AM in morning about it being secured by Police here. He went and picked it up. Then personally came with delivery.wai.gifthumbsup.gif

    He gets invite every Holiday here now to bring family for dinner, (my Father retired Post Master, my Youngest brother Post Master... His wife also Thai)we exchanged USA Postal memrobialia (spelling...) He had taken Dad and Tim to Famous Night Club here... So we kinda knew each other)cheesy.gif

    I think this is why Philli has form mailed twice, about 90 days in between... and waits about 30days further for response. I really think this could be done online and on their secure site... but who am I This would save thousands of dollars yearly and cut labor costs. Maybe computer entry level worker would need overtime or additional need be hired... But this is simple and like Thailand seems to not be comprehended as such...clap2.gif

    You must be the only person in Thailand with this information. Do you have SS direct deposit in Thailand? The last mailing to my knowledge was June of 2013. I think that is the consensus of this thread. How come you are the only SS direct deposit recipient to get mailings in October and Feb?

    Mine get mailed to house in Nonthaburi... Brother and Sister-in-law, Doctor (Brother-in-law) worked at US Embassy, was for a while Director of Infectious deseases here and Mailing are definately secure to there home. As many Letters come from Atlanta and in English... I guess I was lucky to marry into this Family... Not that my wife and I not love each other after so many years...biggrin.png

    To answer your questions... Yes I have direct deposit with Bangkok Bank. I get text message when New York Branch receives transfer and it is here at same time. I was told everyone gets 2 mailing 60 days appart. Sometimes I receive both... sometimes not! They reserve 30 days to receive return Mail...

  16. I was under the impression that everyone who has SS direct deposited in Thailand gets a SSA-7162 every year. Mine was lost/stolen one year and they stopped my payments in Feb.

    Has anyone here not gotten a SSA-7162 form once a year who has their SS direct deposited in Thailand?

    Everyone who has their SS direct deposited to Bangkok Bank will receive the SSA-7162 form once a year. However, they do not always send the form at the same time each year. But, it does appear that they send all the forms to everyone in Chiang Mai at the same time each year --- at least that was the case last year. That's why I started the thread in 2013 when I heard reports that the forms were showing up in people's mailboxes, to remind folks to look for them and go back to their previous addresses across town to ask if they'd received any mail if they'd moved in the past year and forgotten to tell Manila. (don't know about you, but it is rare for us to receive mail here)

    Heck, even if they'd emailed Manila, it is no guarantee that the new address was on record. That's what happened to Hubby in 2012.

    Good Idea to let everyone know when the SSA-7162's are received in Thailand.

    This year they sent out 1st mailing last October, 2nd Mailing went out in February. I did not receive 1st mailing, I did receive 2nd (and it was marked as such. I completed SSA-7162 and took to Post Office to be returned..... They never received it! I alway scan anything like this to record date of file! I called Manila and next day they told me it was never received, But since I had attached the file to my Email they had entered it in Computer and informed Philli it had been sent!!! She asked me if lost mail was common here and my reply was as common as warm Beer gets a head when poured.... She did not understand and a male co-worker took her to a bar and demo'ed for her!!!

    I have had over 90% of what was suppose to be a delivery lost in the past 5 years, before that it was almost 97%. Just about the reverse on sent. Seems I need to send things twice,


    I ordered some items from Canada. They sent Registered/return receipt and Air Post. Parcel was tracked all the way across Canada. (We also knew who signed for at each transfer. We knew it boarded Plane in Victoria... also when it was offloaded in Bangkok....smile.png Then it disapeared!!!! facepalm.gif

    Thai post said they never received and could not Track... advise contact Sender! Canada had already tracked it and confirmed its delivery to Bangkok, as it was signed for.... smile.png

    All of this information was Emailed to Main Branch Thai Post Office in Bangkok, (I live in Chiang Mai..) they at first wanted to dispute, but they also had Phone call at same time from Chiang Mai Post Master informing them in Thai... They had better solve!

    Next Day I had Postal Carrier and Postmaster at my house with Parcel... seems it got shipped in Cockpit of a Thai Air plane to Chiang Mai Overnight and Post Master received call at about 2-3 AM in morning about it being secured by Police here. He went and picked it up. Then personally came with delivery.wai.gifthumbsup.gif

    He gets invite every Holiday here now to bring family for dinner, (my Father retired Post Master, my Youngest brother Post Master... His wife also Thai)we exchanged USA Postal memrobialia (spelling...) He had taken Dad and Tim to Famous Night Club here... So we kinda knew each other)cheesy.gif

    I think this is why Philli has form mailed twice, about 90 days in between... and waits about 30days further for response. I really think this could be done online and on their secure site... but who am I This would save thousands of dollars yearly and cut labor costs. Maybe computer entry level worker would need overtime or additional need be hired... But this is simple and like Thailand seems to not be comprehended as such...clap2.gif

    His comment to me was, David... Farang call this (Thaiand) LOS=Land of Smile.... I say same but meaning different... LOS=LOST... Then I smile.... As we shared a Bottle of Yukon Jack...

  17. Another great piece from the Nation....obviously written by a grade 4 student!!

    Luxury cars and gold bars....Thb 6.5Million .....!!


    slow down and read...

    {Quote from above}

    BANGKOK: -- The Customs Department has seized luxury cars, gold bars worth Bt6.5 million and date-rape drugs worth Bt42 million in separate raids.

    Headline does not give value of Cars... It gives value of Gold at: Bt6.5 million, plus Drugs at a value: Bt42 million. All in seperate Raids!!

    • Like 1
  18. You just don't quit do you? smile.png

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Me? or You...tongue.png

    Well do you want to tell us why you suddenly finding out that Boeing (and Airbus for that matter) use Fly By Wire is something that no-one else knew?

    I am telling you here that I was told before that it was a Crock... And they no one believed me then... Just believe the one who had taken it to riddicule anything leading this way...

    I new it for fact... I was told to find Documentation... I did... Now you are asking me if everyone else new? Did you know.... ? I don't care what thoughts are.. I just getting tired of insinuations being dropped... now sudenly people are believing???

    Hey I don't believe to know where MHA370 is, or how it got there. I do know and believe this though... Everyone has a right to know! Now!!

    Does anyone have Long/Lat of where Aussy Company says they found something??

  19. https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2013/11/18/2013-27343/special-conditions-boeing-model-777-200--300-and--300er-series-airplanes-aircraft-electronic-system

    Guys seems the 777 did have fly-by-wire software imbedded into it's mainframe. This includes not only taking control of Aircraft but also taking complete control of ALL Operating systems.. QUOTE:

    Novel or Unusual Design Features

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    The Boeing Model 777-200, -300, -300ER series airplanes will incorporate the following novel or unusual design features: An onboard computer network system, and a network extension device. The network extension device will improve domain separation between the airplane information services domain and the aircraft control domain. The proposed architecture and network configuration may be used for, or interfaced with, a diverse set of functions, including:

    1. Flight-safety related control and navigation systems,

    2. Operator business and administrative support (operator information services),

    3. Passenger information systems, and,

    4. Access by systems internal to the airplane.

    Further the regulation states...


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    On August 21, 2012, The Boeing Company applied for a change to Type Certificate No. T00001SE Rev. 30 dated June 6, 2012 for installation of an onboard network system, associated line replaceable units (LRUs) and additional software functionality in the Boeing Model 777-200, -300, and -300ER Series Airplanes. The Boeing Model 777-200 airplanes are long-range, wide-body, twin-engine jet airplanes with a maximum capacity of 440 passengers. The Boeing Model 777-300 and 777-300ER series airplanes have a maximum capacity of 550 passengers. The Model 777-200, -300, and -300ER series airplanes have fly-by-wire controls, software-configurable avionics, and fiber-optic avionics networks.

    This I had known before and was the subject to riddicule... I just want to stick a Donut (stale one at that) in the mouths of those who are trying to pressure everyone who is stating an Idea as its Owner is Stupid... Need to look in Mirror... First before opening trap-door!

    Results may not reveil answers or any comfort to those searching... But there is no need to try and slam doors on all thoughts... Unlees you are by chance... getting paid... to do your/this Job???

    I am quite sure that Boeing know exactly what their plane can do, and what it can't do.

    I am also totally confident that Boeing are providing all the assistance they can for the return of their equipment.

    You and Dr M may have a different opinion of course.

    I wasn't referring to Boeing, In fact I have the Highest Regard for them. (When Paine Field was still an Air Defense Command Base, and Dad was a Wing Commander for NORAD Stationed there, I got my Ass whipped for being out in area between Wing returns and Departures. to cut Alfalfa... I needed to turn it to dry do I could Bale it then be free to go see Beachboys and Jan and Dean at Seattle Center next day.. "I had gotten blown off tractor and lifted over Rake! Next plane Radioed Tower to go pick up my Body... Pilot thought I was Dead!!) Boeing Exec's saved my ass and got me front row seats for me and my Brothers... Dad had me by collar and in Base Opts swatting me with News Paper as I ran circles around him... His Wingman was laughing while watching.

    I was referring to those on here that seem to enjoy riddiculing anything strange, that could end up feasable.... UNDERSTAND???

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