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  1. I used to get daily email notifications from Asean now but they stopped a week or so ago all my settings are correct,can anyone suggest why I no longer receive my daily email?
  2. Which is the problem they simply steal from others less able to protect themselves. Pity he didn't get the other two. Wonder how many others will suffer at their hands?
  3. Yes the UK is. Good on the guy I reckon, pity he didn't get the other rwo
  4. Yeap it's illegal to park like that, I got fined 200 a few years back, that's how I found out it's illegal!!!
  5. Western food is good at The Good corner opposite the Kavinburi hotel. I've just booked the new Banbua hotel which gets excellent reviews. Pannerai is also a good hotel.
  6. I was thinking of booking on 27 July till I saw Thai airways price, £4100 rack, £12,000 for 3 of us! My summer holiday is now Blackpool!!
  7. I usually go once or twice a year. 2 reason for me, Thai pass Hassle and cost of flights! I was looking at July or August but £1000 each is too much, I'll go elsewhere
  8. Sleep with me pattaya or hotel amber. Both about 1000bt but very good! Book with Agoda just off soi Buakow
  9. Always made a point of visiting the Blues factory when on holiday to see Lam play, excellent guitarists and bit of a showman. Get well soon
  10. Didn't quite work for my friend! He was refused the Thai pass as his COVID certificate wasn't accepted although it was the official UK NHS document,!!
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