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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. I believe that in a real democracy, the majority is already happy with their elected government,

    otherwise they would not be in power.So, the elected government should listen to the minorities

    in order to make compromises and keep a nation unified. Never mind if they are political, ethical

    or religious minorities.

    How do you figure she ( The PM ) got elected?

    What was once called "The Greatest Nation On Earth"

    Has a President by the name of Obama

    His approval ratings are below 50% (45%)

    Should the citizens start approaching the govt buildings & overthrow him?

    Only if they want to be tagged & bagged wink.png

    The citizens there know how it goes. He was elected he will serve his


    I of course agree any leader should reach or at least try to reach across party lines.

    As all parties even defeated ones are part of the population.

    And as history shows, he will most likely be elected again wink.png

    In our western democracies we have become so accustomed to our democratic rights

    we have become so lazy in our democratic duties and only a handful of "political activists"

    will go and vote, the rest sit's at home, eating Sunday dinners and watch TV.

    Sometimes I really wonder, do we even deserve democracy?

    "We" fought many bloody battles in our western world for democracy, just as Thailand has

    done now for many years but we don't use our rights we gained. Instead we have become

    complacent and politically lazy.

    For the moment, anarchy seams to me a more likely future for Thailand then democracy sad.png

  2. Using your logic every leader in the free world should step down as all are beholding to lobbyist etc.

    You say as a public servant she should listen to a small fraction of the people instead of the greater

    majority who elected her & step down?

    . . . . . . . . .

    I believe that in a real democracy, the majority is already happy with their elected government,

    otherwise they would not be in power. So, the elected government should listen to the minorities

    in order to make compromises and keep a nation unified. Never mind if they are political, ethical

    or religious minorities.

    If people are unhappy with policies the government implements, they can ask for a petition.

    If people are unhappy with the constitution, they can ask for a referendum and all voters can

    have their say.

    BUT - as long press and media are controlled by governments, army or just a few protesters,

    how can people make clear choices?

    In a democracy, the army is there to protect a countries sovereignty and is a tool of the elected

    government and not the other way round. Although it seams to me, here in Thailand, not the

    police nor the army are listening very much to their employer, the government. Any government.

    And those governments aren't listening very much to their employers the people either.

    So still, a very, very long, hard and bloody way to go for Thailand to become a democratic country

    and then when they are, people will be to lazy to go and vote but rather sit in a pub or watch football.

  3. If she resigns now, this would lead to an endless story of come and go come and go, dancing after whoever fancy to start a personal vendetta against the sitting power to be. When it comes down to Thaksin and his family just about the only thing they havent been accused of is the high fatalities in traffic accidents. Who will be the next target of the street mob. Surly a country can not be run like this, that whoever feels a fancy, start street protests and demand incredible stupid things like a peoples council. Tell me someone, where the hell in a modern society would this pass for good value. I cant think of anywhere except maybe one of the piss poor African countries. It is one word, and one word only for the things set in motion by Suthep these days, and that is anarchy, and he seems well on the way reaching his goal. I just hope for the Thai people that this will end peacefull, but i have my doubts.

    Under Thaksin, Yingluck and the PTP... this country is already being run like a piss pot African country. That is why it is time for change so that you can have exactly what you want.. a western style democracy with checks and balances and a fair election system.

    And which Thai Government has NOT been run like a piss pot African country?

    Thailand want's to be a modern, prosperous country so maybe they should look

    how other democracies work but that just wouldn't be "Thai Style".

    First I think, Thai people will need to learn what "Democracy" really means.

    If ones party is on the loosing end, in 4 years time they have a chance to

    change if that's what the majority wants and not go and trash the capital.

    Who really cares if it's a red, yellow, blue or green government running the country

    if at least it brings some kind of stability. Seams to me, the only time Thailand was

    a "Land of Smiles" in the last 100 years was either when a King or the Army ruled

    the country.

    Are Thai People to stupid to govern themselves?

    What are the REAL political options for Thailand's future?

  4. I bet ATTA missed that last Wednesday, a small Hong Kong travel company became the first operator to suspended all holidays to Thailand until December 20 due to the on going unrest.

    I know, that's only one so far but where there's one, there soon might be more.

    Now what's about all the individual tourists? Until now, I had several enquiries and two cancellations due to Thailand's instability, so just wonder, how many other "small tourist businesses" had cancellations of which TAT doesn't know?

  5. I'm not American, but have to question what on earth has to do with the current issues in Thailand? ...............................

    Ask Thaksin facepalm.gif

    I'm sure he has some unpleasant memories on Americas anti-democratic activities

    in ousting a democratically elected government during the 2006 coup.

    Maybe Ahisist remembers it too giggle.gif

  6. How about you call an election and see what the masses say!

    Then we have a problem. Because they will be reelected. As usual...

    And you probably read that for Suthep new elections are "not enough". They just want tension to rise.

    Now you're being obtuse.

    I very much doubt that this rabble will be reelected because:

    The people have seen the subterfuge of the amnesty bill

    They have seen the lying and cheating of the Senate bill

    They have seen the gargantuan losses of the rice scheme

    They have seen the massive nepotism of the PTP club

    They have seen the humungous loan bill for an unspecified list of projects

    They have had enough of one family putting itself above the masses

    Offer "the people" free tablets (make it smart phones this time)

    and they quickly forget what they have seen!

    • Like 1
  7. Those tourists would never do that in their own countries, red flag means the same everywhere , but here they still believe they can do anything .. just hope he will reward very well the guy who saved him ...... Well done Mr Thanyaboon

    Nor sure if they have red flags on the beaches in Switzerland but be assured,

    for every silly tourist who goes swimming in the sea despite warnings not to do so,

    you'll find a silly tourist climbing up the mountains despite warnings not to do so..

    You are having a laughter right ? The Swiss are landlocked, but I guess your views, however guess worthy they are on mountain climbers might have a sliver of common sense. My first reaction to this story was the report was made before the incident happened and secondly red flags being flown yet a silly person ignored and actually swam out 100m . Now that is staggering stupidity.,

    But I guess not everyone has a brain in good working order!,

    Haaa, Nonthaburial - Is your brain in working order giggle.gif ?

    You messed those "quotes" up a tiny bit, didn't you biggrin.png ?

  8. Those tourists would never do that in their own countries, red flag means the same everywhere , but here they still believe they can do anything .. just hope he will reward very well the guy who saved him ...... Well done Mr Thanyaboon

    Nor sure if they have red flags on the beaches in Switzerland but be assured,

    for every silly tourist who goes swimming in the sea despite warnings not to do so,

    you'll find a silly tourist climbing up the mountains despite warnings not to do so.

  9. The whole story is hilarious all the way down from the headline (who comes up with crap like that?) to end. Unbelievable that in times where tourists are attacked, robbet, beaten and stabbed on the streets of Pattaya, Bangkok, Samui and Phuket, the polcie find time to apprehend and take into custody a poor old sicko who stole a few CLEAN panties and bras from a clothes line which he could have bought himself at Big-C for 29 Baht a pop to start with. And this even makes headlines throughout Thailand? Please tell me this is not happening...

    Off course this is serious giggle.gif

    Not only did he steal CLEAN passion killers but he did it at night cheesy.gif

  10. I always find it odd that Mama Poo gets so many rave reviews. They're nice people and it's cheapish, but for me, that's it pretty much... The food is tasteless, and I'm not talking about lack of chilli. It's hardly an attractive place either...

    Yeah, not attractive but definitely an attraction after a lot of rain whistling.gif

    In fact, such an attraction that people sit on the table to eat despite of the restaurant being flooded.

    The food is good, authentic and cheap but if there are more then 4 people, you might need to wait

    quite a while for your food.

  11. Blowing a whistle at government figures is ONE OF FOUR ways for people to show civil disobedience, ........
    The other two are withholding corporate tax and "flying a Thai flag outside the home"

    What flag should they fly outside their home? Cambodian flag???

    1 + 2 + X = 4 crazy.gif
    Probably no one is withholding corporate tax, they just lost count facepalm.gif

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