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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. "Boonrit Saeteaw was nabbed after having stolen several items on Christmas Day, including a mobile phone. His failure to turn off the phone’s GPS system, allowed police to track him down, Lt Col Teeradej of the Karon Police explained.

    “We checked the GPS and were able to locate where he was staying. We then rushed to the hotel to make the arrest,” Lt Col Teeradej said."

    Cheers for the stu..d police to disclose how they manage to find this guy.

    Count on it that the next robber will switch instantly the GPS off.

    What a bunch of dumbasses.

    Today, most thieves will not even touch your iPhone or smartphone

    anymore because it's common knowledge that they can be traced.

    It's even written in the user manuals of most smartphones.

    Even switching your gps off, your phone, laptop, tablet can be traced.

    Data can be deleted remotely or you can even have your camera

    taking pictures without the user knowing it.

    I thought that was common knowledge that phones can be traced

    and if the police mention that, maybe that's a better way to prevent

    theft in the first place rather then finding a thief after your property

    has been stolen.

    I am sure that if the thieves here in Cambodia know how to work around GPS tracking, then the Thai thieves surely know this as well.

    And I doubt that Thai drug addicts read English-language newspapers.

    GPS doesn't have to work in order to track your phone.

  2. If you thought Thailand doesn't have traffic laws-


    Many things are mentioned but I seemed to have missed any reference to what the normal speed limits are.

    Can't help wondering anybody in Thailand knows these laws exist?

    To know what laws there are in Thailand, check your bank account.

    The applicable speed limit is easily found inside your wallet whistling.gif

  3. No pain, no gain. I hope the PDRC have worked out how to implement a strategy for exit counseling for a couple of million people from the cult of Shinawat. As with any cult following, rebuilding the followers self esteem and life can be difficult and traumatic after coming to terms with having been used by the cult leader for his own personal benefit only. I have to admit some surprise that Thaksin has been so successful in building such a cult following, he can't levitate like Shoko Asahara, can't write pop songs like Charlie Manson and doesn't have the good looks of Jimmy Jones. Either way, I wish PDRC luck trying to deprogram and re-educate the Isaanites.

    Thailands future rests in your hands Khun Suthep. Fight the good fight, uniting the country will earn you reverence in the Thai history books.

    Only naive newbies would think the yellows are somehow better in this. For example the corruption index of Thailand jumped from position 62 to over 80 during the yellow rule of 2006-2008. Now it is over 100.

    "Surayud's government was a controversial one. There was a significant worsening in perceived levels of corruption during his government. Surayud's Deputy Finance Minister, Sommai Pasee, was sentenced to jail for abuse of power. Surayud raised the military budget by 35% and was accused of economic mismanagement, rampant human rights abuses, and flip-flopping on numerous policies." - wiki

    I don't think anyone should give too much thoughts on the "Corruption Perception Index".

    Just because I perceive that half of ThaiVisa members are idiots doesn't mean I'm right!!

    Someone else might perceive that ThaiVisa is full of superiorly educated professionals,

    doesn't mean they are right either.

    All it takes, just bring ONE politician to court, convict him of corruption and shoot him.

    Tomorrow, half the country will think, corruption has gone down.

    Just look how China's "Corruption Perception Index " has changed after they executed

    Xu Maiyong and Jiang Renjie but don't tell me that China is suddenly less corrupt.

  4. I'm thinking that if this fool carries on with his threats(or promises depending on how you look at it) then the army will simply step in and deal with him.

    I'm thinking that this ain't gonna happen in a million years as the army are on his side!!

    If the army would be on anyone's side, the only person I know of who's constantly meddling

    in Thai Politics and profiting from every single coup for the last 40 years - with the backing of

    the army in a way or an other - is that Chameleon - Dr. Chalerm Yubamrung.

  5. ....... Name me a healthy opertating democracy that serves the peoples best interest at heart across the globe today?

    I suppose there is NO government or system that serves the peoples interest at heart ACROSS THE GLOBE.

    That to futuristic and would just be impossible to do.

    But if you look for a relative healthy operating democracy serving the peoples interest at heart across the nation,

    maybe Switzerland is as good as it can get. Probably the ONLY direct democracy in the world where people can

    decide by themselves if they want to change the constitution or the law. Where PEOPLE decide if they want a

    referendum or a petition, NOT the government.

    BUT of course, in order to maintain that democracy, people would need to take their fingers out of their <deleted>,

    get out of their TV chair and vote for what THEY believe in and not just scream, shout and demonstrate if there

    is something they don't agree with.

    • Like 1
  6. shows the mentality of some of the simpletons here - get in an argument and try to kill the other person. Hope the clown gets put in prison.

    I recon, before that "Clown" will go to prison, he will get a job with the

    other "Clowns". Maybe an assignment, probably even promotion within

    the bomb disposal unit giggle.gif

    At least, he had more success "discovering" his own bomb then the

    soldiers have with those highly sophisticated metal detectors.cheesy.gif

  7. "Boonrit Saeteaw was nabbed after having stolen several items on Christmas Day, including a mobile phone. His failure to turn off the phone’s GPS system, allowed police to track him down, Lt Col Teeradej of the Karon Police explained.

    “We checked the GPS and were able to locate where he was staying. We then rushed to the hotel to make the arrest,” Lt Col Teeradej said."

    Cheers for the stu..d police to disclose how they manage to find this guy.

    Count on it that the next robber will switch instantly the GPS off.

    What a bunch of dumbasses.

    Today, most thieves will not even touch your iPhone or smartphone

    anymore because it's common knowledge that they can be traced.

    It's even written in the user manuals of most smartphones.

    Even switching your gps off, your phone, laptop, tablet can be traced.

    Data can be deleted remotely or you can even have your camera

    taking pictures without the user knowing it.

    I thought that was common knowledge that phones can be traced

    and if the police mention that, maybe that's a better way to prevent

    theft in the first place rather then finding a thief after your property

    has been stolen.

    • Like 1
  8. Off course, there is NO such thing like censorship in the media here in Thailand

    Media is free to report anything as long as they say what they are allowed to say

    and it doesn't involve the "Land of the Free". cheesy.gif

    In fact, the media can work and report freely about anything here in Thailand without

    fear of retributions from big brother. Even the UN released a statement about the "fair"

    handling of the media by the Thai Governments. crying.gif

    You can report whatever you want although you comments might be deleted or you

    might get banned from ever making a comment again. Reporters might be beaten up

    or end up several years in prison because of "irresponsible" comments.

    "Responsible reporting" = " Self Censorship according to governments guide lines"

    The Nation is paid by Thaksin? Blue Sky Channel too? What are you talking about?

    This morning have even news presenting a newspaper for support Suthep and his gang.

    The problem about Thai media is that there are NO INDEPENDENT sources.

    Any Channel, newspaper or website, is totally and almost blindly sided with one or another faction.

    Sorry mate, could you point out where I mentioned Thaksin or Suthep in my comment?

    Maybe try to post that link from the "Bangkok Post" whistling.gif

  9. Off course, there is NO such thing like censorship in the media here in Thailand.
    Media is free to report anything as long as they say what they are allowed to say

    and it doesn't involve the "Land of the Free". cheesy.gif

    In fact, the media can work and report freely about anything here in Thailand without
    fear of retributions from big brother. Even the UN released a statement about the "fair"
    handling of the media by the Thai Governments. crying.gif

    You can report whatever you want although you comments might be deleted or you
    might get banned from ever making a comment again. Reporters might be beaten up
    or end up several years in prison because of "irresponsible" comments. shock1.gif

    "Responsible reporting" = " Self Censorship according to governments guide lines" 1zgarz5.gif

  10. Just take them to see a late stage aids patient. I saw one fown the road , who was infected by her husband, It wasn't a pretty sight,

    Well, those nasty pictures on the cigarette packets don't seam to have an impact on smoking.

    The horrendous accidents pictures don't stop people from drink driving without safety belt or helmet,

    so why should seeing an HIV positive person have any effects?

  11. Demonstration is OK, nothing wrong with airing your view. Passive resistance would be an other way to show your grieve but rioting, vandalism and murder is not demonstrating. That's called bullying!

    The government already acted to many of the demands but every time the Government makes any concession, this Suthep Dude wants more. He keeps pointing out whenever there might be the slightest infringement of the constitution or the democratic principles but spits on Thailand's constitution not only by boycotting the registration process but obstructing a constitutional process. He want's a complete unconstitutional and undemocratic "Peoples Council". Apart from his personal vendetta, does he even know what he want's for this country or does he just know what he want's for himself.

    More even, do those demonstrators know what Suthep wants? Do they know what for a nation they and their children want to live in? Or is just everyone to stupid to think? To stupid to govern themselves?

    For sure, Suthep does not want any compromises, no dialog, no constitution, no real government. He's just as power thirsty as Thaksin and none of the two really give a shit about anyone else, definitely not Thailand. In fact no one in Thailand's political world ever gave a shit about Thailand because if they did, Thailand would most likely be one of the most prosperous country in South East Asia.

    Now as for the vote buying. If people are selling their "X" on a paper for money, I assume, people will get what they deserve and not what they thought they get. People still have the democratic choice to vote for what they believe in but some believe in the incentive they get, rather then the product they buy.

    Seams to me, everyone is just thinking for their own personal gain and gives a shit about Thailand or their children's future?

    So as usual, Thailand as a country and the people living here got exactly what they deserve.


  12. I always have a party but haven't celebrated Christmas for many decades.

    I don't give presents but mostly, I get presies from other people with a card

    saying: "Happy Birthday" smile.png

    Thanks for posting Joe as it highlights 2 things for me.

    One, from my experience, if TESCO and the like are your only real options ... greeting cards are scarce.

    But, more importantly, spare a thought for the tens of millions of people who are born in the week before Christmas and the few days after it who have, for ages gotten a 'combined' Birthday/Christmas gift.

    My neighbour was born today, Christmas eve ... as was a very porominient member here on Thai Visa .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ahoy to you Mr *****

    Must also give a nod to Jingthing who taught me something recently. If you don't know JT's Jewish ... but I never knew that it wasn't part of the Jewish Faith to Celebrate Christmas.

    So to JT, and others of the Jewish Faith here, the appropriate greeting is Happy Holidays.

    amykat above ... +1 ... I've ran out of likes (again) for this day.


    Well actually David,

    I don't get a birthday card because TESCO doesn't have x-mas cards

    but because my birthday is TOMORROW - Christmas Eve.

    Now please don't send me a X-mas card because they run out of

    Birthday cards biggrin.png

    So whatever your faith, even if you don't have any, I wish just about everyone

    (except Suthep and Thaksin) a very, merry, jolly good happy day - every daywai.gif

    • Like 1
  13. The nearby motorbike taxi riders 7 in total then came over and assaulted him until he was severely injured.

    Monkey see - monkey do. Perhaps they thought he would spit out an ATM card as well.

    Hey, Monkey didn't see anything and the only thing I was doing,

    was having an ice cold Singha and eating bananas whistling.gif

    So please, leave me out of it biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

    • Like 1
  14. Democracy, grammar all rules We don't need no stinking rules!

    Yeah, I know those thoughts. Me and most of my classmates thought so, during our

    rebellious teenage and student years BUT being a lot older now, I understand very

    well, humans are not considerate and compassionate enough to be able to live a social

    life without having rules.

    Off course, the more complex our society is, the more rules there will need to be.

    Stating that we don't need no rules, is pretty immature.

    As much we might disagree with those stinking rules, we still DO need rules!!

  15. Got you an other Koh Phangan price list to compare.

    ( Sorry about the coffee stains smile.png )

    .attachicon.gifdiveprices 2.png

    That is pretty much right at the low end of Phuket prices, but some places here are selling it at 18k plus. Those places tend to offer a bit more luxury, private or semi-private courses, have experienced instructors, have native speakers of the the the students native language, and have work permits for their instructors (places like Tao and Phi Phi if the instructor is not Thai they most certainly will not have WP's,i.e.are illegal labor).

    I keep hearing of these horror stories from places like Phi Phi and Tao where the student quite happily pays 7900B for an OW course and they end up in a large group diving off the beach or in longtails with brand new instructors, Thai instructors (not that there aren't good ones), or even instructors that haven't completed their training yet because they are working off their shop fees before being given their OWSI cards. On the last day the manager steps in and signs all the papers, and it will be his name on the instructors card even though he did not have anything to do with the course! It's still very much the wild west in those places. I have always felt that learning to use life support equipment to breath underwater shouldn't go to the lowest bidder.

    Well, suppose Phuket must be a bit more expensive.

    Could this ........


    ....... be the reason why wink.png

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