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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. My deep well goes down 180 meters but still, after about 20 minutes pumping,
    there isn't much water coming anymore and I need to wait at least 6 hours to
    pump again. Government water (and electricity) are not really an alternative
    as they are about as reliable as Thai time keeping.

    At least, if houses, bungalows, resorts would use gutters on their houses, a
    lot of water could be reused and stored for those dry times. I know, storing
    water over ground for a long time in the tropics can cause many different

    health risks to us but I'm sure, there are ways to contain that.

    • Like 1
  2. It has been reported on nz news that there may have been 4 people on board with stolen passports

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    More than likely those stolen passports represented human traffickers that were on board.

    And even more likely......

    Quite a few Syrians use the Damaskus, Phuket, Bejing route in order to gain asylum

    in some European countries and most of them use fake or stolen passports.

    • That is correct: foreigners in Thailand do not have the same rights as Thais. So?
    • That is correct: as a foreigner and a guest, your freedom of expression is limited. So? (most countries do not welcome foreign agitators)
    • That is correct: however long you've been in Thailand, you're still a guest. So act like one, formally immigrate, or leave. It's simple.
    • That is nonsense: all your squealing about inalienable rights. Human beings have definite rights with respect to their own chosen governments, which THEY elect, but which do NOT include any right to meddle in the affairs of OTHER people's governments!
    • That is correct: if you are not Thai, you are a guest and will (most assuredly) never have the same rights as Thais do in their own country. (See above; if being a guest doesn't suit you, go home.)
    • That is correct: Thais are not Americans. And I expect the vast majority of them could care less whether their concept of democracy coincides with yours or not. Democracy is not a one-size-fits-all prescription for government, by definition actually.
    • That is correct: unless you break their laws and manage to get yourself locked up, you're free to leave and go wherever you want (or wherever they'll have you, which with your attitude, will eventually not be everywhere...)

    Beginning to see a pattern here? You sound like the type of guest who walks into someone else's home and starts criticizing their décor, the way they raise their kids & treat their pets, and sticking you nose into their family quarrels. You're a GUEST!!!!! Learn to ACT like one, or expect to lose your welcome!!!!!

    Now how comes that as a "Guest" in this country I'm not treated as one would treat a guest but more like a pest?

    • Like 1
  3. Remember all those who mock Mr Chalerm and the people of Thailand for whatever way they chose to do things.....REMEMEBER this country belongs to them and they have every right to do things in whatever way they chose....WE are living here as guests and that's all we are guests.....lets not over step the mark, it's called courtesy.

    Think About It

    Go away you wet blanket ! A bit of harmless fun, and Chalerm started it ! clap2.gif

    Yes, we REMEMEBER it well!!

    Re-mem-ber? Re-member? Remember?

    Sh*t I forgot what that word means.

    "Think About" ??? Waooo, sorry you ask the imposible.

    F***, I must have been living too long in Thailand.

    BTW, if I am a guest in this country, why am I not treated like one?

  4. .......... She has been warned over and over from everybody ........

    Well, the rice farmers too, they been warned that that scheme

    wouldn't work but they believed what they wanted to believe.

    The reply of the few people I talked to was: "You farang, you don't understand, Thailand different"

    So, Sum Nam Naa, Na?

    Charging her with premeditated murder would be the only right thing.

    Now if she would have premeditated murder, she did a pretty bad job on that

    as it didn't seam to work. If it would have worked, her "premeditated murder",

    there wouldn't be any rice farmers around anymore to demonstrate.

    Now I wonder if ever anyone suggested to charge Barclay's Bank for "premeditated murder"?

    There was quite a few people in the UK who committed suicide because Barcdlay's miss-sold

    endowment mortgages.

  5. Every year? And then?

    No bi-yearly demonstrations anymore?
    No meeting relatives in BKK?

    No parties anymore?

    No free underwear and noodle soup??

    Destroiing old established tradditions?

    C'mon, that's just not on!

    At least, hold elections at every two years,

    then Thais still have a chance to see BKK.

    Sorry got a bit confused with annul, annual and probably anal too.

    Time to upgrade my spectacles ;-)

    • Like 2
  6. From an earlier News Tread:
    "Thailand's DSI chief says five key PDRC leaders are foreigners"

    Now try to guess, which ones are the "Foreigners"

    Satit Wongnhongtaey, (Not really a person but some kind of Korean Breakfast)
    Chumpol Julasai, (Israel)
    Puttipong Punnakan, (Pakistan)
    Issara Somchai, (Very Typical Irish Name)
    Witthaya Kaewparadai, (Sounds Italian)
    Thaworn Senneam, (possibly Thai but very unlikely, maybe Cambodian)
    Natthapon Theepsuwan, (Sri Lanka)
    Akanat Promphan, (Propan works either for Shell or Esso)
    Anchalee Paireerak, (Sounds Greek)
    Nitithorn Lamlua, (Thorn? Definitely Devon, UK)
    Uthai Yodmanee, (Yodeling? Definitely Swiss)
    Saemdin Lertbut, (Empty Butt not a person)
    Gen Preecha Iamsuphan, (Jehovas witness preeching from Alabama)
    Ratchayut Sirayothinpakdi or Amorn Amornratananont, (Dual Nationality or just split personality?)
    Kittichai Saisa-ard, (Not a real Thai, just a Siamese Pussycat)
    Samran Rodphet, (Not a real person either but Father Christmases little helper)
    Sonthiyan Chuenrithainaitham (Now he must be Thai - ThaiNaThaiNaThaiNa)
    Pansuwan Na Kaew ( Maybe Thai too -Naaa?)

    Although it says, "Including Suthep", I can't see him. I recon he's possibly hiding behind
    Pussycat and Father Christmas.

  7. Rubbish as it was, he wrote about he skated over one the main problems. In the third Para from the end.

    There is no political party emerging that can win at the ballot box as they would suffer the same attacks as Yingluck if they did not follow the yellow agenda word for word.

    There is no middle way here.

    democracy - or fascist impose Poodles Council and rule top down from Sutheps mouth.

    The is already dictating what will happen when he is in power, think how bad he would become if he got his hands on it.

    Nice to see the Air Force distance themselves from the Army today... In print.

    Yes, the air force break was noteworthy.

    On the other hand, the Marines are training very hard to learn how to disperse any thread to the nation.

  8. The three most asked questions at airports, around 3 billion times in a year:

    "Has anyone else packed your bags for you?"

    "Has anyone asked you to carry an item on this flight?"

    "Have any of the items you are traveling with been out of your immediate control since the time you packed them?"

    And this person obviously lied, lied and lied. So, sue him for damages.

    You must have read my post on page 1, ?? if you did why not like ? or it's a coincidence.thumbsup.gif

    Just coincident

    Takes me always ages to research, write and spell check what I have to say giggle.gif

    (Just so the grammar brigade has nothing to moan about) giggle.gif

    So most likely, I did write this before you posted yours, maybe not smile.png

    Sorry wai.gif

    When you've both stopped bickering about who was first with the post, and how good the contents of the post is; who exactly did this person 'lie' to?

    As I've iterated, there is no baggage check before check-in at Suva. Who did he lie to, before the fire that is?

    He lied after the event, if the report is correct. I agree. However, prior to the event... pls... with respect, who did he lie to?

    Ohh nothing to do with bickering. A reasonable question with a reasonable answer, that's all.

    Now as I saw on the picture, the luggage is on a conveyor belt.

    Sorry, I haven't seen any luggage conveyor belts BEFORE check-in in Suvarnabumi.

    Means to me, he already checked in and at check-in, more or less anywhere in the world,

    those three questions are asked and displayed at the counter.

    • Like 1
  9. The three most asked questions at airports, around 3 billion times in a year:

    "Has anyone else packed your bags for you?"

    "Has anyone asked you to carry an item on this flight?"

    "Have any of the items you are traveling with been out of your immediate control since the time you packed them?"

    And this person obviously lied, lied and lied. So, sue him for damages.

    You must have read my post on page 1, ?? if you did why not like ? or it's a coincidence.thumbsup.gif

    Just coincident

    Takes me always ages to research, write and spell check what I have to say giggle.gif

    (Just so the grammar brigade has nothing to moan about) giggle.gif

    So most likely, I did write this before you posted yours, maybe not smile.png

    Sorry wai.gif

    • Like 1
  10. The three most asked questions at airports, around 3 billion times in a year:

    "Has anyone else packed your bags for you?"
    "Has anyone asked you to carry an item on this flight?"
    "Have any of the items you are traveling with been out of your immediate control since the time you packed them?"

    And this person obviously lied, lied and lied. So, sue him for damages.

    • Like 1
  11. Melbourne Airport.

    Interesting, in my fairly extensive travels around Europe, Asia and the Indian sub-continent I've never seen dogs operating in the public areas of airports.

    Are the dogs at Melbourne sniffing for explosives, cash, drugs or whatever? I'm not sure there's such a thing as a 'universal' sniffer dog (could be wrong there of course).

    In your "extensive" travels you can't have passed Suvarnabumi many times but

    I suppose, just because you haven't seen any, doesn't mean there aren't any.

    Every time I've been there, I did see dog handlers (including dog) within the

    public areas of the Airport. Inside and outside the building.

  12. " ...... mainly Bangkok/Pattaya but I have also been to Koh Chang, Chang Mai, Phuket, Sukhotai and lots of other little places.".
    Little places? Waoo.

    Phuket = Fukit
    Krabi = Krappi
    Ao Nang = one night only?
    Ko Lanta = one night only?
    Hat Yai = what the <deleted> are you doing two nights in Hadyai?
    Songkhla = two nights in Hatyai but only one night in Songkhla?

    Now let me see, you travel half the day, check in to your room late afternoon, stay one night and next morning,
    you'll sitt in some kind of transport again to your next destination? I just wonder what do you see, what do you
    do when you rush in to a place and rush out the next day?
    Now my suggestion, don't worry to much about the places you gona visit, as you won't see anything anyway but
    try to make sure, you have a soft pillow to sit on and get some nice seats in the train, bus or minibus.

    Now the nicest places here in the south are the ones with the nice people but you wont see any of them.
    You're rushing through as if there wouldn't be a tomorrow and so you'll miss out on even the nicest places
    you would pass.

    For me, the nicest place here in the south is....... I'm not telling ;-)
    If I would, those places would be spoiled in a couple of years .

    The best advice I can give, reduce your trip to two, maximum three places (2 in Thailand, 1 in Malaysia).
    Take your time, travel a bit, stay some days and you'll find out entirely by yourself, where YOU think,
    the nicest places are.
    • Like 2
  13. 1. My BIOS is password protected. (the only password I have to enter by keyboard)

    2. All other passwords are entered via finger print scanner on my PC not on screen or by keyboard.

    3. I don't log in as administrator.

    4. For internet I use a proxy server.

    5. Security Software: Kaspersky

    (if you have a bank account with some UK banks, you can get "Internet Security 2013" for PC, Android or Mobile free of charge)

    6. I block most ports on my PC.

    7. My network settings are set to the highest level.

    8. All my social networks have only basic info for the public to see.

    9. I use Window Washer to clean regularly all traces left behind, when surfing the net.

    Your BIOS and hard drives probably have back doors. If you're a 'person of interest' it doesn't matter what you do. Your software ain't protecting you. Subscribe to https://www.eff.org/ or at least peruse the site. Forewarded in forearmed or something like that. Depends how paranoid you are.

    Well, in order to get in to the BIOS, the person has to sit in front of my PC and as I don't log in as administrator,

    any program wanting to change BIOS settings would first need to have administrative rights

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