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Everything posted by zyphodb

  1. 20 Baht shop, one metal strainer and a pair of scissors, 40 baht...
  2. Which make it a haven for investments with dodgy money, surely it's been thriving on this for a long, long time...
  3. I'm surprised some enterprising local hasn't weighed it in for scrap. Can't be too easy to get to...
  4. The main problem is, and I've not seen it mentioned yet is that by saying that it's FB sponsored, it's giving the advert a false aura of authenticity to a easily taken in by that sort of thing, general public. I do think that FB is partly responsible for the success of these scams and should be held to account financially for a percentage of it until it cleans itself up...
  5. I hope so, a nasty piece of work...
  6. I think you'll find that they use line to contact everyone with anything important, but you do have a point...
  7. Beat me to it, complete with Parawings... Amazing Thailand lol
  8. So 56% of accidents occurred at legal ones? your safer crossing at the dodgy ones TIT 555
  9. Oh come on, let me hazard a guess. maybe they're quite rich, being from an oil rich country...
  10. The ancient city in Samat Packran is good...
  11. Failing that, F*#@ off usually works, and if that fails, add and die...
  12. Nice place, but surf capital: Khao Lak, really?
  13. bin there, done it, all be it 10 years ago, no Chlamydia. Now if you'd said Herpies, I'd have agreed with you, but like Chlamydia, Herpies is "rampant" all over the world, not just Thailand...
  14. But how can we turn Thailand's gene puddle into a pool if we all wear condoms?...
  15. Doesn't matter, I just have an odd ability to recognize a wind up merchant when I see one...
  16. Because he lives under a bridge...
  17. The best bit is that they knew where he was living lol You just can't make this s*&t up...
  18. This lot were slightly better than the ones before on Top of the Pops...
  19. Remembering Hot Gossip, this one's quite good...
  20. He may like weed, but I'm not convinced that he likes us...
  21. Not just Phuket, it's the same here in Isaan...
  22. IMO The Immigration give us white foreigners such a hard time because they want us all using agents. More cash for them...
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