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Everything posted by zyphodb

  1. Unless, they have A LOT of money they're in it up to their necks...
  2. I think I'd be a shame if someone didn't get him a better motorsy to put his sidecar on...
  3. M wife has one of those, and she doesn't hate me...
  4. A certain amount of karma involved, maybe?
  5. You should get out a bit Steven, they do...
  6. But that's not the way that extracts the most money, is it? They'll let him dangle, dig a deeper hole for himself while extracting as much cash as they can, then lock him up, and/or deport him...
  7. The reason Lao khow is so cheap is to stop the Thai villagers making their own, which probably kills even more people...
  8. With a sheepish look on his face, no doubt...
  9. I'd say much higher than that here in the 21c answer to Tortuga in it's hayday...
  10. The way it works is the hospital claim off the gov. insurence you have from taxing the motorbike for the first 20000 Bht of bills, social security or the 30 baht scheme pays for anything after that. If you have no tax you're liable for the first 20k of the hospital bill...
  11. But they've been doing that for many years...
  12. If it wasn't him, they'd have just set someone else to do it, so this odious character gets to do it again...
  13. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt you... Is the British version, don't think that it made it to the "proverbs" list...
  14. That'll be the competition gone then, for a little while...
  15. The British Brainwashing Corperation, a fine upstanding instution, not...
  16. Or mine, come to that...
  17. Luckily, the vast majority of us worldwide, don't go around killing people, don't be so dramatic...
  18. A divided society would suit the powers that be very nicely, I'd have thought...
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