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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. It comes as no surprise that the first punches ever thrown in the Thai parliament came from a police general.  :o

    Yeah, how ironic...But Prathin has always been a hothead, and the Senate is the most corrupt body- except for the MP's maybe. So many known Major Godfathers like Intarat Yongbaitoey, and even Chat Taopoon....

    Pratin had suggested that 'somebody from a northern province'' should be investigated for doing business with Khun Sa... While Adul was speaking...

    And the 'fight' was nothing, really...Adul and Pratin walk up on each other, and Pratin pops a couple of lefts. Only the first one barely connected.

    The Taiwan Parliment is much better- even the women get into the action with any weapons around... Like Thailand, most of their elected politicians are local corrupt godfather figures

  2. From my experience, I'd say forget the chiripractor, and go to Rinkaew Poviich, located in the 'old Chiang Mai Hospital' on Wulai road...

    I had chronic sciatica before coming here. Tried chiro's but only mild and temporary relief.

    When I came here, I went straight to Rinkaew Povich. First session , two hours...Pain relieved a lot. Next day, 2 more hours, pain gone, never to return- even now, 18 years later.... :o

    Hi, I have some mechanical lower back pain and was going to look for a Chiropractor while in Thailand. What is Rinkaew Povich?

    Thai Traditional Massage

    Rinkaew Complex 274565-7

    183/4 Wualai Rd.,

    T. Hai Ya,

    A. Muang,

    Chiang Mai 50100

    Fax: 202238

  3. ...

    They stick to their requirements - they must to maintain their accreditation.

    If you're wrong, I'll never tell


    The real "international schools" have a great deal invested in their accreditation - particularly the ability to charge corporations almost insane amounts to educate the children of their international employees.

    Anyway, if you hear or experience otherwise - do let us all know.

    I'm aware of the accredidation issue - thought i'd give it a shot - maybe I'll get lucky. Though I believe that there is a second tier of schools which do not have such concerns on the accredidation front, charging a bit less in tuition and with correspondingly lower benefits packages. Would anyone have some suggestions on how I could locate a list of such schools. In addition I would like to identify schools with Mini/English Programs.

    Any help would be appreciated.



    I kinda like your hard-headness, and I encourage you to shoot for the stars! :o Think outside the box, and be willing to put forth the effort to do what you want... Dreams can come true :D

  4. Personally, I feel that our students deserve a teacher who wants to be a teacher for some reason other than just a way to get money, and cares enough for the students to at least get proper training to do a proper job.

    Excuse my frankness, but I have zero respect or patience for such stuff...

  5. I think it varies from bank to bank,

    so best to ask.

    Small activity as you suggest will also keep it alive.

    with 20, 000 baht in an account, nothing will happen if you don't do anything. It's only if you have a minimum amount, like 500 baht for six months of no activity. Some banks will then charge like 50 baht per month for 'maintainence', until the account is empty....

    By their very nature, a savings account is designed for long-term savings.

  6. Quick question.

    I have a savings account with BankThai, how long can there be no activity b4 they dissolve the account. I have about 20,000 baht in there.

    When I left I was supposed to be back in a few months. That was 7 months ago, just want to make sure there are no issues.

    I was thinking of having my friend put in a few thousand baht for me on his trip in Dec.

    Are there any risks?  It looks like I will not be back for 6 months and it would be nice to have the account.

    Why do you think they call it a 'SAVINGS account' ? :o

  7. Going back to the question of mentioning death in Thai company, surely many of you have heard Thai females exclaim, DTAI LAEOW! ตายเเล้ว when they are surprised, even by something as trivial as all the tickets are sold out for the concert,bus,etc. It suggests death is not a taboo subject and indeed I've often been surprised when Thai people have mentioned the death of a loved one in almost a matter of fact way; either the pain is kept private away from public scrutiny and\or perhaps Thais are never really surprised when death happens. Motorbike and road victims lie dead in public view on the roadside and passerbys crane their necks to get a good view ไทยมุง, but they don't seem to be moved or shaken, laughing and chatting a few moments later.

    Newspapers and certain magazines are full of gory pictures of murder and accident victims, it seems many Thais are inured to revulsion at premature  and grotesque death, at least in others. Perhaps the belief in fate buttresses this view, I have a good Thai friend, a well educated woman in her mid 50s with a high position in TOT, yet every time we talk about some unfortunate and untimely death in the papers she simply says,'it's the time to die!'


    I think it's these kinds of dichotomies and ironic situations that make living here a challenge to understand at times :o

  8. Do any of you knowledgeable people know where I can buy proper oxygenators for ponds. I have tried the plant market & all the fish shops there, but no joy. My ponds are beginning to look like pea soup & the fish are not very happy!!

    Thank you

    Any fish tank oxygen generator will work, and there are many different sizes and styles...I can't imagine why you say they won't work for you. If you don't change your water often, you might need a fish tank filter setup and, again, many sizes/styles to fit your needs.

    As P1p says, a waterfall is an excellent way to add oxygen to your water, and if the waterfall is designed well, it can also help to clean your water- to a point.

    If you have a lot of direct sunlight, this will heat the water and expel oxygen, posibly faster than you can replace it via a waterfall. Adding live plants increases your chance of algae, but it also helps to add oxygen. I have a 1000 liter fish pond with a 10 foot waterfall that cascades over rocks down into the pond. I also have quite a few water plants. I never have algae problems, but dirt does collect in the pond after awhile. I have pretty good water circulation through an outflow valve that either diverts more flow into the waterfall, or back into the pond. I'm guessing that this outflow back into the pond is a key help to the algae issue. I also have a swimming pool, and it gets algae sometimes, even with cholrine added and an excellent filtration system....But, the algae always starts in the corners, where there is much less waterflow moving around... The pond gets good waterflow, and there are no corners...and no algae, as I mentioned, so I think getting some more water movement in your pond will help...

  9. One of my favoured replies to the question from friends is, 'yang mai thai' Not dead yet! :o

    Don't try this at home, kids. "yang mai tai" might be the more standard transliteration. the "t" in english here represents the dentalized "t"in Thai which is halfway between our t and d.

    I've also heard "glai(f) ja tai" almost dead -- I think.

    i like this but want to make sure i'm saying dead correctly. if it ends up sounding like "yang mai dai" (yet cannot) it would really confuse people. so besides making the "t" sound like "dt", what about the tone and the vowel length?

    thx steve

    Low, long tone to my ears. :D

  10. Laew ru Yang... Have you eaten already, or yang mai kin?

    eaten already, or not?

    Which would be

    Khun gin khao laew rou plao..........

    or just Kin Khao rou plao..... :D

    Happy to see that, in fact, old dogs can learn new tricks :D

    And thanks for pointing my ommission of 'yet' in 'not yet'. My brain is certainly faster than my typing :D

    But, I don't think you'll hear "Kin Khao rou plao" much in Thailand as a greeting form...'Leew ru yang' (and ..'ru yang', 'leew yang'' ( or 'yang'...) is a common expression form to use in such situations, rather than 'ru plaaw', in my experience... My own sense as to the reason for that preference is that 'ru yang' works as a positive assumption that eating will happen- if it hasn't happened already. And eating/food is the whole point of making it into a friendly and warm greeting, just like in Chinese......

    "Eat, or not?" Who would you likely say that to? An anorexic person? Someone you're asking out on a date?

    But, it ain't my language, either. :o

  11. And we know dam well there is tons of video footage of every moment, since every station had camermen there, each intent on staking out a good positon to video any possible violence.... Outside of a couple of stills, not much to see- except making them crawl down the road and over rough ground on their bellies with their arms tied behind them.... But nothing else of the shooting or demonstration actions.... I've been watching the Thai TV coverage pretty close, and nothing is being aired locally that I can see. Don't know if it's 'voluntary', or enforced.....

  12. Dhurakijpundit University’s Faculty of Law will sponsor its popular seminar, Legal Guidance for Foreigners, Investing, Working and Living in Thailand. The seminar - all in English - will be held at the Conrad Hotel, Wireless Road, Bangkok on November 5 and 6.

    The seminar features top speakers drawn from the Thai government, judiciary, and legal practice, talking on a variety of important issues. For example, the Hon. Judge Vichai Ariyanuntaka of the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court will talk on the Settlement of Commercial Disputes in Thailand; while the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Hon. Judge Prasobsook Boondech will talk on Law Involving Land Ownership and Families.

    Other talks are on taxation for foreign companies; laws relating to foreign investment; latest development in financial laws; labor law and employment issues; issues related to visas, work permit, immigration and business start-ups; and, roles and responsibilities of directors of Company Limited and Public Company Limited. Last year’s seminar attracted 80 participants from 25 countries worldwide.

    This year’s seminar, Professor Dr. Sippanondha Ketudat, the chairman of Dhurakijpundit University, will deliver a keynote address on “Globalization in a Multicultural World: Implications for Professional Learning”. Dr. Sippanondha is also a former minister of education, a former minister of industry of Thailand and a former senator.

    The fee for the 2 day event (including 2 buffet lunches at the hotel and 4 coffee breaks, full set of conference documents, and certificate of participation from Dhurakijpundit University) is 9,900 baht per person.

    For more information please contact Ms. Manisara Chulasamya and Ms. Oracha Pikartporapak, Faculty of Law at Mobile:09-813-6698,01-839-4321, respectively e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] or visit the web-site www.dpu.ac.th/law/ or telephone 02-954-7300 ext. 662, 308.


  13. ...And the construction has already started on a 4 lane paved road from Samoeng direct to MaeHongSon. So, I assume there will have to be a 4-lane road to Samoeng, too... I used to love that old dirt road on a bike- in the dry season. Only nuts like David Unkovich and David Lek liked it during the rainy season...

    I imagine Chiang Mai Construction, with well known family ties to Newin Chichob, will be at the forefront of any road construction outside of Muang district- as usual...

  14. If they (the radical Muslims, not your every day Muslim) do retaliate with a strike in Bangkok or other tourist areas.....Tourism and the Thai people will be ones hurt most. Exactly the way it happenend in Bali.

    However Bali's tourism is now nearly back to the way it was before.....because ordinary people had the guts to not be intimidated by the threats.

    If they do initiate a strike, you can be certain it will be a soft target that will create the maximum havoc and embarassment for the government. I believe that NEP, Cowboy and some areas in Pattaya were previously listed as potential targets. The biggest problem is if they get funding from groups like Al Queda or JI, they may then have the resources to pull off a major strike.

    I agree with that.... It's just a too easy and obvious way to get the world's attention, and that does seem to motivate some. I'm crossing my fingers that somebody steps in soon with some wiser moves all around.... Has Gen. Prem made any comments at all? That would certainly be a signal, of sorts, at this point, I feel.

    A couple of weeks ago, it was reported in the papers that the Queen had lamented over the continuing problems in the South- She had just spent 2 months there, starting to build a foundation of support for widows in the south by providing land, a house and the tools to be self sufficient in the relatively near future... I hope that road will continue to be lengthened and improved. And this is an area (re: construction...)where the military could easily shine if they want.

    Yes, if they want...

    I also think about someone, not a muslim, but with fervent hatred enough to try to pull some shit in their name..... :o

  15. I sometimes reply with...สบายดีจะตาย แด่ยังไม่ตายนะ "sabai dee ja dtaai,dtae yahng mai dtaai na" 

    I like that one much better! "....ja dtaai" is very commonly used, and maybe a less 'shocking' intro to "yahng mai dtaai" for some :o

    But, I do agree with Meadish's thoughts. Consideration of the situation is important. And he wasn't wagging his finger at me, I'm sure :D

  16. Yeah you can learn thai  but you just need to practice and practice    it also helps if you can write and read also   gives you a better understanding of the language  :D

    Great advice from someone who's mastered English so well.

    Easy there, PvtDick - we don't want to turn this last bastion of "sanity" into another slag infested thread. :D

    Especially when you just finished pointing this up as a safe place in another thread. How ironic :D

    I think the idea about tuning in Thai TV is really great. Even if you don't understand anything at first, after awhile you'll be able to separate the words and sounds better, you'll begin to recognize more vocab you already know....learn new vocab from context, etc... Pretty much the same as in learning English :D

    I have a TV in my truck for just such a purpose. I hate listening to Thai radio because of too many loud commercials and the DJ's tend to talk over the songs too much. TV reception, especially ITV (coincidence that it belongs mostly to Thaksin? ) is pretty good on the Chiang Mai plateau. In the afternoon, when I do most of my driving, there are actually some interesting public help programs on.. They love to get officials on their handphones and ask them pointed questions live on-air... Inevitably, at some point, the man on the spot will say something like, "Aray na'? "Siang Mai chat",followed by "Hello?" Hello?" Dead air... Instead of having fun with that, the hosts still play along- to be polite, I suppose, but it's still obvious to regular listeners, since it is quite a common occurrence, and it only happens after 'annoying' questions... :o

  17. Yeah,  shouldn't joke about it all  :o

    Thanks Mr. American... :D In this case, I think I know what I'm doing, and when to do it in my own situation...I'm not suggesting anyone follow my road on this one. Like many things in life, there is a time and a place where's it's fine, and funny to all. Life, even here, is not nearly as rigid as some might choose to make it... And, hey, I must be doing something okay... I'm still alive and happy! :D

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