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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Well, there are a lot of people on here who "pretend" to be someone else.........thats one of the negative sides of the internet.  :D

    People can live their fantasies here and be what or who they want to be without being caught out. :o  May it be men pretending to be women or vice versa.  :D

    Some are real, some are not...........same everywhere, not only in Thailand.

    Sure is easier to remember truth, rather than a lie, but maybe the truth isn't as fun for some? :D

    Just don't disappoint your good friends, na'? :D

  2. The 'gut reaction' IS logic and reason.
    I feel that it's more of an emotional reaction, rather than one from only logic and reason. And our fears are included, too, I believe, whether validated or not. Therein lies the reason why 'gut reactions' should be valued, but second-guessed. Especially living here, we must all do a lot of guessing and our gut reactions are not always so accurate, often because of cultural/language issues, in my experience. I think the intellectual side of our reasoning should be weighed in also to help confirm our good choices where 'gut' reactions are involved.
  3. I live in Thailand, and I also travel in a wheelchair (paralyzed from stroke 3 years ago). I'll be driving from Chiang Mai to Phuket in a couple of weeks (before the high season rates)

    First, don't sweat anything. Though the footpaths are not very good usually, mobility and accessibility will never be a serious problem. Everyone will bend over backwards to help- it's important to give clear instructions, though.

    Most decent hotels have entrance ramps (though often quite steep!), some even have rooms for wheelchairs, too. I've even seen a number of public toilets (at PTT stations) with handicapped access.

    I'd suggest renting a van rather than a car because vans are usually easier to load you, and easier to stash a wheelchair- not many cars here have the boot space. Get a driver, of course. The driver will also do whatever duty you need, and with no complaining, I assure you. Just be sure to show your appreciation in some tangible way....

    Oh, if you are planning to stay in Bkk, Bumrumgard Hospital has an International Residence' section right off Sukumwit soi 1. Their 2-room suites are 1500 baht, and setup for wheelchairs- even in the shower. Though normally only available to hospital patients and families, you can also stay there if you are not a patient, but use a wheelchair. And there's a dynamite Au Bon Paine(sp?) on premise...Roast Beef Sandwich highly recommended  :D

    Really, lots of people in chairs travel around Thailand. In my experience, everyone has been extremely patient and happy to help in any way. Truly great people here.  :o

    I can mention that the Phuket Palace Resort at Patong has full facilities for disabled people, even the pool has a special ramp for wheelchairs, the same all over the hotel.

    Thanks so much! I'd been eyeing that place for a visit this winter, and your info confirmed that I'll soon be going there for a couple of weeks :D

  4. Oh one more, Indian food, not one restaurant in Udon, seems odd that Thais don't like it.

    Actually, many do, but some call it 'men' (w/ rising tone) 'stinky' due to the use of Ghee (clarified butter) in many Indian dishes... I like the smell, and it brings back fond memories of an Indian GF many many years ago.... :o

  5. This in relation to shopgirls 300th post. She is happy that she reached this mildstone. I agree with her. But why so many negative posts? To this and other posts that are cleartly light hearted or even in jest. Some people should cheer up and be positive in life. Also when people ask a genuine request or question they are put down and made to feel like a T###. Come on guys. Lighten up. Just my look out in life. No need for it. A wise man once said. CHILL MAN!

    Well.... Life is all about 'balance'. Without Negativity, there can be no Positivity. So, the negatives are needed as much as the positives.

    It would be wierd and kinda pointless if all the responses to forums were 'nice' positive statements. I am sure that much of the negative stuffs are attempts at humor, even sometimes perverse humor.... and wind-ups.... And some people are too sensitive and some of the sensitive should CHILL also...

    We are all here for different reasons and we are in ourselves all different, therefore we must accept each other and our differences. Ying and Yang.... Give and Take



    Well, more like Yin and Yang. Here's a primer for those interested http://asiarecipe.com/yinyang.html

    And I agree with you about balance.... :o

  6. i see a lot of thais carrying around those harrod's tote bags.  maybe one of them.  seems like a status symbol.

    I agree. I think that's a great idea. That's the kind of stuff many Thais would like to have, it seems. Stuff like Man U t shirts and such would go over well, too, I'm sure.

    I would suggest dumping the chocolate, or buying it here just prior to giving. Too easy to get smashed, and likely to melt into a blob without special care. And, frankly, I've never heard any Thai profess to be a fancy chocolate appreciater.. Most of the Thai kanoms (sweets) here are based on non-chocolate ingredients...

    But, I appreciate good chocolate, and I'm a very appreciative gift-getter :o

  7. I am not Thai.

    What sad-assed, no-life people would want to pretend to be what they are not?

    That is really, really SAD :wub:

    Hey, I don't know about the others, but I am really a Beautiful Thai girl.... Bpen Pooying Thai Suai Saui....:D:o

    Narachon I'm come to New York on the Next Plane -_-:D

    Ummm the tone on 'Suai Saui'? Maybe not a rising tone in this case? :D

    Keep your hand on your wallet :D

  8. but these red ants, have a bench in the garden, when sitting down reading the paper they bite me to ######, if any of you have the same problem , i think i have found a cure, spray vinager where they are,  the problem solved,  :D

    How long does the vinegar last before they come back- and they always will, in my experience, even when I spray them with chemicals likely to give me cancer in 5 years... :o

    The chemy stuff is oil based, and very effective for about six months in my case. I wonder about the effect continued use of vinegar might have on the finish, too.

    Those little ###### red ants are annoying! :D

    The BIG red ones though, I show proper respect. Strong, and very aggressive when ###### with. So far, our understanding is one of 'live, and let live'. Once, I teased one with the edge of my business card- and he yanked it out of my hand! :D

  9. I couldn't get my rent back from first landlady..this time by slightly delaying payment of rent, then getting front desk to put next months date on the bill, further confusing them by offering to pay 2 months to clear up a 3 month period while i would be away,etc etc......upshot is that the landlord holds no deposit....don't think he knows this and the front desk certainly doesn't.....works for me :o

    that's usually the way to go. confuse them. offer them no details, that's the way to do it here. that's how thai's do it. they take advantage of other people's ignorance or stupidity.

    right, ###### them in any deceitful and devious means you can before they have a chance to get you...

    No wonder you have problems here.

  10. I don’t see how you can call the market overvalued at current levels. I consider the market’s P/E ratio a very poor gauge of market value, but since you brought it up… The current P/E on the DJIA is 17.2.

    Funny thing is a company like google, which George mentioned earlier, and which I subsequently did some research on, has a PE of 120! And today they are on a 26.90 run, so far... On a whim, after watching the movements over the last couple of days, and a moment after news of 3Q reports beating estimates hit the wires, I tested my current strategy out and caught about half the 26.90 before jumping out waaay ahead. This time :o

    Cheers, George for the tip :D

  11. Same old mostly-boring stuff, same as here... :o

    American Democracy. An oxymoron?

    The Real Reason For The Iraq War Part Ii (Pages 1 2 )

    Thai Porn Websites How do you feel about them?

    What Pisses Me Off! / Makes Me Laugh!

    tongue in cheek only

    The Mark Of The Beast. It is here.

    Rainman Is Leaving..

    Education what to think of "values"?

    New Regulations (viisa-run) does it bother you?

    Ofcs Ya' wha'?

    Vip Meeting?

    Thailand "hub" Of ...

    any war that ...

    Pendant - Man

    Fighting Terror (Pages 1 2 3 ...4 )

    Can't Give Up

    Dirty Jokes anyone? Vip Members (Pages 1 2 )

    Instructions For Farang Life In Thailand.

    Good Job Wolfie!

    The Regulars Have Gone Quiet

    why?, where have they gone? Cartoons

    Just for fun

    New Vip Members

    Who to ask

  12. You know what? In real life, you do get ###### sometimes, but you always have a choice as to whether you ###### someone else, or not. Of course it feels terrible and you feel angry or whatever, but trashing someones property won't change the facts and won't get your money back in any form. If your landlord has broken a law, then file a crimminal report with the police- their policy is arrest first and ask questions later- after substantial bail is posted...But, by the same token, if your landlord is following your written agreement and you trash his place because you don't want to wait for the bills to come in, it'll be your ass in jail if you're still around, to be sure.

    Not to mention (again and again) that such stupid actions purely to satisy your own ego could have far-reaching effects on every farang after you....And, for some, it's confirmation that farangs cetainly deserve to be called 'kii nok'.

    If you get ######, but don't want to follow through with some kind of civilized action to get your money, or get whatever your problem is fixed, then ###### deal with like a ###### man and move on, or come and whinge here.

    Like the signature at the bottom says....

  13. I have never  had a problem with getting my deposit back. I can remember at least 7 apartments I lived in Bangkok. The only annoying thing was them charging 1000 baht to clean a perfectly clean apt. I used to always worry about not getting it back in my first couple of years here.

    Got thrown out a townhouse in a posh area once for having drunken parties. She didn't give us any notice(well 3 days) - we used the phone to call around the world around the clock. God, that must have been an ernomous bill!!!

    The phone bill is usually the main bill that any landlord is worried about with any farang, and here you've confirmed good reason for that fear. It can take 2 months before you see the most recent CAT phone bill (overseas calls).

    But, for those of you not considering ###### with your landlord, you can go to your local CAT office and ask for a 'estimate' of your current bill, which is basically just a printout of your calls and charges overseas. You can request the bill up to the date you walk in.... 200 baht the last time I did it a few years ago. Saved me and the landlord from any potential bad feelings. Oh, and they still send the bill out later. They do not want you to pay then. It's only to provide concrete evidence to accurately predict your bill for that period....It also saves from the landlord running up your bill after you've left and charging you...Which I've heard of happening, too.

  14. is being kept on hold for half the evening worth a few hundred baht?

    or was it a painless process?

    Less than a hundred baht for two days......But I'll guess it was more important to make his point, in his own way....Something that I can almost always do, but rarely will it payoff in such a profound way- and you must realize that getting a company to basically give money back to you in Thailand is an extremely rare occurrence, at least in my experience. Hence, the sincere congrats :o

  15. ...my Thai girlfriend likes Pai but is wary of travelling on the road to Chiang Mai on any sort of regular basis...also the distance from medical facilities. :o  :D

    Last I heard, there was an airport going up in Pai...

    Always has been, but they're expanding it to accept commercial air traffic- at least that's the plan.

  16. I have been holding off paying my bill, waiting for the letter from UBC saying how much

    they intend to compensate viewers for the two days of lost.

    Last night I was getting messages on the screen threatening cut off of service on the 25th

    if the bill is not paid.  So I telephoned UBC.

    I got the usual excuses about technical problems with Thaicom.

    I pointed out that is UBC's problems not mine, and that UBC has an

    obligation to provide service to its customers.

    Eventually they agreed to discount my bill for the two days of missing service.

    Have you got your discount yet?? :D

    Congrats on winning one- such a rarity here, it seems at times :D

    Of course, don't forget to watch your back now, na'? :D:o

  17. Now that's a horse of a different color, in my book. I find the fact that some non-government (tax) supported businesses charge foreigners higher prices to be despicable and worthy of condemnation by refusing to go to such places.

    Some years ago, I took a couple of Bkk Thai friends to the snake farm in Mae Rim. Not only was I charged the farang price, but they also tried to charge my Thai friends the farang price to try to cover up their scam. I confronted them, feeling that I would be satisfied with my Thai friends at least getting the Thai price. The owner denied there was dual pricing and refused to back down, so I turned around and went back to my car. At that moment, a van full of farang tourists showed up and I pointed out that they would be charged 3 times the local rate. They told their tour guide to take them some place else...

    "Som naam naa", I mouthed to the owner from across the parking lot, as the 1500 baht he expected drove away...

    Sure put me in a better mood :o

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