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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Ajarn wrote:-

    ...there are a couple of very clued in Thai folks here, like snowleopard...

    Judging by the occasional insults in Swedish that he chucks in Meadish Sweetball's direction, I think Snow Leopard is of a Scandanavian persuasion. :D


    Good point. One never knows what 'truth' is here, na'? :o

    And with google and a Thai language learners book (or a Thai wife) anyone can be an 'expert' here on most any topic... :D

    I certainly make no bones about not being an expert in the Thai language, but I've used it every day, all day, for the past 18+ years. I rarely use English (except here). I can communicate anything I need to, but not always sounding so hot, I'm sure. I'm still challenged by the language every day, but these are the kinds of challenges that attracted me to this country in the first place, and I firmly believe one can never really 'know' Thailand without knowing the language.

    The more I learn, the more I see how much more there is for me to learn :D

  2. ...I also miss the courtesy of other drivers, especially when comparing to Thai drivers...

    I actually got a "hand up" thanks from a song-taew driver today. I pulled over to let him get passed my pick-up in a very narrow soi and he raised his hand. Very unusual, very nice. (Or is that a rude gesture in Thailand :D ).

    How many fingers showing? :o

    Maybe I'm nuts, but it seems like I've been seeing more of these kinds (the nice kinds..) of acknowledgements lately. Anyone else noticing this?

  3. Jai Kwaang (wide-heart) is closer to 'generous' in a more literal sense I think, but I understand your use of 'generous' here, in broader terms... I think of Jai dee as 'good person, generally', more general in use, it seems, with more act-specific words like jai kwaang, naam jai, etc., used to describe some specifics acts to mean that the person is also jai dee...

    ...Maybe :D:o

  4. I'm sure there are plenty of farangs who can quote their Thai wives quite well :o , so I'm sure you'll get all your questions answered. And there are a couple of very clued in Thai folks here, like snowleopard, to help. I'm single now, so I have to rely more on myself, which isn't nearly as reliable with Thai language issues, even after a number of years here. I come here to learn, too... :D

  5. My ability to understand Thai is getting a lot better now however I am now constantly in the situation where the person who is talking to me pressumes I'm fluent.

    If someone starts talking to me in Thai and says kaojai mai whats the best way to say yes some or not everything. At the moment I'm saying kaojai or kaojai nit noi.

    Nothing wrong with what you're saying now. Nice and simple. I would say don't worry about the more complicated forms right now, especially if your tone production isn't very good. Better to be understood clearly the first time :o

    If your ears are better than your mouth, try using a taperecorder so you can hear what theThais hear you say.... Excellent way to self-help on the tones, in my experience, if you already know what the correct tones should be .

  6. wimpy,

    You're smarter than average, getting out in 4/2000.  I know a few who are 'holding' and might live long enough to get even.

    If you are going to trade individual stocks, you must learn how to read the health of the market, and have a discipline for getting out. Otherwise, you will eventually get hurt; possibly to the point of no recovery.



    That's a good point about discipline. Sometimes it's best to set limits for yourself about how much you're willing to lose- or win- before either taking your lumps, or taking your profits... I've dumped all my Intel because it finally dawned on me that it was unlikely (famous last words on the market!) to get back, in my lifetime, to where I bought in at $33.... I realised, after the fact of course, that I should have shorted, but hey, c’est la vie. Still, it's better for me to dump it and free up the money for something else that may give me a better chance of making my money back that I lost in the last year (which I just got back through playing google hot and heavy for a couple of days- though I should have shorted yesterday rather than going long :o

  7. I went out for a drive to Chiang Dao again today. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed some road construction starting south of Mae Tang...and of course more construction north Of Chiang Dao near the Wiang Heng intersection... It looks like they're building a 4+ lane ring road around the downtown Chiang Dao area... I agree that the downtown area is just too narrow and congested to handle much more traffic, but I've never had the feeling that any other part of that road is anywhere near a saturation point...

    Today I noticed the construction has been stepped up, and the section south of Mae Tang is getting the Hang Dong road construction look... Looks like another 15 years or so of construction tearing up the road. One of my favorite roads soon to be like the road south of Hang Dong- which, in my opinion, is MUCH more dangerous than before because of the terrible quality of the road work. Even the newest sections have huge holes, mountains of rippled asphalt...What a ###### bad joke...

    I love going out for relaxing drives around here, and I lament the passing of the Chiang Dao road....

  8. If STAR is the only one available, then I think it's no alternative for UBC, since UBC has most, if not all, the STAR stuff. Cost-wise, it would take maybe 3 years to break even on a satellite vs UBC.

    True, but STAR has the programmes anything up to a year before UBC,

    and no silly blocking of people smoking etc.

    You mean to say the the STAR on UBC is not the same STAR as other STAR subscribers see? I would never have thought that....Are you sure?

  9. Id like to meet Georgie Porgie  :D

    On a serious note: Penzman, pnusted, Jay, 12call, Bronco, Dr PP, mbk??, Boon Mee, "beautiful" Nat, shopgurl, wolf157?, britmaverick (see if he really is a two headed brit  :wub: ), mandl and Tukyleith.

    Boon and Dr - your right!  :D

    Right...about what, Gent?

    You want to meet Georgie, I'm sure he's dying to meet you too! :o

    I've known Georgie casually for maybe 10 years. Quite a nice guy in person... I notice he likes to stir it up here :D .... Not at all like his real persona, in my experience. :D

  10. Star will be an alternative for the southern half of the Kingdom, up to Bangkok at least.

    If STAR is the only one available, then I think it's no alternative for UBC, since UBC has most, if not all, the STAR stuff. Cost-wise, it would take maybe 3 years to break even on a satellite vs UBC.

    Some might say, " But then you own the equipment"... But, it never ceases to amaze me how accurate those 2-year warranties seem to be here. I can think of many electronic/electrical things I've bought here that went kaput shortly after the warranty expired. My motor for the sat dish and the (PSI) receiver/decoder itself are the most recent examples....

  11. tks - just called PSI - there may be solutions with subscription cards for channels like CNN - anyway, whatever it takes, since seven years I pay the yearly increases of UBC without a choice - this has to change - they're one of the most expensive cable operators worldwide with such a poor service.

    keep you posted and remain interested in hints, helps and ideas? many thanks - d.

    Maybe another kind of subscription service from Malaysia or the Phillipines might work for you if you live in Bkk or further south. Star is already on UBC... In Chiang Mai, where I live, we are too far north of any of those footprints, I think....

    I have both systems.....And I haven't turned on the sat receiver for months. Just nothing particularly interesting to me usually. I prefer UBC personally, but I mostly just use it for background noise and the National Geographic, History, and Discovery channels...

  12. Buy a PSI sattelite which has become increasing popular as a viable alternative to UBC. The equipment cost + installation is about 17,000 baht. There are hundreds of channels worldwide. You can aslo watch the Premiership here.

    Further details at PSI Website

    Good luck. :o

    For that price, you'll only get a fixed dish...Figure 30,000 baht for a PSI moveable dish and receiver, in my experience

  13. I guess my theories of common sense and English language meanings should be tossed, huh? 

    I guess the question can be looked at in a different way. I actually think that they and you are both being fooled, maybe you moreso. You are always fooling yourself, but not always others :o

    Okay, I think I have your train of thought now :D:D

  14. QUOTE (Neeranam @ Mon 2004-10-25, 21:15:07)

    If I make others believe I am something that I'm not, who is being fooled?

    They are? 

    Mai took tong na krap :D

    Try again!

    I guess my theories of common sense and English language meanings should be tossed, huh? :o

  15. Sure is easier to remember truth, rather than a lie, but maybe the truth isn't as fun for some? 

    Ajarn..........the truth is not always fun but that's reality. Lies always catches up with a person and in the end the truth will be revealed. Where are they going to hide then or do then?? :D

    You sure don't sound Thai to me! :D (joking)

    Like you suggested, you can run from the truth, but you can't hide, na'? :o

    I just find it easier now to be transparent. I prefer to be real now. And my life wasn't always like that before....If I ###### up, I try to accept my responsibility-Funny, but it actually makes me feel great sometimes to admit my wrongs- not that I'm going to try to set myself up for too many of those 'great feelings' , though... :D

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