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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Wear or don't wear your helmet, but as far as the police checkpoints go, the are always moving around, so notification would not be very efective, in my opinion. And as a result, you never know when you're going to be stopped, so, at least in town, it's best to have a helmet with you.

  2. Anybody recall a negative article that was written a few years back by some woman who was posted at the US consulate in Chiang Mai? She hated it. Chiang Mai was a real hardship posting for her. She made it sound as though she'd been assigned to Chad or Rwanda and couldn't wait to get back to somewhere civilized, like Washington. My memory is a little hazy but one thing I seem to recall her ranting about is guys seeking visas for their girlfriends/fiancees/wives.

    Anyway, if somebody remembers where this article can be found please post that info. It offered an informative look at the mindset of the type of person you are dealing with at these offices.

    Ovenman, I think I read the article, too. It was in the form of a letter to others coming in after her. Can't remember her name, but I recognized her attitude.. Believe it was in a 'government website' that I found during a search... Sorry, that's about it...

    Now that you've jogged my memory, that sounds correct. I believe I stumbled upon this item because a post in some other forum referenced it. This was a little while back, may even pre-date the advent of TV.com.

    Don't think it is that old, because she was still here 4 years ago, so I think it was about 3 years ago, ovenman

  3. Anybody recall a negative article that was written a few years back by some woman who was posted at the US consulate in Chiang Mai? She hated it. Chiang Mai was a real hardship posting for her. She made it sound as though she'd been assigned to Chad or Rwanda and couldn't wait to get back to somewhere civilized, like Washington. My memory is a little hazy but one thing I seem to recall her ranting about is guys seeking visas for their girlfriends/fiancees/wives.

    Anyway, if somebody remembers where this article can be found please post that info. It offered an informative look at the mindset of the type of person you are dealing with at these offices.

    Ovenman, I think I read the article, too. It was in the form of a letter to others coming in after her. Can't remember her name, but I recognized her attitude.. Believe it was in a 'government website' that I found during a search... Sorry, that's about it...

  4. I note that the solicitor who found LaChapelle's body belongs to the same law firm with which George Dubie was associated before he was shot in July this year

    Why?? Are you suggesting that ICO is acting like they had something to do with this... You, my dear, are an idiot

  5. It really seems to depend on where you live, although I am not clear on how it works exactly.

    Most ISPs guarantee a fixed maximum number of share partners (khuu saai in Thai) and my theory (not confirmed) is that these share partners are taken from the same general area as yourself.

    So if Loxinfo has a guaranteed share ratio of 15 subscribers to one line, and that ratio is full, you will experience slower speeds, but a person living in a different part of town where there are only 2 subscribers sharing one line, will get a good connection...

    Not sure if this theory is correct though, does anybody else know?

    shit happens :o

  6. ~

    Has anyone else received one of the new boxes from UBC?

    Our old one went a bit flakey and they replaced it with this now box that, to me, is a major hassle! The "skip programs" function does not work and viewing the program menu is a study in frustration.

    I plan to call them today and demand an older style box. If anyone else has the same problem, I will let you know how it goes...

    astro in malaysia has boxes now available with DVR! 200gigs or something like that. of course for some extra $$$ but all worth it.

    Non-cable boxes??

  7. I would suggest that you check with my friend 'Joe' at Good Will motorcycle on Soi2 Chiang Moi (intersection with Thai Military Bank). Phone is 251-186. He's selling/fixing various bikes, some he has owned, and you can trust him. Seriously. :o

  8. Maybe I am wrong then also Ajarn, I thought the collision spot was on the inside of the moat, in front of Mikes.

    In any event get well quickly Richard, then you can go and photograph the site for us all


    Who knows.. When he said to me, 'Yes Ajarn, it was the intereection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'' '

    I thought he was heading south on Chaiyaphoom, and went straight, instead of turning left onto Chiang moi... ??

  9. Yes, I think it is fair to suggest that Richard caused the problem, since he was the only person making an illegal turn. If he had been turning normally, the accident would not have happened. Period. He was the one driving crazily, and no defensive driving on the truck drivers part is going to change that..

    You are 'blaming' the driver based on law. You should not blame him for trying to leave, since no problems were caused by his leaving, No problem at all... he left from panic, which I can understand.

    One of the very few times I have to disagree with you Ajarn..... It would appear to me that the truck driver was attempt to pass another vehicle [albeit a small vehicle] in the process of a left turn in an intersection..... I think that this would have put him at equal fault. ..... and I agree that it is done every day practically at every intersection.... on a single turning lane you should have one lane of traffic not two..... but that is my opinion..... and it is a western opinion not local.....which not doubt may differ.... when in Rome ......

    and panic is very probable in a case like this, but still no justification for leaving the scene of an accident. This is an area where an excuse like this in just not acceptable , only for personal gain at the expense of another's , possible life....



    I don't know what you mean by saying the truck was 'trying to pass'. It seems to me that the truck was tying to turn left from the second lane. Because the left lane is a 'turn only' lane, the lane next to it is then a 'left turn or straight ahead' option, which is what I see at most other such intersections in Thailand...

    From my memory, which has been known to be wrong .... once long time ago, , Moon Muang is one way , Northbound on the inside of the moat. The intersecting street [Rajwithee Rd.] is one lane Eastbound and one lane Westbound, inside the moat. For Eastbound traffic there is no straight thru option [legal] as I seem to remember barricades directing all eastbound traffic [which is one lane] to turn left onto Moon Muang then to the next crossover near Somphet Mkt. to do a 'U' Turn.

    Yes, I do agree that any time you are Northbound on Moon Muang, you will see motorcycles either shooting across to go over the moat, or waiting to do so. This is what I believe Richard was attempting to do.

    Thus my comment that the truck driver was attempting to pass on/in an intersection, I was attempting to say that as there is one lane eastbound, the truck should have been following Richard and not been beside him. I think there is enough room [widthwise for a truck and amotorcycle, but not for two car width vehicles. The truck driver should have been following Richard thru the intersection, then passed if it was necessary, not passing in the intersection itself. If Richard would have been using the entire lane from the middle, the truck would not have had enough space in that lane to come along side and try to pass.

    To me it seems that we have a situation of two wrongs making a wreck.


    Maybe I'm confused.. What does Moon muang have to do with anything? Yes, if Richard was trying to cut across the road in front of Mikes, rather than turning, He would be making an illegal turn, too, But am I wrong if I say that is not what he was doing?? I wasn't there, but Maejo Man was..

  10. Yes, I think it is fair to suggest that Richard caused the problem, since he was the only person making an illegal turn. If he had been turning normally, the accident would not have happened. Period. He was the one driving crazily, and no defensive driving on the truck drivers part is going to change that..

    You are 'blaming' the driver based on law. You should not blame him for trying to leave, since no problems were caused by his leaving, No problem at all... he left from panic, which I can understand.

    One of the very few times I have to disagree with you Ajarn..... It would appear to me that the truck driver was attempt to pass another vehicle [albeit a small vehicle] in the process of a left turn in an intersection..... I think that this would have put him at equal fault. ..... and I agree that it is done every day practically at every intersection.... on a single turning lane you should have one lane of traffic not two..... but that is my opinion..... and it is a western opinion not local.....which not doubt may differ.... when in Rome ......

    and panic is very probable in a case like this, but still no justification for leaving the scene of an accident. This is an area where an excuse like this in just not acceptable , only for personal gain at the expense of another's , possible life....



    I don't know what you mean by saying the truck was 'trying to pass'. It seems to me that the truck was tying to turn left from the second lane. Because the left lane is a 'turn only' lane, the lane next to it is then a 'left turn or straight ahead' option, which is what I see at most other such intersections in Thailand...

  11. Yes, I think it is fair to suggest that Richard caused the problem, since he was the only person making an illegal turn. If he had been turning normally, the accident would not have happened. Period. He was the one driving crazily, and no defensive driving on the truck drivers part is going to change that..

    You are 'blaming' the driver based on law. You should not blame him for trying to leave, since no problems were caused by his leaving, No problem at all... he left from panic, which I can understand.

  12. It makes me wonder just how fast he was going on a left turn and if his excessive speed is the reason I was not able to get out of his way. Because to damage the radiator on a truck to the point of forcing the truck to stop, I would have to damage everything in front of that first.

    Come on, from the sound of things, how fast can one turn left? What is the speed limit?... :D

    Okay, two people driving foolishly, hit each other. Under the law, the biker is at fault, but if you look a bit, one might say that if neither drove crazily, neither would be in their present (uncomfortable) position..

    On another issue, who is going to fix the Pick-up? It sounds to me like the driver, himself...:D

    I say <deleted> the driver of the pick up. IF MM's understanding is correct the <deleted> did a runner.

    He wasn't giving a <deleted> about how Richard and his wife were. :o

    No thanks to the driver but they are gonna be OK

    So what if he ran. He didn't cause the accident, so why would he fear? No problem was caused by him leaving, but a few thousand baht in payments from this guy would affect him a lot more than the man who caused the problem in the beginning...

    Something to think about...

  13. It makes me wonder just how fast he was going on a left turn and if his excessive speed is the reason I was not able to get out of his way. Because to damage the radiator on a truck to the point of forcing the truck to stop, I would have to damage everything in front of that first.

    Come on, from the sound of things, how fast can one turn left? What is the speed limit?... :o

    Okay, two people driving foolishly, hit each other. Under the law, the biker is at fault, but if you look a bit, one might say that if neither drove crazily, neither would be in their present (uncomfortable) position..

    On another issue, who is going to fix the Pick-up? It sounds to me like the driver, himself...:D

  14. You are very lucky. Was it the intersection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'??

    Yes Ajarn, it was the intereection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'. About 1130 at night.

    I heard later the farang police was telling people I had died. I'm glad they were wrong.

    I think if you were there you would have heard me screaming everytime I was moved.

    Yeah, sometimes I'm parked right in front, watching people unable to go up and make a quick U-Turn. I always watched them closely, and wondered what happens when they 'made a mistake'.

    Sorry that it happened to you, but there have been many others before you, acting just as lazily...

    Oh, wait a minute.. You were coming down the road in the left lane (left turn only), but you tried to go straight? Now, that is crazy! :o

  15. Ajarn, I don't think he's paying the cleaner 6000 baht a month, it's the rent. I would be more interested if this was "Total" cost or do you pay extra for water and electricity.

    Ah, that makes more sense to me... :o

  16. You are very lucky. Was it the intersection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'??

    Yes Ajarn, it was the intereection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'. About 1130 at night.

    I heard later the farang police was telling people I had died. I'm glad they were wrong.

    I think if you were there you would have heard me screaming everytime I was moved.

    Yeah, sometimes I'm parked right in front, watching people unable to go up and make a quick U-Turn. I always watched them closely, and wondered what happens when they 'made a mistake'.

    Sorry that it happened to you, but there have been many others before you, acting just as lazily...

  17. 3. There is widespread violence in the villages (and cities of course). In old times, peasants in Europe were viewed as brutes who did feral things. Well, villages haven't changed that much through time and locale. Do the math: un-educated, scraping for a living, poor diet, corrupt local government and even teachers, police and media -- even family members who are out to cheat you -- widespread alcoholism and drug abuse (when available), corrupt clergy who themselves may not know what ideals the religion should attain. Is that enough? The list is longer, but I'll stop. With no effective police to prevent anything, only catch people afterward, it indeed is a witches brew for violence.

    No doubt there is a bit more violence in the villages than in the far more comfortable middle class communities in the cities. You are correct that there really is no police presence untill after a crime has been comitted and reported. But the violence I saw in the 15 years of living in a remote rural village usually centered around either a love triangle (most common) or a land dispute. And I disagree with some of your math as most people, even in these remote villages were literate, had a decent diet, and were not out to cheat everyone.

    Although Thai men do drink alot, there is enough social pressure in the villages to deter outright alcoholism from becoming endemic. Although after the rice harvest is complete, you can see most of the men in the village going on a communal binge for a few days. Sure every village has a few drunks. And some villages have reputations for being hard drinking just as some villages have reputations as being big on gambling.

    But it is not a witches brew. The vast majority of the time, life in the rural villages is quite sedate.


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