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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Land of ear to ear smiles with garroting and one more than lucky man ????
  2. Number tree in the lottery for the car crushed owner as blood from a stone is now proven ????
  3. Your local market will have a wide selection of grubs if you have the stomach for them ????
  4. Oh no another rogue cop shooting Thailand's reputation away expect BJ a vinyl board and a pointing stick to arrive in the smart car and restore it ????
  5. This is the week old story that never made it on here where the police were left in their underpants with their guns clothes and cars stolen in a so called drugs bust that went wrong at the carry on policing studio remake ????
  6. Land of toppling bamboo cranes all normal apart from anyone being wiped out ????
  7. Wonder if any prostitutes are available after you have lost your shirt and do they have a suggestion box?????
  8. Palang Pracharath top leader-cum-Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan what a mouthful will it fit on the ballot paper ????
  9. Yes we don't want any kids enjoying themselves for 5 years better to hunt down a probably fake Chinese owner in this very fishy story of lost income ????
  10. By coincidence I had a look at many webcams last night dotted around tourist areas and wow there aren't any people yet alone tourists and with ticket prices to get here at least doubling its looking like a low high season for sure well done Prayut ????
  11. Ideal for the police to get some extra sleep time before raiding starts at 4.01 am ????
  12. With millions of badge laden uniform wearing exhibits here why do you need a gorilla when you have so many peacocks ????
  13. Nothing like a good incarceration for minor infringements wonder if any were any monks caught revving ????
  14. He means the Swiss accounts are overflowing with enough to buy some more time.. end of translation ????
  15. Don't bother with just one day you have April fools year here on repeat ????
  16. The assailant sounds like a general of some description to me ????
  17. All that pocket money vanishing and with the police awake at 3am how stupid this operation looks ????
  18. Another case of the elephant suffering from brake failure ????Rip
  19. Through telepathy after a seance then saying is anyone there I think ????
  20. You have to laugh the RTP with monetary legal advice and funds of a mysterious nature ????
  21. It will all go down hill if there's a nasty whiff form the toilets so check there first for any hidden exhibits is my tip of the day ????
  22. Ever wonder what a toad with a fork tongue sounds like wonder no more, then wonder what the executor of a will's job is and wonder what's the point of having one if they don't need to know everything about the deceased assets????
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