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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. He reminds me of a big Rishi full of useless deflections and no substance 🤔
  2. Nart is also known as Nark liable to flip his lid when hungry 🤔
  3. Sounds like pharaoh kerfuffle police would have arrived in an instant 🤔
  4. Never mind about downward dog she will be practicing the outbound version 🤔
  5. Land of smiles can quickly turn into land of hot grimaces on a tiny budget I would like her to try saving on oxygen next 🤔
  6. She should have stuck it out until stage two training the reinforcement of trouser pockets and football results🤔
  7. Wicker man unfortunately made off at high speed 🤔
  8. Now people that will leave 5,000 baht after disbursements and sub-committees for a needy abbot 🤔
  9. This is easy just cut the number of generals by half and leave the other 75,000 to run the army ...next 🤔
  10. Terror has come home to a terrorist state remember MH17, Salisbury, Navalny to name but a few "kama" and more to come 🤔
  11. Now that big joke and big ballsak are in the office attention may have been shifted to the 3 o'clock at Newmarket 🤔
  12. Xi will say it's high time we opened and operated our own police stations here after all we own it 🤔
  13. No policemen have been arrested yet but there is bound to be one 🤔
  14. He can visit New Scotland Yard then from the professionals find out how not to get caught, and the good news is it's just around the corner from Betfred and William Hill 🤔
  15. Land of the unusual colorful ways to die here vol 6 is now on sale 🤔Rip
  16. Can you get the miscreants to work on filling potholes on the top end of Soi 88 before you boot them out cos it's a job no Thai wants to do 🤔
  17. They look like a jolly time awaits your patronage in Jomtien, and more to the point what does one way traffic mean here 🤔
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