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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Eyes down your first number is all 4s 44 ????
  2. Sometimes have to wonder how a common general makes it on to any rich list allegedly???? Thailand’s Ministry of Defence has described as false a report on an overseas-based website which named Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan, also defence minister, as being among Asia’s 45 richest people. Ministry spokesman Lt-Gen Kongcheep Tantrawanich said Monday that the report lacks supporting evidence or reference and demanded that the administrator of www.investing.com disclose the source of its information about General Prawit’s alleged wealth and publish accurate information to dispel public suspicion. The spokesman said the website is reportedly operated by a company known as “Fusion Media” which is registered on the British Virgin Islands. The report of Prawit’s wealth has become a subject of widespread criticisms on the social media, with many netizens questioning how the deputy prime minister could amass such alleged wealth, despite the fact he was a career military officer until he moved into government. Lt-Gen Kongcheep said he believes the Thai media have appropriate professional ethics and good judgement to decide whether or not to disseminate such report without first checking its accuracy and the credibility of the sources. Without naming names, the defence spokesman warned certain elements, who shared the report on the social media, to stop or face legal consequences.
  3. So just a 90% fall to crown the generals tenure with a look on web cam taxi to prove it ????
  4. Just starting unusual ways to die in Thailand VOL 5 and being propelled into a klong by a tree makes it in ????Rip
  5. It always surprises me as to who is the individual that uncovered the corruption and who is investigating him ????
  6. There is a China town about 100 houses on my boundary wall its deserted and the jungle is now reclaiming even the clubhouse 6 months ago the security guard was withdrawn and the street lights turned off these are new houses some not even finished looks like everyone run out of money at the same time covid I suspect ????
  7. Though Prayut has been ordered by the Constitutional Court to stop performing the clown says the show must go on ... and on ????
  8. 30 Nano seconds is more than enough next will be where has all the money gone ????
  9. My still just under 4k pm seems a bargain compared to the UK though the Mrs isn't to pleased ????
  10. The ever mysterious comfortable foreign exchange reserve comes to the rescue if only it could be used in an emergency like now ????
  11. Half a dozen hand bags and a full set of luggage above their head and they didn't notice don't get on a bike with them ????
  12. Looking at web cam taxi on a regular basis I would say 5 million have gone back home ????
  13. Yes he has 3500bt of my Mrs money for invisible vaccines jail him for life ????
  14. Welcome I'm just finishing my lunch ????
  15. You mean tick tock time as he looks to be running the mortal kind ????
  16. There is only one way to deal with this problem piano wire a tree and an orange box = no more filth ????
  17. Looks like someone found the snide trainers before his feet got flattened ????
  18. Agree I bought a genuine Lolex for 500bt years ago ????
  19. The only fakes left now are currently running the country and will be the next job for the Anti-aircraft regiment????
  20. Was it the counting room ?????
  21. Your in safe hands the order has been given ????
  22. Next Prawit will rock up with a parrot on his shoulder to run the country ????
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