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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. On the plus side Anutin keeps his mask on as well making me feel less nauseous ????
  2. The entire government resigning and bringing back the cash should do it ????
  3. Surprised there are 8 luxurious pool villas in Chiang Mai ????
  4. Sounds more like the swanny river but nice to see vinyl boards and pointing sticks are back in action ????
  5. Translated.. there are mass fabrications ????
  6. Umm!! very difficult!! I would say everywhere bar where the Russians are on the map ????
  7. What a joke army ???? Russian SIMs roaming in Ukraine. Gives you a good idea of the concentration of their forces
  8. An urgent intervention by Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan means order a large supply of toilet rolls????
  9. Ok lads no more than 6 of you kicking grounded customers at the same time 7 for farangs ????
  10. According to officials, Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwon will be in charge of national affairs while the Thai prime minister is in the United States What a relief ... spare trousers on standby at the double????
  11. Was he expecting fine dining at the side of the road in his bowl of pixelated slop even the maggots get immunity here ????
  12. Leading figures involved include the son of a local politician who is preparing to talk to investigators. Preparing the runway in all probability ????
  13. He is like a limpet with scabies you will never be able to shake him off just scratch at it ????
  14. Cut his money supply and internet off should get him moving ????
  15. With cooking cleaning tea and coffee making gone so would I be????
  16. Not just rotten to the core here the whole forest is a rancid cesspool ????
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