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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Nothing to do with overloading speeding sleeping maintenance just an accident ????Rip
  2. Nothing to see here just part of the special ganja operation that will be over in 3 days ????
  3. The conflict between the Israeli and Hamas/Palestine; Qatar/Hezbollah/Iran/Russia to be accurate ????
  4. Horrible horrible the only consolation is you will be avenged swiftly and without mercy ????Rip
  5. But only if you promise not to shoot, drown, or run them down ????
  6. Over 5,000 is an alarming number 15+ planeloads everyone who needs to get out get out now it may well get very messy ????
  7. I’m in the top 2% of wealth and 10% of income earners in the U.S. So as a multi billionaire what are you in Thailand for prostitutes ? ????
  8. Ok men don't shoot and paralyze any pork sellers when drunk or forget cash is king good luck and make me richer at the double ????
  9. It's looking like TAT are not in control of the figures only the calculator tourists are a fickle bunch when the shooting starts and the rinsing never stops ????
  10. I would be jailed for fifty thousand years for my thoughts on Prayut ????
  11. It looks like they could be preparing for a food fight first ????
  12. My biggest fear is the dip in my sofa is expanding and the 12 hour twitter x ban I got yesterday for a comment about Trump that was deemed hate speech however that was even possible ????
  13. Spooky you should mention this as I smiled like a girl when I bought this in Tesco for 99bt for my fine head of hair last week????
  14. Sure it will be because if any good news can be extracted from this story the latest unelected government will want to claim it ????
  15. 1) Snatch 2) lock Stock 3) We Were Soldiers ????
  16. Very good news at last ..but the bad news is here's your tax and hospital check up bill ????
  17. Notice that all reporting at the moment distinguishes Palestinian's and Hamas as two separate people if this is the case give up Hamas the hostages and their locations they just launched 5,000 missiles and invaded a neighbor killing and hostage taking and peaceful Palestinians knew nothing about it in a 25km patch of land with 2.5m people on it is ridiculous .. My view is they are one and the same and shout Allah Akbar at will ????
  18. Its a nightmare for her and many Srettha get busy fast and help ????Rip
  19. Thailand’s internationally-recognized standards of excellence in healthcare services. If you have the cash to pay for it of course ????
  20. Suicide bombers by nature don't give a dam about who they use play with fire expect to get burnt. There are also 1000's of pictures from yesterday of executions beheadings torture abductions to graphic to post here ????
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