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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Not sure about the rocks in the headline but there sure looks to be plenty of c**ks 🤔
  2. And they are buying a stairway to booting 🤔
  3. Should have called the site "fanny" not minnie as there is nothing but fannying about going on here ..who has and where is the cash? and the case can be closed and passed on to a carpet lifting and brush department 🤔
  4. Checks on foreigners in Phuket for possible links to organized crime .. Tick, passed with flying colors enjoy your stay 🤔
  5. Done it 10+ times in the last 3 years no stop over 11-12 hrs straight and forget the speed cameras 🤔
  6. Most likely a successful police employee until he wasn't 🤔
  7. Now known as the shifty's 🤔
  8. The dog was most probably Russian 🤔
  9. Shocked by the contents of "---- you" that can now be used inside a couple of quotation marks ..." but not really " 🤔
  10. Not forgetting this is the land where the Red Bull heir wiped out a copper and eluded any form of justice 🤔
  11. A hub but no hubble-bubble 🤔
  12. No blurring of photos for these crims hopefully they will proceed with a defamation case in a couple of years or so 🤔
  13. Was the site called "BJ Ferrari" by any chance ?🤔
  14. Check his box he has been on the gear for sure 🤔
  15. One Swiss Wai and a packet of crisps will be made into a soap saga and lottery for sure 🤔
  16. Please collect your free UNESCO super soaker in the baggage reclaim hall 🤔
  17. Ever been involved in a speedboat accident? then call today here at swindlers are us for a jolly good rinsing 🤔
  18. Newsflash all cops are fake here just ask Big joke 🤔
  19. It takes 4 weeks to arrive and that's past the due date of 3 weeks that then makes you panic, courier costs £20 and arrives in 5 days both cards did arrive but I already canceled the first snail mail one 🤔
  20. Catch the swine and feed him to the pigs Harold 🤔
  21. A lampost piano wire and a 3 leg stool spring to mind for this detritus 🤔
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