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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Do they mean viral as in covid cos I have no idea wtf is going on here ????
  2. Sounds like its going to cost a lot more than 300b per vote to end this surge and if that fails we all know what comes next ????
  3. Horror yesterday horror today horror tomorrow horror far into the past and future its a death hub cluster ????
  4. We need someone to say Nori have seaweed Mister then we can understand ????
  5. Beware of anyone with their helmet in their hand it can be weaponized ????
  6. The whole driving population is intoxicated with incompetence before the alcohol ????Rip
  7. On the subject of Kbank did a 14km round trip to branch yesterday only to find it was bank holiday Thursday Returned today first through the door and it took 45mins and 3 tellers debating every keystroke to update my Baht and pound account then change £5k and put in my Baht account lost the will to live at one stage along with writers cramp in my signing hand what a faff banking is here????
  8. Sounds like he Hacked the photocopy store of a trillion bits of paper????
  9. Now its all safely at the next level of disappearance on the hierarchy carousel ????
  10. Is it time to mention that age old fable the foreign currency reserve or has that already gone mysteriously ????
  11. Sounds like from his own lips he is going to re-coup himself with this garbled nonsense ????
  12. Some eyewatering big price rises in Tops and Vila market HH I noticed today it looks like they are trying to recover the economy from a single can of Off ????
  13. Update for any struggling Dell users especially 7790 model you need to disable "safe boot" by pressing F2 on start up after first finding your "bit locker key" 48 digits long in windows that you will need on startup what a faff for an update but it works ????
  14. Lots more updates on this in Thai news its grown to 100m+ now. and even more riveting is the Joe Ferrari aka plastic bag mans assets have disappeared along with another cop in charge of selling it all looking forward to reading the story in swamp weekly ????
  15. I'm relived I have no idea what the OP is talking about ????
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