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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. April fool with a big joke in da house is not the fool is it said one clown in a big top dressed as fake PM in a generals uniform ????
  2. Good Egyptians and Jordanians in bad ones out everyone in-between knocked out by chair ????
  3. In previous years the acting masquerading PM has ordered it gone looks like its down to sucking on a mint this year. good luck and glad I got out ????
  4. To all RTP dinosaurs the two words "spread online " is your new nemesis ????
  5. Expect some massive spending to correct any misplaced X's on ballot papers the generals may have to go large this time ????
  6. Anyone crossing the existing tracks will welcome a flat bit of road instead of the pot hole laden assault courses they are now ????
  7. You know they are illegals when they tell you the direction to Moscow then offer a taxi to get there ????
  8. It turns out I may well need a bigger A/C before I melt my current one here in HH ????
  9. You have made it to the right place for silly comments enjoy ????
  10. Oh dear you will have to take this one on the chin and don't ever mention Taiwan's independence or even its existence I did but I think I got away with it ????
  11. I closed my 3rd chapter of unusual ways to die here years ago but...????
  12. I'm looking for a Z on his Tee-shirt but need more time ????
  13. I like the ones that stop and wait for you at junctions then pull out when you are in braking range best ????
  14. Well done now the hard bit make sure there is no Melee for your Melo ????
  15. Good luck trying even my Mrs hasn't cracked this one so its 7/11 easy ????
  16. There is still plenty of time to ban water throwing due to any old reason and swop to throwing monks for more excitement ????
  17. Its time for my constitutional after seeing that face ????
  18. Any robber breaking into my house would only be savaged by my sausage dog if he smelt of bacon or Greek yogurt ????
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