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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Been there seen exactly you porthole view x75 at least and wont ever see the hell hole ever again not that you can do much seeing right now my advice move somewhere else before it kills you ????
  2. I kid you not when I went to court I though it would be thrown out and compo would be coming my way but as they say the rest is history all you need is a inept barrister a liar and some fabrication and away you go ????
  3. I thought it was reasonable he managed to walk to the ambulance ????
  4. Yes 15 months first offence charge unlawful wounding an intruder result fell out of any sort of love with the UK Actions taken anything that I can get away with its not easy to forget decades later ????
  5. As a precaution all bottles have been removed from the table and a healing tattooist has been installed ????
  6. Yep its so hot my aircon unit is also suffering the symptoms of heatstroke and is likely to get a 10 second funeral with hammer rites very soon ????
  7. Its now so serious they can't play good cop/ bad cop in the interrogation room anymore just rank or rancid ????
  8. After 10+ Chiang Mai burn your lungs out seasons I found a solution "move" anything else is just talk ????
  9. He looks a bit rough are they sure this is sugar not his evil twin spice the drug mutt mule ????
  10. Just arrange to be Tasered whilst looking out to sea ????
  11. Out of the fire into the cooking pot hub of asylum and human rights this place is not just wait for the masters to say return them and they will disappear faster than a Uyghur wearing a free Taiwan tee-shirt ????
  12. What's Prawit going to do use his trousers as a fire blanket ????
  13. They need to have a word with Ronny's brother Reggie via a medium and find out if the whole of Patong is worth 100m to start with ????
  14. Carful you don't have some ones eye out with that flag, Wow look at the kidneys on her could be part of the biometrics system ????
  15. Is he going to start with the art of knitting smog ????
  16. Just some holy water fun no need for any tossing out at the monkhood put his frock back on and be friends again ????
  17. Garroting is all the perfectly normal part of two wheel driving experience that you can get in the land of very big permeant smiles ????
  18. There are a lot of Russians there swopping machine guns for water guns and hoping no smart cars turn up ????
  19. What's the betting on he will do 255 years on license in this justice circus ????
  20. Will he be saying its all a stormy in a teacup covfefe mulud ????
  21. Alternatively you can poke yourself in the eye and cut your own ear off for a similar immersive experience????
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