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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation it all belongs to a dead friend just ask the constitutional court ????
  2. Down payments of 300bt on polling day by all party's will of course be unaffected ????
  3. That looked like a Tik-Dik-head vid to me can't wait for next Tik-Dock-Jail coming very soon ????
  4. Silence the opposition in anyway possible by a court that only appears to move at speed when vested interests get threatened Chew them up Chuwit ????
  5. I update my FCD account that I use for RV equivalent of 800k every 2 months but that's just for my peace of mind never been asked for anything else apart from the update on the application day ????
  6. I can see some drivers removing a wheel or two to avoid the ban though ????
  7. A very strange thing just happened! I believe him (can't explain) and good luck finding it ????
  8. Unfortunately there are 3 policeman in the picture and that will make it a to good to be true story ????
  9. Stormy waters ahead for the tangerine dream by the look of it very very funny ????
  10. Lets hope his second night doesn't involve wakening up surrounded by a gang of ladyboys ????
  11. Well the that cleared that up then version is only clear in a Thai policeman's head for the rest of us its the usual swamp of suspicion involving money ????
  12. The negotiation over pay is over let the hacking and slashing begin ????Rip
  13. That looks like the place to start your wacky race engines pedestrians you are in the killing zone good luck????
  14. You say Red I say Dusky Pink just call the whole thing off as this headline story disappears with a million unsolved others ????
  15. Think I have spotted an Eartha Kitt zone coming ashore ????
  16. Unusual chest furniture the Pol-Gen is sporting is that a portrait of Mr Kim or the police fence ????
  17. Looks like the RTP will have multiple trails to follow including money kidneys liver heart and lungs ????
  18. Lets have a terrorist state to dinner tonight there's coin to be made.. looks as ugly as it gets governor ????
  19. "Yes" you will get a bottle on your head bar as its now known ????
  20. Storm and stormy the house will be making a lot of news this week jail the nutcase in the making ????
  21. Remove them to Pattaya we don't want any bitching about in this world class town ????
  22. Who cares about any foreign policy its foreign currency Swiss banking and London property market at these parties ????
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